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_______Yuji Pov.________
Getting information from the leader of the zone was not difficult, since it did not take much to get him to talk. It was a surprise to find out that he had a lot of information about the administrators and the Elites.
Apart from the 1st Elite, according to the notes, the others were slightly above the 6th and 7th. The first one was said to be an unstoppable beast, since even the leaders of other districts couldn't do anything because of his protection. He didn't seem like someone to go up against without a plan, but I couldn't work anything out with such scarce information .
Returning to the pharmacy with various food supplies I picked up from the building, I kept my attention on the surroundings.
After gathering as much information as possible, I made sure to throw the fat man off the top of the building. The sound of his head exploding was not a pleasant thing to hear, so I preferred not to go see him and just go back to Kou.
Currently, I could be considered the new leader of the zone, which meant that if anyone wanted to dominate the territory, they would have to face me, and I made sure to be considerably brutal with the guards so that these people would think twice before coming to me.
As I reached the pharmacy, I stopped in front of the door for a few seconds, my brow furrowing as I tried to listen for any surrounding sounds, my ears picking up only Kou, who was inside the pharmacy.
'Why is it so quiet?' I looked around suspiciously. The place was never this quiet, no matter how many people were out on the streets, this bringing up several alerts in my mind, something telling me that something was wrong.
The silence continued for several seconds, my eyes wandering around frantically as I tried for any sign that something was wrong.
Suddenly, a glow on top of a building across the street caught my eye, my eyes narrowing as I widened my vision.
Moments before a bullet hit my head, I jumped to the side, narrowly escaping the shot. 'Damn! A sniper!' I jumped behind a wall moments before a shot hit the ground at my feet.
"I knew... It was all very quiet..." I muttered.
I knew I could run and make it across the street without getting hit easily, but climbing to the top of the building was another matter. I didn't have the strength to climb in a single bound, and if I tried to climb it, I would be vulnerable to the sniper.
My eyes wandered across the floor until they landed on a piece of glass near a trashcan, me quickly moving to it and picking it up, before returning to the protection of the wall.
'I need a gap, and I can hit him with that.'
I took a deep breath, the pupils of my eyes dilating as I used my [Divine Eyes]. It had been a while since I had used the ability, this being mainly because I didn't want to become too dependent, so I used it only on rare occasions.
About to look over the wall to throw the piece of glass, I froze when I heard the pharmacy door open, my eyes turning to Kou, who came out from inside with a confused expression.
'Shit!' I shouted in my mind.
Revealing myself, I immediately noticed the shooter moving his aim towards Kou, this causing me to grit my teeth as I pulled my arm back, hurling the piece of glass towards him with all my might, the object flying at a massive speed, the shooter being unable to react as the glass hit him directly in the neck, tearing his flesh and bones before going through the back of his head.
As I watched his lifeless body fall from the top of the building, I sighed with relief, my eyes moving to Kou, who seemed confused about what had just happened.
"Hey, I told you I'd be back before you knew it." I spoke as I cracked a gentle smile.
The girl didn't answer, her eyes shining for a few seconds before she ran toward me with her arms open.
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"Kou was worried about Yuji!"
She wrapped her arms around me in a hug, me lovingly returning it while stroking her head.
"I'm sorry for worrying Kou." I spoke as I cracked a funny smile.
Crouching beside the sniper's body, I noticed a mask on his face, my eyes narrowing as I remembered his features from the fifth elite.
A Caucasian man, who was constantly seen wearing a mask and a rifle on his back. He was not known for his physical strength, but rather for his excellent shooting skills.
'Well, from the looks of it, excellent for killing the malnourished people in the district, since all I had to do was move fast enough and he was unable to hit me.'
Grabbing his mask, I removed it from his face, revealing the ordinary face of a man, nothing catching my attention. He was probably using it to give him an intimidating appearance, which made me ignore it as I threw the mask into a trash can.
Putting my hands in my pockets, I pulled out a walkie-talkie.
"Fifth, has the mission been completed?"
A voice sounded from the device, causing me to stare at it for several seconds, before a dangerous smile appeared on my lips.
"I am sorry to inform you, but the fifth was unfortunately not fit enough to complete the mission." I replied with a mocking tone.
"Fifth, are you on the wire?"
I froze for a moment, my face inexpressive as I slowly moved my eyes to the walkie-talkie, making me realize that I was not holding the button used for talking.
Clearing my throat, I pressed the button this time.
"I'm sorry to say, but it appears that the fifth was not able to complete the mission."
After I answered, I received silence as an answer, my smile widening as I realized that the person on the other end was probably frozen due to an unknown voice answering him.
"What did you do with the fifth?" The voice asked, my eyes moving to the shooter, who was currently standing over a puddle of his own already dried blood.
"Oh, no big deal. He tried to kill me, so I just returned the intent."
"You bastard, you won't get away with it-"
"Cut that shit out." I interrupted the voice, not wanting to listen to his threats. "You guys try to fuck me, so I'll fuck you first. I think you better run and tell your boss, because what I did to these elites , I'll do to all of you."
I cracked a mischievous smile as I spoke, my eyes glittering dangerously as unconsciously the [Advance] began to manifest.
"Did you write it down? Walk with redoubled attention... You never know when I might come to you."
Receiving no response, I just squeezed the device hard, smashing it to pieces. My goal was to dominate the district, there were no negotiations on that. For better or worse, I would be doing it.