Chapter 6:
Papa Demure
A strong gust of wind bellows throughout the forest. The air around me feels as if several tons had just been placed on my shoulders. From the treetops we see a dark-gray mansion, gargoyles decorated along the balconies and windows tinted black, slowly becoming visible as a barrier of fog dispels itself from the top down.
“The central barrier’s down.” Rachel says. “Let's go.”
I take a deep breath. This is it, this is our chance of getting out of here. This is my chance of finally returning on the path to potentially fixing my condition.
I fix my attention back to the pressure in the air. “Rae-Rae, is this-?”
I haven’t even finished my question before she answers, “Yes, it’s his presence, and he's very much letting himself be known to us.”
What kind of monster has a presence that envelops an entire forest? He's definitely waiting for us inside, inviting us into his den. So much for bringing him to us.
We climb down the tall trees of the forest and proceed along the grassy forest floor toward the ominous building.
I can feel the powerful presence growing more and more as we approach. Suddenly I don't feel like picking a fight with him was a good idea.
From far away the mansion itself wasn’t that intimidating, but as we get closer the gargoyles resting on the balconies begin to twitch and move, a wall of fencing around the building is of barbed tipped steel and the strong presence we’ve felt since the barrier dropped makes it difficult for us to stand on our own two feet. We’re stopped in our tracks as the metal gates are shut, on one of the gate support beams rests a button. Despite wanting to do otherwise, I press it and a headless gargoyle jumps down from its resting place. It creaks and groans as it pulls the gates open with its chipped and weather-worn hands. A loud and obnoxious squeaking noise is heard as the large front doors of the building swing open slowly, an old man who wasn't there before stands in the doorway, he’s bowing in our direction and says in a gravelly voice, “Welcome. The master has been expecting you.”
We step forward, but the butler stops us. “The reject stays here.” He says, his wrinkly face scrunching up as he speaks.
“I’m not going in without her.” I say. Normally I wouldn't ask for another person by my side, but the pressure exerted from him on the mere outside of his domain makes me fear for my life...
“Tracy, it’s okay.” She says with a bittersweet smile, “It seems father just wants to talk to you personally.”
If he wants to just talk, we may just have a way out without having to confront him, “Okay.” I say.
“Very good.” The butler says, “This way young madam.”
A part of me flutters hearing that, 'Madam,' has a nice ring to it. Wait what am I thinking? I'm a guy. I shake my head, clearing out that thought.
The inside of the mansion is neat and tidy, fancy vases and statues are about the room, the floor is a hardwood polish with red gold-trimmed carpets resting along the common walkways. I find that our footsteps echo as we walk up a grand staircase and through a long hallway lined with various rooms.
Eventually we stop at a silver encrusted door. “This is where we part ways, young lady.” He says, “Through this door is Master Demure's study.” He walks away, leaving me to the door and the powerful being behind it.
Nervously I grab the glass doorknob with a twist and pull it open.
Inside is a room with a fireplace and several chairs, a desk rests on one side and a bookshelf is on the other. In one of these chairs rests a grown man in a red and black overcoat, his legs are crossed and he has a book in his hand. I find that I can hardly breathe before him, not from the posh lifestyle he could afford, but the unbelievable pressure he exerts. He takes notice of me and puts down his book. “So you are the one that has been causing us trouble are you?” He asks in a calm deep voice.
“Y-yes.” I stutter.
“Shut the door.” He commands.
I do so, taking care not to slam the door.
I awkwardly sit down in one of the red-leather chairs. It's funny, because the moment I hovered my rear over the chair, I felt my knees finally give way from the pressure.
“I do hope you know why I've let you in here.”
I feel sweat trickling down the back of my neck as I reply. “Because I had slain one of your servants?”
“You've been one of the only humans to survive out here for more than a day, on top of that, you've managed to kill one of my servants. You've even managed to befriend the reject outside.”
Oh boy, he must be furious.
“In order to keep you from causing anymore trouble, I wish to make a deal with you.”
Wait... A deal? What does he want?
“I want you to make a pact with my daughter.”
“You heard me correctly, child.” He says, “Make a pact with my... reject of a daughter. In doing so, I will forgive you for slaying one of my servants and let you leave.”
Simple as that? Make a pact and leave?
“I see by the look on your face that you doubt me.” He crosses his legs, “So let me enlighten you in what a pact with a vampire means to us. Long before the purge, the vampire population was far greater than what you could find nowadays. In-fact, most of the master vampires with the exception of myself, could have been found running local businesses in any god-forsaken town, or once-been countries. No less than a year before the purge whom you call the four gods had called out an issue to all the soon-to-fall guilds to exterminate our kind with promises of wealth. Throughout that entire year, we had begun to make pacts with humans against this order. Those pacts resulted in close bonds with humans, relationships and safety were provided with alongside them, we had hoped that it would change how us vampires were perceived by the gods. But alas, the four gods started hunting each and every one of us personally, brutally murdering us and our benefactors.”
“How did you survive then?” I ask.
“That... you don't need to know, girl.” He scowls, “But all you need to know is that I want you to protect my reject of a child while you're out there.”
Something tickled the back of my mind yet again when he said that, 'girl' I almost broke into a smile despite the fear, feeling a faint warmth from the amulet mum gave me. But I held it in, I must be delirious from the pressure. “Then your daughter... why do you treat her like that?”
“Again, you need not know. All I ask is that you form the pact with her.”
