Chapter 266: Chapter 241 – Taking in the Sights

"The eastern great plains of Alcidea is one of the rare, extremely fertile regions of the world where nearly every kind of crop grows well. Because of this, it quickly cemented a reputation for being the breadbasket of the continent, where every sort of crop was produced prodigiously every year." - Garth Wainwrought, Dean of the Levain Institute for Higher Learning, formerly professor of Socioeconomics.

After the sumptuous meal, Cal thanked Helgr, and parted ways with him. She had booked rooms for her group in one of the better inns of the city, one situated by the riverside. They slept peacefully and contentedly that night.


The following day, they spread out around the city. Cal's itinerary for the year was far more relaxed than usual, as there was less distance to cover this time, and besides, she owed it to Kyara to show Ashani around.


Alfheim was in a way, a tiered city, divided in circles. The outermost ring of wagons and mobile establishments catered to adventurers and mercenaries. There everything they needed or wanted were sold freely, be it food, a warm bed, a man or woman on said bed, weapons and armor, anything.


Between the mobile ring and the city proper, were the domains of farms, ranches, and orchards. While she had noticed the variety of animals being ranched on her way in, it took until now before Cal fully realized just how varied the farms and orchards were.


Maize, wheat, soy, and other grains like sorghum and barley were grown in the inland areas, while rice paddies dominated the areas near the rivers. Seeing so many types of crops being grown together was a first for her.


The orchards were just as varied, as proven by the fruit vendors that set themselves up near the town proper or the roads leading to it. Cal bought herself a variety from a nearby vendor, the fruits as fresh as they could be, and still glistened with the morning dew.


Those proved to be a veritable feast on their own. She took a leisurely walk around town, munching on a ripe persimmon that was just so pleasantly crunchy and tangy, as she took in the sights.


Alfheim's town proper was not that large, as most of the space within the circle of wagons were devoted to food production, but it was a pleasant place, built with pleasing aesthetics, and convenient to navigate.


The inner town itself was an area that catered more towards merchants and well-to-do clienteles, and it showed. Quite a few places dealt with luxury goods like jackets made from rare pelts, equipment made with rare monster materials, and the likes.


Cal quickly found a place that does handicraft with such materials before too long, and made an order. She asked the craftsman to set the collection of plumes she had kept to make a hand fan, which she planned to give to Xain.


Since the craftsman - an elderly half-elf who seemed to have mixed ancestry on the other side - assured her that he would be done within the hour, she seated herself at a nearby bench, and brought out more fresh fruits to munch on.


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The berries grown in the orchards were large, juicy, and tangy. The pears crunched just nicely as she bit into it, sweeter and juicier than most she had tastes. Grapes nearly double the normal size were sweet and popped pleasantly in her mouth, before she spat out the seeds later.


As promised, the elderly craftsman was done by the time she returned. The colorful plumes, with their brilliant, vibrant colors, had been mounted on a handle of polished ivory, which was even decorated with some gold and platinum filigree.


It was a present suitable for Xain, she decided, and thanked the old man, paying him extra as a tip for his excellent work.


Cal walked around town some more, snacking on fruits when she felt like it. She went to a shop that sold brocade fabrics, ones with mesmerizing patterns that she saw worn by many of the womenfolk in the city.


The clerk had greeted her somewhat doubtfully at first, with a look that wondered if she had entered the wrong shop. That look quickly changed to one of glee however, after Cal selected a baker's dozen rolls of good brocaded silk which were pleasant to the touch, and bought them wholesale.


It was the sort of sizeable expenditure the clerk had not seen outside of a few rich merchants, and they wondered if she was one planning to resale them elsewhere. Cal had just bought them because she thought they would look good on Layla… or Farah for that matter.


Cal had to admit that she was quite fond of the baby Xain had with Layla. The child was a rare one who wasn't afraid of her either, which was a welcome change. On that whim she bought a few toys for young children from a shop she passed by, although she knew Farah would likely not be lacking toys considering her identity.


Looking up to the cloudless morning sky, Cal sighed deeply. Time had gone by so fast. For her, it was only a short time since she had left the Empire, a mere seven years. A short time, considering that she was already in her hundred twenty-ninth year.


Yet the young boy she had raised almost like her own child had grown up in that time, married, and now had children of his own. Cal knew that she was likely to outlive him, and his children, and his children's children. Even more so if she accepted the offer to be a Champion.


On the other hand, if she did accept the offer, she could extend the same to him, maybe his family too, when the time comes. That made Cal wonder. Would Xain have accepted the offer? Knowing that it meant he would see his descendants pass on, maybe even the Empire itself crumbling?


Such thoughts occupied her mind as she just sat and pondered for a while under the bright morning sun.