"Aaah, dungeons.
Me? I love me a dungeon, tell you what. I grew up in a dungeon, you know, guy? Honestly, I don't really remember much of it. It's all kind of like a fever-dream at this point.
Ah. Childhood.
I stabbed my eye out and gave it to my sister. She tried to eat me, you know? It was a whole thing.
- Anyways, I'm rambling.
What you have to understand is that dungeons, like people, are just... different. Dungeon 'A' is as different to Dungeon 'B', just as Elf 'A' is different to Human 'B'. Personalities, preferences, things they like and don't like. Everyone is unique and dungeons, being the big things that they are, are extreme examples of it.
A person's uniqueness can only be seen on their limited exterior, until you get to know them. That means, unless you skin them, you're only ever going to see a little piece of who they are.
But don't skin your friends, guy, okay? It's not a very neighborly thing to do, tell you what.
Anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah, dungeons. Dungeons, being big places, have lots of room to really show you who they are and you better be watching, friend. You better be listening.
Because the dungeon is.
It's watching you. It's listening to you. Behind every corner are more eyes than you can count on a good day. Don't even get me started on the ears! Take it from me, friend.
Although, maybe don't. I'm just a little, old lizard, after all. Haha!"
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