Chapter 202: Chapter 184 – Seeking Opinions when One Draws a Blank

"Nobody is perfect. There is no such thing as a person who knows everything, is good at everything, and thus can handle everything on their own. Those too ashamed to seek outside opinions on subjects they are unfamiliar with only court future humiliation." - Saying attributed to the Silver Maiden.

"So that's why you came looking for me instead of relaxing with your family, huh?" asked Aideen after Cal explained her worries about Ying Xiao's trauma to her. Both women sat around the dinner table at Aideen's tower now, as they nursed mugs of ale.


"Pretty much, yeah," admitted Cal as she took a long pull from her mug. It was one of those mugs enchanted to serve a perfect drink that she happened to witness the introduction of the first time she came to Paradise several years ago. "I don't really have a clue on how to deal with something like this, so I was hoping you would."


"Things like these are… complicated, to say the least, Cal. Not everyone would benefit from the same treatment, and to be honest, the way you and Xain treated her was already one of the better ways to approach the issue," said Aideen after she pondered for a moment. The unliving woman paused to refill her mug, then took another quick swig of ale from it before she continued. "That already helped re-establish some sense of self-worth into her, which was arguably the most important first step. Her training also helped, since it would grant her actual power to never again be in the circumstances she once fell into."


"I sense there is a but coming, isn't there?" asked Cal as she too gulped down the contents of her mug, the crisp, refreshing ale nearly as cold as ice as it poured down her throat.


"Yes. To deal with how she was averse to males, it would have needed some more direct intervention," replied Aideen as she nodded. "The scars from her experiences still lingered in her psyche, which to be honest did not surprise me with what she had been through. You mentioned that she wasn't as badly affected during your trip?"


"Yeah, she wasn't. We took some baths together with Dan around, and while I did notice some wariness from her, Dan acted a gentleman and generally looked away, so she calmed down on her own," answered Cal with a firm nod. "Of course, she was also in our midst, so that probably helped as well."


"That is likely the case, yes. Being in a group with people she trusted brought a sense of safety," confirmed Aideen as she pondered. She remained silent for a few minutes, during which time Cal let her be as she just helped herself to more of the good ale. "I might be able to help, and I'll ask Kino for a hand as well. She has more experience with things like these. Think you can drop Ying Xiao by my place in the evening? I assume you're keeping her training schedule as normal during the day."


"We are doing that, yes," nodded Cal to affirm her answer. She planned to personally train the girl more in these last few months, now that she had the basics and some skills down already. "Unless you would suggest otherwise?"


"Oh no, it's better if you do it like this. The training would serve to keep her grounded, a semblance to normalcy, so to speak," replied Aideen to her question with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Especially if you took personal care of her. That girl practically idolized you, so your presence would further reassure her of her new path in life."


"Got it. I'll fetch her in a bit and bring her over by evening then."


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It was still early in the afternoon by the time Cal left Aideen's tower. She trusted Shi-Huang and Erycea and knew that they would likely take good care of Ying Xiao in the meantime, so instead she took her time as she handled some personal business first.


A visit to the Giant Bear's Repose, the eatery ran by Magnus Bronzmeier, resulted in a delicious lunch, as the old half therian showed what his centuries of cooking experience resulted in. Cal still had a hard time as she struggled to reconcile the image of the taciturn but kindly old half therian with him being the champion of fire.


In fact, after Cal thought about it, she realized that other than Aideen and the Bone Lord in Ptolodecca, and Ragiula to an extent, every Champion of the Deities she had met so far had adopted a very low key way of living. Most of them wouldn't have solicited much attention to themselves, as they just lived their lives relaxedly and contentedly.


Not for the first time, Cal wondered if she should not just accept the offer she was given, to be a Champion of the Deities. Even so, she shook her head after a moment of thought. It was still too early to decide, and she would rather finish her travels first, before she gave it proper consideration.


Cal went to the local guild next, and found that there was mail for her. She opened the envelope - just from the style of decorations used she could tell that it was from Xain - and read the letter inside. Surprisingly, the letter was rather recent, sent just a couple months ago, in fact. In the letter, Xain told her that he would personally visit along with Layla to fetch Ying Xiao back, later in winter.


Originally Cal had intended to send the vases and delicacies she had brought on this trip by mail, but now she decided to wait until Xain arrived so she could give it to him directly instead. With a smile, she folded the letter and put it into her storage pendant.


It was right at sunset when Cal came over to fetch Ying Xiao from Shi-Huang's place, the young girl covered in sweat from the workout she had been subjected to over the day. Cal thanked the fellow blood mage and his wife before she left with Ying Xiao in tow.


Not long afterwards, they were at Aideen's tower once again, and Cal brought Ying Xiao in. Aideen and Kino already awaited them, as the two were having their dinner by the time Cal came in. As they were invited to join in, Cal sat down along with Ying Xiao as they ate together, and only left after she finished. Ying Xiao, she had entrusted to Aideen and Kino's capable hands.