1. Yug: Infinite galaxies and universes are you some kind of monster?
2. Rizuka: No, i can only destroy this 3rd dimension infinite galaxies and universes. It's a pretty weak dimension. Anybody strong one from higher dimensions can do that. But why? Why this dimension is so gifted despite being the weakest dimension. Higher dimensional beings can't stand to these facts and they all want to see the end of this dimensions. But after some higher dimensional beings plan to destroy this dimensions despite the rules set by lucifer. He has no choice but to do something. That's why he hide mysterious power on this dimension. After all higher dimensional beings feel that power they stop their plan and start to search that mysterious power on this dimension.
3. Urumir: *i place my hand on my chin* Soul king said outerversal beings try to destroy this multiverse many times and lucifer right hand man hide this entire multiverse. If they want that mysterious power then why will they try to destroy it before finding it?
4. Rizuka: They are different from others. They all know how powerful and destructive that power is and if it's get on wrong hand it will be the end of everything except omniverse. That's why they try many time to erase that power from existence. But didn't get success. I am omniscient so i know. That power is waiting for a worthy person to inherit it.
5. Binaas: What will happen if someone who isn't worthy try to inherit it? And what will happen if someone worthy inherit it?
6. Rizuka: They will be destroyed by that power if they aren't worthy but if they are worthy they will be *she stops* i wouldn't say anything. Anyway you just want to get on land before they come in desert right? You don't have to worry about that. "Mass Teleportation"
An pink aura came from her body and it surround entire demon lords army and we teleported.
7. Nilim: Hmm, we didn't teleport on air or anywhere i haven't seen this perfect teleportation in my life entire life.
8. Akima: That's right, even i couldn't do this perfect teleportation. But *she looks here and there* i don't see any armies and heroes.
9. Yug: *he says while crossing his hands* How many time we have to wait for them to appear.
10. Rizuka: 30 minutes. looks like merica and brit also joined hand with heroes and they are attacking with full force.
11. Binaas: I didn't expect that. Don't they will attack aruj forest why they are attacking us with full force?
12. Puja: Arodlev sama told me all continent around the world had made an alliance except two alliance name is "In the name of god and goddess" and even if we win on this war against heroes, merica and brit. They will be attacking immediately after 1 month. Meaning whole world is against demon lords and entire monster race now. They have decided to exterminate both of them once for an all.
13. Chaand: We never get any peace from human no matter how much time have passed. *sigh* If in the name of gods and goddess attack us what should we do? Should we exterminate entire human race.
14. Urumir: Well exterminate their entire race is too extreme. Why don't we do this, if we win that war against whole world, we will create peace by force.
Every demon lords looks at me for some moments. Sweat was coming from my every place of heads.
15. Akima: That is a good idea. What do you say everyone?
16. Binaas: Hahaha i see what you mean. You are very smart despite your age.
17. Nilim: I am agree with you.
18. Yug: Me too your idea isn't too bad.
19. Chaand: I will help you, although i don't need to do that.
After some minutes talking and planning strategy we wait for heroes. After waiting some more minutes we see them on our sights. They also wait after they see us.
On a big stone clif there were two persons arguing.
20. Heroes 1(Boy): Di-didn't you tell me they will be coming with smaller troops? *he points out at us* What is that their army is equal as ours. As i guess we should never have trusted this world soldiers.
21. Lady Knight: If you don't want to lose your life then shut your mouth. You are still breathing due to zera sama's orders. Otherwise you will be long dead by my hands.
22. Heroes 1 (Boy): Tch.
22. Lady Knight: *with loud voice* Everyone listen.
All soldiers and heroes looks up to where they are.
23. Lady Knights: *with loud voice* If you lose in this war you will also lose everything your parents, lovers, friends and everything. *with even louder voice* If you want to protect them then fight with everything you got.
24. All heroes and soldiers: *with loud voice* Yeah. *they all raise their weapons in air while yelling*
25. Lady Knight: *with loud voice* Don't let single one of them alive. *with even louder voice* Attack.
All heroes and soldiers charged towards us.
