Chapter 71: Chapter 66 – Imperial Palace

"Pearl and Jade laid and adorned the throne,

So that an empire's might be shown.

But what they record in colour and cast

Is—that we two passed …" - Love poem attributed to Al-Shan general Shang Shi-Huang, Circa 57 FP.


"So how do you kids like the city so far?" Cal asked the group as they sat down for lunch that day. Out of the group Aideen was the only one who had not gawked at the city like a peasant on his first time in a city. Then again, she had been to Al-Shan in the past, and probably had gone over occasionally when she felt like it since the gate was opened anyway.


They had gorged themselves on a lunch of rice steamed with meats and spices, served in a platter so large it barely left space for glasses on their table. The meats buried within the rice were so tender they literally fell off the bone when picked up, and the large bones were full of rich, gooey marrow to be extracted. Strong tea was served along with the meal, which all the mainlanders in the party - including Aideen - sweetened quite heavily before consumption. Cal was the only one who drank hers unsweetened.


Dessert were two types of pastries. One was made with alternating layers of flaky pastry and crushed nuts that were soaked in sweet syrup and cut into squares. The other was made from a layer of pastry flakes that were baked with a cheese filling that oozed out as it was served. Giselle had thirds of the sweets and even asked for the recipe from the owner.


"Never seen a city like this before." Willa said honestly "Think here's bigger than Levain?"


"That big?" Asked Ognar from the side.


"Levain's a tad bigger at the moment." Answered Aideen from her seat as she finished her tea. "But Al-Shan would be bigger when the rebuilding is finished, I think."


Cal nodded at Aideen's words. The outermost areas of the city to the south and west had been cleaned of the wreckage, but rebuilding was still in progress. Those areas were left as wreckage during the final battle of the civil war, as the usurper's loyal troops made their last stand there. The civil war was a far closer fight than what most outsiders were made to believe, and even now Cal assumed that the Al-Shan military was still busy with recovery.


"You taking us somewhere special I take it?" Asked Aideen as they paid their bills and made to leave. "We've been heading north so far, and there ain't any touristy spot there I know of… unless you count the palace."


"Keep it a secret from them, please." Cal said with a smile. "Just need to find- oh speak of the devil. Hey, Lakhsman, over here!"


Cal waved at Lakhsman - Halmout's grandson and Layla's twin brother - as she spotted him in the lead of a guard patrol. She was somewhat puzzled to find him on patrol though, as to her knowledge he was in the naval forces.


"Gonna need you to take us to the palace, boy. You've just been conscripted as our guide!" Cal said cheerfully, as she laid one hand on Lakhsman's shoulder. The rest of Lakhsman's patrol had approached by now and Cal recognized them to be navy people as well. She remembered some of them, though she had never seen some of the younger ones. "What are you swimmer types doing on land patrol by the way?"


"Master bade us stay here for the wedding." Said Lakhsman as he fidgeted uncomfortably. He was not as close to Cal as his sister, and had a bad memory of when Cal spanked him until he could not sit down properly for three days. That was one incident that changed the naughty, bratty boy to the serious youth of today. "We were just bored, so we went on a patrol."


"Good, that means you got nothing better to do. Lead on, then." Cal said. Lakhsman bade his comrades to carry on the patrol without him, and some of the older members looked at him enviously as he led the group away.


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"This is Vark, technically my half-nephew. And his family." Cal said as she introduced her group to Lakhsman on the road. The trip to the imperial palace would still take at least another hour or so. "And those four are my students from Levain."


"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances." Said the youth as he gave each a polite bow.


"Aideen you should remember from spring, no?" Cal asked, to which Lakhsman nodded, somewhat nervously. "Good. Wouldn't do for you to start being forgetful at your age."




As the Imperial Palace came into sight, it wowed Cal's entourage - even Aideen gave an appreciative whistle - with its grand appearance. The two distinct aesthetical styles prevalent in Al-Shan were merged in the massive palace, which blended both styles in harmony. The guards at the gate of the palace let them through even before Lakhsman said a word, as they were old soldiers, and more than familiar with Cal. The four soldiers on guard gave her deep bows as she gave them a soldier's salute.


After they went through the heavy gates, they walked straight into the palace's landscaped gardens, arranged to provide a comforting sight with all its flowers and greenery. The lawn was perfectly trimmed, and even the stones in the garden were arranged in an artistic way that looked natural at the same time.


They ran across Xain and Layla who were strolling through the garden when they were halfway to the palace. Xain flew to Cal's embrace as usual as Layla gave her an apologetic shrug from the side and Aideen chortled behind her back.


"You really need to grow up soon." Cal said as she affectionately rubbed Xain's head. "Can't have you keep doing this in public. What would people think?" She added with mock horror in her voice.


"If they don't like it, they can go to the salt mines!" Replied Xain in jest, even as Layla palmed her face behind him and Aideen laughed even harder. Xain blushed somewhat when he noticed the Unliving woman, but stayed calm. "And these are?"


"Nephew, students, Aideen you know…" Cal introduced lazily as she pointed to one then another. "Brought them over for a vacation since I'm heading this way for your wedding, kid."


"Gotta show them our best hospitality then!" Xain said as he perked up. Layla smiled somewhat sadly behind him, as she knew that Xain only acted his age when around Cal. He projected a mature, serious air to just about everyone else. A heavy burden for a boy of fifteen. "Layla, let the cooks know to prepare a banquet for tonight. Have you all had a bath yet?"


"Nope, why would we when we're coming to borrow your nice bath, kiddo?"


"Ha! We'll have it filled and heated within the hour. Come, come!"


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