Chapter 11: Chapter 11

When a large door was opened, four people entered amidst what looked like the audience at a concert. These were Yuji and his captains, the leader of Yggdrasil standing in front of the three as he made his way through the people. The boy immediately realized that they were in the bleachers of the arena, and considering the amount of people in the place, their fight against B1 would receive a good audience.

As the group was moving among the people, Yuji's attention turned to a figure approaching in his direction. Analyzing him, it seemed to be a man, who was wearing the same robes that Senju wore when he met him.

"The chief has asked that I guide you to your quarters. You will stay there until the fighting begins, please follow me." The man spoke, receiving a nod from Yuji.

The man led them to a room that contained some lockers, a place probably used by the fighters in the arena before their fights. Yuji upon reaching the room, sat down on a bench and looked at his captains.

"There will be three fights, as I explained before, but I didn't know that they wouldn't ask who would fight in the order. I guess it was a way to even out the equation, since we don't know who of them will fight first, they won't know who we will send either." Yuji explained and sighed, the boy getting up and starting to stretch.

Yuji wasn't really worried about this, Akira and Osanai were strong, definitely, so if monsters weren't their opponents, they could both handle the situation. In these few days of training, Yuji tried to be as hellish as possible, sure some of his injuries weren't healed yet, but that wouldn't affect the fight significantly. Akira was definitely a prodigy, Shiki was an even bigger prodigy, and Osanai was trying harder than both of them.

All three had evolved their skills rapidly in these days of training, and Yuji was sure that if they fought with the same as they did three days ago, they would surely win without much difficulty.

"If that is so, commander, allow me to fight first." It was Osanai who spoke, his request taking Yuji by surprise, who looked at the boy with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, why is that, Osanai?" Yuji asked curiously. Osanai had become respectful to him and his companions in this short time they had spent together, and that made the boy really pleased, it meant that betrayal was not something to be expected, for now.

"They wouldn't send their boss in the first place, that would be foolish, they will probably send someone to test our strength, so I want to see to it that we are not small fish." Osanai spoke, his eyes staring at Yuji with an intense look. "Then allow me to fight first."

Yuji stared at the boy, his expression thoughtful. Yuji believed that they really wouldn't send the boss first, but in 3-on-3 fighting, they wouldn't waste time sending someone to test their strength. Surely a person strong enough to guarantee them the first victory would be sent, so it wouldn't be a weak person at all.

But despite this, Yuji had faith in his captain's strength, and even if he lost, there would still be two fights, so the boy wasn't worried. He would trust Osanai.

"Well, if you want to fight first so badly, then so be it." Yuji agreed.

Upon hearing his commander's confirmation, an all-tooth grin appeared on Osanai's mouth, the man snapping his fists as he seemed to get excited to fight.

"I will make my opponent dream of my fists."

Yuji laughed at this and Akira just shook his head and continued stretching. Shiki just sat there watching the situation unfold, he wouldn't be fighting, but he felt stronger than ever, this was due to the training these three days.

After a few minutes, a screen on the wall of the room lit up, the following message being projected, "Fighter should head to the arena."

"My cue." Osanai spoke cheerfully.

"Be careful, whoever they send is sure not to be weak." Akira advised his companion. "Don't go getting too proud during the fight."

"Listen to him. They want the Yggdrasil territory, and it looks like they will spare no effort to get it." Yuji spoke as he looked at Osanai.

The blond man upon hearing those words, sighed and turned toward the exit of the room.

"Don't worry, I won't lose this fight." He squinted his eyes, the man opening the door and leaving the room in calm steps.

"Good luck!" Akira shouted before the door was closed. "I'm not sure he'll win."

"Trust him, Osanai is not weak, and even if he loses, we'll just need to win the next few fights." Yuji explained, receiving a nod from the two captains on the spot.

'Show how much you have evolved, Osanai." Yuji thought, his attention turning to the screen on the wall, which was beginning to broadcast the arena live.




