Chapter 22: Mysterious Power Chapter 22

1. Urumir: *baby crying noises* Huh who is crying *yawn* thanks to that crying my beautiful dream has been ruined. *i get up and go outside* *rizuka came towards me with pari crying in her hands* 

2. Rizuka: She is crying and i don't know how to calm her can you-

3. Urumir: You don't need to ask that. I am her father and it is my responsibility to calm her. *i reached out my hand towards her and she give pari to me* *i make many funny faces and she  stop crying and she starts to laughing* *i carry her to my backs*

4. Puja: Food is ready everyone come with your plates. *after eating food* Urumir how is your health are you okay.

5. Urumir: What do you mean? I am perfectly fine.

6. Puja: Really but why did you woke up so late today? Are you really okay i am not asking physically because it's a war and you will get hurt but i am asking about mentally.

7. Urumir: ..... I am fine i guess (Maya: And dark power also can't help you.) I am just lost in thought that's all. (What is she mean by that? Dark power? What is that? I thought i have only 1 random power but dark power......... does that mean i get 2 random power? Even if i get 2 random power what the hell is this dark power? I can understand dark magic but dark power .... i have to find out about this.)

Arodlev came towards me.

8. Arodlev: Hey sangeet by the way lucifer called you to dark continent will you go?

9. Urumir: Oh you mean the man who saved me from that angel. *arodlev nods* Hmm okay i will go immediately.

10. Rizuka: Let's go together i don't want to be apart from my daughter.

11. Urumir: Okay let's go. By the arodlev san where is dark continent? 

12. Arodlev: *she touch my head* There is no need to search it. It is pointless. I will directly teleport three of you to dark continent because it is hidden from rest of the world. 

A red light surround around our body and we teleported on dark continent.

13. Urumir: Whoa what is this gigantic gate and the mansion behind it is bigger than this gate.

14. Rizuka: I must say it was pretty time consuming work *she touch the gate* considering how beautiful and detailed it is.

An dark elf appear in front of us.

15. Dark Elf: Are you the person who was called by lucifer sama?

16. Rizuka: Know your place, why would we come to this place just because he called us that make us look pretty weak. 

17. Urumir: Rizuka calm down. Uhm we i mean i came to this place because i want to thank him that's all.

18. Dark Elf: I see. Pls don't be offend by my words i didn't mean any insult. 

After climbing many stairs.

19. Urumir: *pant* *pant* *pant* What the hell i see this mansion from the gate then why did it take so much time to reach it.

20. Lucifer: Finally we meet again.

21. Dark Elf: Lucifer sama *she bows down before him* you didn't have to came directly.

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22. Lucifer: Well urumir there is something i want to give you will you accept it?

23. Urumir: And what is that something you want to give me?

24. Lucifer: Let's call it a weapon.

25. Urumir: Weapon huh as i recall i don't have any weapon. It will be pretty cool if i have it although i haven't any experience on it.

26. Lucifer: It's okay if you don't use it she can do everything by herself.

27. Urumir: She?

28. Lucifer: Well you will know about it soon enough. Follow me.


I and lucifer came into a giant room where there was many weapons. So many that almost  cover entire room. 

29. Lucifer: There it is.

30. Urumir: Hmm it just looks like normal book shelf. F rank weapons, E rank weapons, D rank weapons and there is also C, B, A and Z rank weapons. Hmm what rank does that weapon belongs to? Huh is that really a weapon its just looks likes an black ball. Can you tell me now why are you calling it her? 

31. Lucifer: Very well i will show you. Ahem you can reveal yourself. 

Suddenly that black ball starts to glow up and it begans to take a shape of a human body. And an lady appear in front of me.

32. Urumir: (A tall woman with big boobs and big ass oh jesus is this heaven.) Ahem

She opens her eyes. And the first thing she looks at after opening her eye is me.

33. Nameless Lady: *smiles* So are you my master?

34. Urumir: Well about that i haven't decided yet.

35. Nameless Lady: *chuckles* (He is so cute.) *she catch my hand* Don't say that i can fulfil your any desire. Anyway what name will you give me and what weapon will you change me into tell me tell me.

While she speaking her boobs were jiggling so much.

36. Urumir: (Calm down, calm down i am a man of culture i would never be distracted by such... *gulp* such gigantic boobs.) Well can you turn into your original shape. 

37. Nameless Lady: (He is embarrassed huh *chuckles* i am liking this boy more.) As your wish master.

38. Urumir: Stop calling me master. *She turns into black ball and i catch her in my hand* Despite her sexiness i mean her beauty her power is tremendous. Are you really okay giving me such powerful thing. 

39. Lucifer: I don't mind. (Despite she was supressing her power normal people should be erase just by standing in front of her. Looks like this boy is really special than we think.)

40. Urumir: Okay from now on your name will be "Devi" and you would be my sword from now on.

Glow was coming from her and she fly in sky she began to take a shape of sword. After few minutes fancy sword was created and it was standing in front of me.