*bzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzz*
I am suddenly awakened when my phone starts to vibrate as it receives an incoming call.
Detaching myself from Peter, I yawn while I reach the phone on the side table, surprised that someone was calling this early in the morning.
"Who is calling?" Asks groggily Peter, woken up by the noise, while I take the phone.
Seeing the caller ID, a shiver travels through my back, before I take the call, putting it on the loudspeaker and asking, "What can I do for you, Mr. Stark?"
"Good morning Mr. Moon. I am calling to let you know that actions have consequences and that you should call me before the police next time you find someone with alien weapons." Answers Tony, pissed by whatever happened with the guys we caught last night.
"What happened?" Asks Peter before I can do the same, confused by Stark's words.
"Good morning to you too, Mr. Parker. The police arrived, and when they noticed the alien weaponry, they called the Damage Control. Unfortunately, someone must have tattered around, because, during the transfer, the convoy was attached. Whoever the attacker was, he retrieved the weapons and killed the two grunts. Probably to cut loose ends."
"Fuuuuck..." I say as I hear Tony's word, noticing how pale Peter has got hearing of the end of the two criminals.
"Yes, kid. Luckily, whoever did it, he didn't attack the cops, probably to try not to escalate things." He replies, cynically analyzing the situation, seemingly not interested in the fate of the two criminals.
"Murdering people inside a convoy is a way to not escalate things?" Peter asks, shocked by the cynicism of his hero's words.
Hearing Peter's words, Stark sighs, having realized how cynical his words felt to the younger man only after having spoken.
"Law enforcers don't care if criminals kill each other, even if they seem like idiots when it happens inside their turf." He says, taking his time, unsure of how to talk about this with what he perceives as kids.
"So, what's happening now?" I ask, trying to move the conversation back on its track, not wanting Peter to realize the true colors of his hero.
"Right now, the FBI and the damage control are taking care of all of this, so I'm going to let them do their job. And you two should do the same." Tony says, determined not to interfere with the government, even more now, after the signing of the Sokovia accords.
"So, we should do nothing when alien weapons are sold in the neighborhood, and people are killed?" Peter asks coldly, enraged by the harsh words of someone that he idolatries.
"You should try to stay away from them while helping and saving the normal people. These guys are dangerous." Tony replies, with a serious voice that turns warmer with his last words, feeling responsible and scared of the chance of us getting hurt.
"We could take them," I reply while rolling my eyes, confident of our abilities to handle anything that the vulture could throw at us.
"Probably, but someone could get hurt." He replies, looking at us as you would with little kids.
"Someone could get hurt even if we don't do anything," Peter says, uncomfortable with the situation and feeling torn about what to do.
The silence stretches for several seconds while everyone reflects on both the situation and his future moves.
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"At least don't go looking for them, ok?" Finally asks Tony after sighing, hoping for us to be more responsible than we are.
"Fine, it's not like we wanted to," I reply, watching an unconvinced Peter, fully conscious of how he will try to force me to go.
"Now, excuse me, but I have more pressing things to do than chatting with teenagers in the morning. Try to not do anything that I will do or that I won't do, ok?" He says, unsure of what to say and simply hoping that everything will go the right way.
"That doesn't make sense, but sure, we will try to stay out of trouble. Or at least of trouble armed with alien guns." I reply, fully aware that it doesn't matter what I say, trouble will likely find us even if we don't go looking for it.
Sighing at my words, Tony doesn't even reply before shutting down the call.
Turning to Peter, I see his pensive expression, and I know that a discussion is now unavoidable.
"What do you want to do?" I ask with a calm voice, trying to be the reasonable one in this.
"I don't know. But, I know that we shouldn't do anything." He replies, enraged by the idea of letting the criminals do their job undisturbed.
"I know, and I agree. But Mr. Stark is right too. We shouldn't be reckless in this." I say, trying to be the calm and propositive one.
"You are right, but what should we do? We can't let them go around selling alien weapons in the neighborhood."Peter replies, calmer than before.
I take a couple of seconds to think about his question, unsure of how to answer.
In the end, instead of answering his question, I start pointing out what the real problem is, "We are already breaking the law by not registering with the UN. And that's not considering that they consider what we do as vigilantism, making it even more illegal."
"So, we do nothing? That's wrong." Peter nearly shouts, enraged by my words.
Raising my hands in surrender, I stop him. Waiting till he calms down again, I start talking again, "I'm not saying that we don't do anything. I'm simply thinking about what to do. We can't interfere with the government, or we will be considered criminals like Captain America."
"We had known that the accords would create problems since they were announced. But who would have thought that we would reach this point," Peter replies, snorting at my words while remembering our past conversation on this topic.
"I told you, generals, politicians, and the like are mostly assholes," I say again, rolling my eyes at the obviousness of my own words.
"This doesn't change our situation. We have to do something." He replies with a tired expression, trying to bring the conversation back to where it started.
"I know, but we must act smartly," I explain, fully aware of the danger we are in.
"And that means?"Peter asks, uncertain about what I mean with my words.
"We will keep doing what we have been doing, and we should stay out of the way of the FBI unless we find the culprits. In that case, we intervene." I propose, trying to define a plan that will be safe while giving us the chance to keep helping the people.
Peter takes a moment to evaluate my words before replying, "I don't like the idea... But I can accept it, at least for now."