First Person - Osanai;

"And let's start with the main event of the evening! A fight between a gang that took the place of the mighty Moebius, after their leader overthrew the former boss of Shinjuku, against the people responsible for this arena, the strongest fighters of the first generation of Black Dragon!"

A voice sounded on the megaphone, and I couldn't help but question those words in my mind. The first generation of Black Dragon? Whoever their leaders were, they certainly shouldn't be weak, that was for sure. I believe that even Yuji might have difficulties if his boss is as strong as I think he is.

As a former leader of a large gang, I know very well about other gangs, Kisaki tried to put in my head about each of them and their accomplishments, and the Black Dragon was one of those to be feared.

Imagine the members of the first generation? Besides being strong, they must be times more experienced.

Swallowing hard, I shake my head and clench my fists. It doesn't matter that they are so imposing, I haven't trained like hell these three days to retreat now, I'll show them that even though I lost my gang, I still have the strength of a leader! I will show them that the captain of Yggdrasil's first division is not someone who challenges himself for free.

Entering the arena, I am immediately greeted by boos, the people in the audience howling in derision in my direction. Like I'm going to care about you little fish, my focus is not on your opinions, as long as my commander trusts my abilities then I won't have to worry about anything.

Damn... When did I accept that boy as my superior so easily?

I positioned myself in the middle of the arena. The place was large, if someone wanted to run during the whole fight, they certainly could, but that probably wouldn't be allowed. Feeling the earth on my feet, I realize that the ground is hard, and a fall will certainly hurt a lot. I must avoid being knocked down, or I am sure to get a concussion.

As I was analyzing the place, my attention turned to the entrance on the other side of the arena, a man wearing the characteristic cape of what looked like the people in charge of this arena. The man had white hair, with a short, almost shaved cut. His height was what surprised me the most, he was taller than me, which was no small thing, considering that I am 1.82. He must be at least 1.90. Even though I cannot see his body, I am sure that he is strong, and because of the pressure that this guy is emanating, I cannot falter, I have to go with everything from the beginning.

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The audience began to shout with excitement when the man entered the arena, and I couldn't hold back a snort, a vein popping out of my forehead. You bastards, all they did with me was throw food at my head!

The man stopped in front of me, his imposing presence making the sweat pour down my forehead. This guy is a monster, maybe not stronger than Yuji, but still extremely strong. It looks like this fight won't be easy.

"On one side, the first representative of Yggdrasil, and the other, the first representative of the B1 arena! The rules are simple: Absence of action after two minutes is considered lack of motivation, and both are disqualified, this also goes for a runner! The one who keeps running away will be disqualified! The fight is only over when one side gives up or is unable to fight, and weapons are forbidden! Use only your bodies! Got it?!"

The megaphone asked, and I nodded in agreement along with the man in front of me.

"Very well! You may begin!"

As the voice started the fight, my eyes widened as the man in front of me took a step, the hairs on the back of my neck twitching as if my body was telling me to run away from that monster. With that, I raised my fists and quickly stepped back, taking distance from the man.

"You seem to have understood my intentions, perhaps you can put up a good fight. Well, my name is Keizo Akashi, remember that when you are on the ground." The man spoke, and I felt my body shaking, my hand becoming damp from sweat.

"Don't run away this time!" Keizo shouted, and I quickly positioned my legs in anticipation.

He advanced towards me at a monstrous speed, his fist flying towards my face like a cannonball. I could barely react, being able only to raise my arms and block the attack with extreme difficulty, my body being pushed back and causing my feet to scrape the earth until I stopped short of the wall.

This bastard! He wants to finish me off. I sighed and looked at Keizo, who seemed surprised that I had been able to block his punch. Sure, I was able to save myself, but the force behind this blow is beyond anything I can handle. My arms feel shaky, as if they are going to fall off my torso any minute.

Hell, how can I beat a guy like this?

I position my fists in front of my face, my eyes fixed on Keizo, who pulls himself together and starts walking towards me. Shit, if I can't do anything, I'll lose on the next blow.

"You surprised me, but for sure, this next attack you will be unable to block." Keizo started running towards me, his fist prepared to take me to the dream world.