26. Nilim: Hehehe finally they have charged. Let's see how strong are heroes.
27. Binaas: I will destroy them all and i won't hold back my power this time. I will destroy them with all my power.
28. Chaand: There is always conflict on this earth.
You are reading story Mysterious Power at novel35.com
29. Akima: I don't hold any grudge towards humans but if i don't kill them i will lose my loved ones.
30. Urumir: This is my first war. All i know is we shouldn't hold back our power against them. So i will fight with my full strength.
31. Yug: *sigh* Well i am only worried about heroes but most of them are pretty weak for a hero. (Erza, this will be our last battle.)
32. Rizuka: There are 2 lakh fifty thousands soldiers and 1000 heroes. Well good thing we will win this war easily as long as i am alive.
33. Yug: Remember you are fourth dimensional being. I don't know how your race find a way to enter this multiverse but after entering this multiverse you can never use your full power.
34. Rizuka: I know why he do that. But he also can't use his full power.
35. Yug: *with shocked face* *with small voice* When?
36. Rizuka: When this battle was coming to an end.
37. Yug: *he goes forward and stop after taking a few step *he raise his sword in air* *with loud voice* Everyone listen, you are demon lords armies and most of them are just normal soldiers. We demon lords will fight with heroes. While you fight with soldiers. Don't worry our chance of winning this war is 100%. Kill them all without showing any mercy.
38. All Demon Lords Army: Yeah. *they also raise their weapon while screaming*
39. Yug: *with loud voice* Attack.
We and demon lords army also charged towards them. Yug fly towards sky and two girls also came near hime.
40. Erika: Long time no see yug.
41. Yug: It's just been 100 years.
42. Zaki: *with nervous voice* This time we will finally defeat you.
43. Yug: Result will be same but *he pose like this content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/images/screenshot/16561576750253672817521957705558.jpg* let's enjoy this battle because it will be our last battle.
44. Yug and Zaki: Fu-si-on ha.
A white light appears from her body it's so bright that everyone close their eyes on battlefield.
45. Urumir: My eyes, my eyes huh who is she? *i fly towards yug* Hey yug, want help?
46. Yug: Don't worry i can handle her. *he points out at a giant cliff where there are two peoples standing* On there, there is a strongest person in this whole battlefield. *he looks at me* Can you defeat her?
Heroes and their army clashed with demon lords army. Battle was started.
47. Urumir: (Looks like he doesn't need my help.) Yeah leave it to me. *i fly towards her*
48. Lady Knight: Hmm, *she looks towards me* saiyan i never expected that. Hey go fight with other demon lords.
49. Heroes 1: Tch don't order me. *he flies towards binaas*
I land on same cliff where she was standing before. Her eyes are red, hairs are black and short and her body is muscular like nuo, her breast is pretty big but her ass is normal.
50. Urumir: I can feel you are pretty strong. Can i know your name?
51. Lady Knight: Hmf *she flies towards sky and pose like this content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/images/screenshot/1656158735869783028782213408137.png* i will only tell you my name *blue aura cover her body like this content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/images/screenshot/16561589672981681339967973151801.jpg* when i think you are worthy enough.
*she flies towards me so fast that i didn't see and ounch me in the first*
52. Lady Knight: "Dimension Trap"
I opened my eyes and look around myself.
53. Urumir: Ouch ouch ouch where am i there is black and stars everywhere. Oh right i was unconscious after she punch me.
54. Lady Knight: You woke up, it's been only one second well for our 3rd dimension you slept whole year. Well i don't blame you because i hit you pretty hard that you passed out and your passed out body cannot handle dimensional energy very well while we coming here. So it take a while to wake you.
55. Urumir: What is this place?
56. Lady Knight: This is "Empty Dimension" from fourth dimension. You will be never be able to get out if you can't defeat me.
57. Urumir: *with cluless look* Heh?