1. Urumir: (The day has finally came. I and arodlev san left for demon lords meeting.) By the way arodlev san where will be demon lords meeting?
2. Arodlev: It's on another dimension. They don't want any nuisance in their meeting so all demon lords together created a new dimension where only demon lords can enter.
3. Urumir: I see then why are you coming with me i mean it's only for demon lords.
4. Arodlev: Hahaha, who said i will be coming with you i am just sending you to their location. From that point you will be on your own.
5. Urumir: Heh, but but but i have never joined in a meeting like that atleast come with me for my backup.
6. Arodlev: Think this as your trial *she puts her hand on my shoulder* and i will pray for you that you will come back alive from that meeting.
7. Urumir: *with scared and loud voice* That's not comfortable word at all.
8. Arodlev: *she take out a letter from her boobs* Give this to demon lord called yug after he read this letter he will probably test you for something but i believe you that you will pass that test.
We arrive on tons of mountains place and we stop.
9. Arodlev: Look on the ground did you see two women tell them to "Open The Gate For Me" and they will open a portal for you. Then from here take care of yourself i will be leaving. *she flies toward her forest* See you.
I land on ground where are two womans.
10. Women 1: Who are you? This area is prohibited for everyone beside demon lords we are the guards of this area. If you don't leave this area quickly we have to use force. *she points her sword at me*
11. Urumir: (calm down, calm down *long breath* *with loud voice* [but in his own mind] how can i calm myself when there are two angels in front of me. *with perverted look* Who are they hehehe are they some kind of goddess their beautiness and sexiness *gulp* i mean their sexiness in whole another level.) Ope-open the gate for me.
12. Women 2: Hmm, wait sita. *she place her left hand in front of her chest*
13. Sita: Gita, what's wrong if we don't drive him away-
14. Gita: *with serious look* Are you demon lord?
15. Urumir: *gulp* (man, these girls are both big in boobs and ass they are totally my type.) Yeah i recently became demon lords and i also want to join demon lords meeting.
16. Sita: What is that letter you are holding in your hand?
17. Urumir: This, *i show up my letter* this is just a letter arodlev san gave me.
Both girl shocked after hearing arodlev name.
18. Gita: You mean arodlev tsepmet?
19. Urumir: Yeah that is her name.
20. Sita: What proof do you have to show that you are a demon lord but if you really are a demon lord then show me your spirit form.
21. Urumir: I make it into my own power.
22. Sita: Wha-what? You can only make it into your own power, only if you complete your training 100% are you saying a kid like you have completed demon lord training. *with loud voice* *she attack me with her sword* Don't kid with me?
23. Urumir: *a giant black hand appear from my back neck and it stops her sword with second and middle finger*
24. Gita: Da-dark magic *gulp* the-there is no mistake thi-this is definitely dark magic.
25. Urumir: *i break her sword with two fingers* A voice who called himself dark lord give me this power. If you try to harm me first you have to face this magic.
26. Sita: *she backs out a bit* (Dark Lord? yug sama told me he is the one who gave lucifer dark magic when he was abandoned from heaven with his comrades. He also said after obtaining this magic he became so powerful that he can even defeat his father zeus. Why did dark lord give that powerful magic to a kid moreover how can he sustain this powerful magic in the first place?)
27. Urumir: Open the gate for me. I don't have much time.
28. Sita: O-okay.
29. Both Sita and Gita: "Dimension Door"
A door appear behind me. And my dark arm disappeared.
30. Urumir: *i pass through door and i find myself in a straight white path but aside from that all is black around me* after some minute walking* How long is this path? Just in case they also don't doubt me that i am demon lords i will remove this bracelet. I don't know who give me this but for now i will keep it in my pocket. *i remove my bracelet* *then my mana covers everything and white path was also turned into black*
Inside a castle in some empty space.
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31. Yug (Boy): Dark magic who can it be?
32. Nilim (Girl): *chuckles* Probably again lucifer.
33. Binaas (Girl): Are you an idiot or something nobody can feel it lucifer's power or his magic it is beyond everything.
34. Chaand (Girl): You are right, i think compared to his magic this person magic doesn't exist because it's too weak.
35. Yug: Well does any of you even have dark magic?
All demon lords became silent.
36. Yug: He was choosen by dark lord. There has to be something special about him. He is coming.
I appear on a room which is covered in all blackness.
37. Urumir: Is this the room? Why is it all covered in blackness is this really the spot?
38. Yug: Hey kid.
39. Urumir: Hmm. (A adult man with red hair blue eyes and have a necklace of some kind of tiger's tooths on his neck and he only wears an t shirt on upper body and his chest can be seen on his chest there is skeleton mark in black content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/images/screenshot/16554323916526488748625085962427.jpg basically outfit like this but all in black.) Are you the demon lord yug.
40. Yug: Yeah why do you ask?
41. Urumir: *I hand him the letter* This is the letter arodlev san told me to give you.
Another girl appear from dimensional door.
42. Amika: Sorry i am so late everyone.
43. Yug: *he keeps arodlev letter in his hand* No suprisingly you are not so late this time. Everyone take your sit.
Everyone sit on their own chair but for me there is no chair but it appears later.
44. Yug: Now let's start our meeting. Does anyone have anything to say beside our upcoming war with heroes.
45. Amika: *she raise her hand*
46. Yug: Amika what's the matter?
47. Amika: *she clench her fist* *with angry voice* Finally i have found out who is the killer of my country's people.
48. Yug: Really can you tell us who is it.
49. Amika: Actually, it's not just one people doing. It is an entire race behind my country's people's death.
50. Nilim: *with exciting face* Who is it? Who is it? Are they tough if they are then i want to fight them.
51. Urumir: (This girl wants to fight she is just same height as me will she be alright?)
52. Amika: *smiles* Although i hate you but this time i need your power nilim and i need one more person who can help me.
53. Urumir: (*with shocked face* [in his own mind] Nilim is she the demon lords which soul king told me to be friends with her looking at her she looks pretty weak though.) *i raise my hand* If you will be okay with me i would also like to help you.
54. Amika: I thank you. The enemies are vampires entire race but they are not just in my country. From all of my spies all over the world they are only on three countries causing deaths. One of their hideouts are in indi and second one is on bhu and their main hideouts are in nepa. My spy told me that vampire queens has given birth to a girl and they are having big party. Many vampires from indi and bhu will be joining this party but only important member will join. Meaning i will take care of all vampires from indi and nilim will take care of all vampires of bhu and you, you what is your name?
55. Urumir: My name is urumir Urumir Magar.
56. Amika: Magar? Are you from nepal?
57. Urumir: ye-yeah. Nice to meet you.
58. Amika: No need to be so formal since we both are from one country we will be great friends. Anyway you will go to the their main hideout nepa and kill all of them. Don't worry after we take care of all vampires from indi and bhu we will come back to support you. Though i doubt you will need our help but listen *with serious look* don't spare any of them even if they are kids kill their queen's child in front of them. That will teach them what will happen when they miss with demons lords. Any obligation?
59. Urumir: No (Unfortunately after becoming demon lords i don't hesitate even when she told me to kill a child in front of her mother. I am pretty calm even when she told me that.) don't worry i will not spare single one of them. By the time you came back to support me there will be no survivors.
60. Amika: *smiles* We will depart on tomorrow. *with serious look* And we will exterminate entire vampire race.