So, the last great and powerful vampire is asking me to take care of his daughter, whom he doesn't seem to care about? I really wonder what happened to bring on that kind of act. However, it isn't my place to ask such a question to him, especially since I'd like to not poke the bear and be obliterated from reality.
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“So, do you agree to the pact or not, girl?”
“I agree.” I reply.
Suddenly the pressure Demure had been exerting begins to die down. “Wonderful. I will have the preparations underway in a brief moment.” He then pulls a tiny silver bell out of his pocket and rings it. The sound reverberates throughout the room for a while. Not long after the sound fades and the only door opens, revealing the butler from earlier. He's holding onto someone's arm, and shoves a familiar figure into the room. It's Rachel, but her clothes are now different, she has a new silver-trimmed tunic, straight black pants hug her well-shaped legs, her shoes, pointed in the toes and her hair is tied back. I bet he had her prepared as I left her behind, no I don't bet that he did, I know he did. The man truly seems to want the best for her.
“Rae-Rae?” I find myself saying.
She looks at me and then over to Mr. Demure, “Demure.” Her voice drips with malice.
“Be at ease, my mistake, you're now free to go.” He says.
I wince, hearing called a mistake after realizing his reasons for treating her like so.
“What?” Her eyes widen, “what do you mean?”
“Exactly what I've said, you're free to go. This young lady here has made an agreement with me. I'll let the both of you leave under one condition.”
“And what would that be?” She asks.
“You shall enter a blood-pact with her.”
“A-a blood-pact?!” Her cheeks turn red, “Father, you want to be stuck with this person I've only known for two days for the rest of their life?”
“It's either that, or you stay here for all eternity. Besides, it seems your friend already has some form of attachment to you, she's already given you a form of nickname.”
Of course one of my quirks as a girl gave him a false signal. In fact, I don't even think that I'm attached. Yes I had shown her some sort of compassion the night before, and we had experienced combat together but no-one gets attached to a person that quickly. Besides, the only people I'll let get close to me is Mia and Bryson.
“So, if you'll follow me downstairs in the basement.” Demure leaves his chair and begins walking down the hall.
Rachel and I follow behind, not like we had a choice.
As we walk I ask Rachel, “So, what's so a blood-pact entail anyways?”
“Well...” She pushes the tips of her index fingers together, “I drink your blood.”
“Is that it?”
“No, it isn't.” Demure says. “It's more of a ritual than a simple drink. Besides, if that were to be the case, stray vampires would have had thousands of blood-pacts. Not that it matters anymore, since we're the last of our kind.”
We find ourselves on the other end of the long hall. “I thought we were going to the basement?”
“Demure, what's the deal?” Rachel says.
Demure sighs, “I expected the human to ask this question, but I entirely forgot that you haven't been here in many years.” He pulls a chain hidden behind one of the many curtains that lines the hall. The floorboards give way to reveal a wooden passageway downward.
“When was this installed?” She inquires?
“Two weeks ago believe it or not, for I expected this to happen soon.” We begin our trek down the passageway, which slowly blends into a stone paved chamber. The chambers pitch black, and my footsteps sound muffled. It's eerie, and continues to prolong my condition.
“What do you mean you were expecting this?” I ask, “did you know that I was to appear around now?”
The room becomes illuminated as torch sconces I couldn't see in the darkness that was once the room alight magically. It's a stone chamber, the walls carved with unfamiliar runes and the ceiling bare. In the center of the room, a circle with more unfamiliar runes on the inside surround a short pillar with a bowl resting on top.
“What purpose would that serve you? Do you intend to pry on an old vampires personal life?”
“No, I was just ask- never mind.” I guess I don't need to know then.
“Now then, kid, stand by the pillar in the center.” He orders. “The magic will activate almost immediately.” He glances over to Rachel, “And you, the failure.”
“What?” She snaps.
It's rather scary to watch her behave such a way in front of someone far stronger than the both of us combined, if he snapped back I'm afraid we'd both no longer be in this world.
“I'm pretty sure you know what.”
“Humph. Yeah, yeah.” She takes a deep breath and exhales, “This is going to be so awkward.”
Awkward? Oh joy, what's she supposed to do?
I walk into the circle with caution, not long after I enter, the runes glow a deep red and begin to rotate around the pillar. The air becomes electrified, and I feel my hair blow about. Rachel walks into the circle, her whole body, now giving off a red hue similar to the runes, and grabs my wrist. Her grip tightens as Demure, who is now standing in one of the corners of the room, begins to chant in some unfamiliar tongue. “Tracy, we can't go back on this ritual now, if we falter, we won't be breathing any longer.” Rachel says before pressing her lips against mine.
What the hell?! Why is she kissing me? I try to pull away, but Rachel won't let go. She bites down on my lip, the taste of blood fills my mouth and hers. I feel weak in the knees, and almost collapse. She lets go and swallows, “No hard feelings Tracy, I'm not in love with you in the slightest. Now stand, and pledge your life to protect me, provide me food and remain by my side. I'll do the same.”
Placing my hand on my left breast, I swear to her, “I, Tracy Mitrano, swear my life to protect you from harm, feed you, and keep you by my side.”
She does the same, “I Rachel Demure, swear my life to protect you from harm, feed only from you, and remain by your side.”
The bowl in the center alights with a purple flame and begins to spew out fiery chains of magic, they wrap around our necks with ferocity, my breath halts as the magic chains begin to heat up exponentially. Try to shout in agony but to no avail. My consciousness fades as the chains finally let go.