In an undisclosed corner of the world, four humanoid beings of immeasurable power sat around a table playing cards. The room reeks of smoke, and their breath smelled of alcohol. It was a private meeting between the worlds strongest, not to be disturbed by outsiders. Yet the atmosphere wasn’t as serious as it should have been.
An important topic was to be discussed here and now: How to deal with their newfound freedoms after their purpose in the world had ended.
“Well, who’s turn is it?” A man with a shrill voice asks.
One of the figures kicks its legs back, “I believe it’s the Fallen Angel's” It says, in a snarky male voice.
“C’mon!” A busty-looking girl with wings protruding from her lower back says, hunching over, “This hand isn’t any good! I can’t play this!” She slams her face on the table, their empty bottles rattle.
The figure yet to speak, a big burly man-bear, lets out a loud roar. “These cards are horrible!” His voice is deep and scratchy, and he bears the appearance of a large bear, “Odatoth, are you sure you’re not sneaking any cards?”
The figure with its legs kicked up yawns. “What?” He says in a singsong like tone, “Why would you suspect that of me? Maybe the deck has always been this small” He could feel the cold glares of everyone in the room. He shrugs, dumping out what seems to be multiple decks worth of cards from his sleeves. “Alright, alright, guys, cards are boring anyway. I have a proposal of a new game for you all, seeing how we’re all friends here.” He pulls a long document from his pocket. “Let’s build our own world.”
“And just how were you planning to so?” The man-bear asks. “We do not have enough practice with the goddess' creation magic.”
“Of course we’re not gonna create the land.” Odatoth says, “We’ll play with what we have!”
The shrill man pushes up his glasses, “Explain.”
“We’ll take apart this old world's stupid systems and re-assemble the worlds borders under our own rule!”
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The winged woman stands up from her chair, her cards lie face up revealing her hand, a Five of Hearts, Three of Spades, Ace of Clubs, Queen of Diamonds, and a Jack of Hearts; an utterly useless hand. “And how do you expect us to do that?!” She exclaims, “we can't just assume everyone will be okay with our little game!”
“Did you forget, Angel?” Odatoth chuckles, “We all had been blessed by the goddess almighty with powers almost equal to her own, and throughout our journey, we've gone beyond that boring woman's power. Changing the world is going to be a walk in the park, if anyone goes against us we'll just put an end to their lives.”
Yes, at some point this group of four were champions chosen by the goddess, and had been reincarnated into this world of Atalia to defeat the demon lord. Their quest may have been to defeat him, but by the end of it, they surpassed the goddess and their true natures had come to surface.
It ended up with them killing all divinity in the world, leaving the four to take hold of the power vacuum.
“Sixteen territories.” The man-bear says. “We’ll split the world up into that many pieces.”
“Sixteen, huh?” Odatoth says scratching his chin, “of course we'll split them up about ourselves, essentially giving us four major countries to work with.” Odatoth pulls out a pen and scribbles on his scroll, “Of course every territory will be fighting to be the dominant one once our system is in place. We'll have no major say of what the leaders do, but we can always give them little nudges when it's all set up. In fact, to make our rule easier, we can always purge the mortals that know of our history, having the populace go against their own gods is a rather dangerous thing after all.”
“What point is there to this?” The shrill man asks.
“Absolutely none, my friend.” He replies, “It’s all a game, no?”
“That's bullshit and you know it Odathoth, what are you trying to pull?” The Angel demands.
“You should know me by now, I enjoy making things fun.” Odatoth says with a smug shrug, “And what better fun is there than playing a war game with real lives.” He bursts into mad laughter, “We’re gods here, and we can roll the dice we wish upon this puny world.” The three stare at Odathoth with annoyance, they knew their ally was nuts, but he was clearly power mad. They'd kill him and be done with it if they really wanted to, but dealing with another sudden power vacuum from the loss of one of the new gods was simply a headache. “Just sign here and here.” Odatoth rolls out a contract for everyone to see, “this is just to ensure noone can back out of the game, and once that’s all taken care of, we can begin.”
They knew that Odathoth would find some way to trick them into signing the contract, so they conceded, reluctantly signing their names in ink. A grin stretches from side to side across the troublemakers face. “Now my friends. Shall we weave a tale? A tale of chaos and despair?”