Damn, I didn't prepare myself during these days to lose like this. I clench my fingers tightly and regulate my breathing, my eyes wide open, analyzing every movement of Keizo's body as he advances toward me.

Commander, watch closely! I will not lose to this bastard!

I calm down, my focus entirely on Keizo. I may not be the smartest person, but fighting is one thing I know well, damn, I was the fucking leader of Moebius, my boxing was said by many to be unmatched, I've been in dozens of fights, and always came out on top! It's not going to be you, you son of a bitch, who's going to make me back down!

When Keizo got close enough to me, I braced myself. Considering his surprise that I had defended his attack, and his confidence in knocking me out in the next blow, he won't try the same attack again, so what's coming should be a straight to my stomach, or hook to my ribs, maybe even an uppercut.

And as I expected, Keizo tried a different approach, the bastard launching his fist towards my ribs in a right hook, his fist fast as a bullet. I am far from being that fast, but when you are prepared, speed becomes just a nuisance. Wasting no time, I quickly launch my left fist towards his face in a quick jab, hitting him hard on the nose and stopping his fist.

Perhaps it was surprise, or even the pain of my punch, which I think unlikely, but Keizo paused for a moment, seeming to wonder how I had countered. Well, no matter, this I see as an opportunity, and not wasting a single second, I hit him with another jab to his chin, followed by a straight one, which he tries to dodge, but finds himself unable to when he notices my foot on his.

"One of the tricks my commander taught me." I smile.

The direct hits him right in the face, his eyes closing due to the pain. With that, I don't miss the opportunity, my fingers clenching tightly as my right arm shakes, preparing for a strong attack.

"Don't go thinking too much of yourself, you bastard!" I shout, a vein popping out on my forehead as I send my punch toward his face in a perfect uppercut.

The moment he opens his eyes, is the moment I hit him with all the force I am able to muster, his eyes rolling back in a sign of my victory. With confidence that I had won, I don't even notice the fist flying towards my stomach, my eyes widening in surprise as I am hit hard enough to push me back a few feet.

"What the hell was that?!" I start coughing as I fall to my knees and clutch my stomach. "Is he still standing?!"

I raise my head to face Keizo, who has a serious expression as he grabs his own chin. "Your blow, it knocked me out for less than a second, if you had continued the sequence with another punch to my face, I might be on the ground, but from the looks of it, you've gotten too confident." I grit my teeth in frustration, getting up with difficulty.

"You are certainly strong, but you are still far from my level, it's like being up against a beginner." Keizo spoke, and I couldn't help but feel even angrier, my fingers pressing into my skin tightly as I positioned myself again.

"You're talking too much for someone who just passed out." I say, a proud smile on my face, intent on mocking the man I was facing.

"Well, I have no way to refute that, but now this will not occur again, I understand your way of fighting."

"If that is so, you may come, I will finish you regardless of your tricks."

At the end of my speech, Keizo ran towards me at high speed, my eyes fixed on his body, analyzing his body movements. I never cared to analyze my opponent before, but after training with Yuji, I've discovered that this is extremely important, and against this guy, I know that being hit in the face will take me to the ground immediately, so I'm trying to use the intelligence I've never used in my life before.

When he reaches me, I notice a movement to his right, and ready to strike first, in order to avoid any offense on his part, I launch my right fist towards his face. About to hit him, I stare wide-eyed as he bends down with my fist inches from his face, his hands advancing toward my waist with intent to grab me.

Damn, he knows I'm a boxer, I don't handle grappling very well!

Desperate, I try to hit him with an uppercut in order to push him away, but this attempt fails when he grabs me and lifts me up, knocking me off my feet. My mind is racing, and I seem to be able to see everything slowly unfolding as I try to find a way out of this situation.

Son of a bitch.

My body is thrown hard to the ground, the impact traveling through my entire body as I feel the confusion due to the impact on my head. I try to get up, but can barely move my body, my eyes rolling back as unconsciousness hits me.

"The winner is the first representative of the B1 arena!"