Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The Next Day.

The sound of birds singing was mocking Nandita’s tired bones. She and Seung Hee had already begun prepping for the new day before the sun had risen, shuffling through some herbs to dry in the early morning sun. Nandita yawned as she stretched. Luckily her injuries had mostly recovered, but her ribs were still tender and her shoulder tired too easily. But Nandita smiled. How could she complain? It was a miracle that she was still alive. Well, Halmeoni is a miracle worker. Without her help, I probably wouldn’t have healed this well. 

The two of them trudged back to the hut; a glass of cool water was the only motivation for their labour. However, they were interrupted by the greetings of a duo of strange men within their shop. One of them smiled courteously at the girls. The other was not so impressed.

Well, now that everyone is here, I would like to begin,” the one who smiled said.

The girls made their way towards Halmeoni, as the man cleared his throat. In a swift motion, he flung open a scroll and began to read: “By the decree of the 8th Prince, His Highness, Wang Wook, we are here to announce his gratitude to Ghim Eun Byeol, Ghim Seung Hee and…” he squinted his eyes, fumbling over the next word, “Nandita, of the West Apothecary, who has worked gratuitously for Lady Hae, wife of the 8th Prince. We are here to reward such efforts to commemorate her recovery.”

With the snap of his fingers, the other man presented three pouches and handed them to Halmeoni. “I hope this will suffice.”

Halmeoni stared at the pouches in front of her. An unamused expression on her face. Sighing, she shook her head, before signing to Seung Hee her response to the gesture. Seung Hee’s mouth opened to protest, but it was already too late. Halmeoni walked over to the two men. She reached out and only took two of the bags. 

The two messengers’ eyes widened, unable to interpret her actions. They glanced at Seung Hee, who flashed them her smile, trying her best to hide her disdain for what her grandmother was implying.

We will accept the rest of the payment once Lady Hae has fully recovered.” Seung Hee did her best not to grit her teeth.

The two couriers returned the smile, although their demeanour suggested that they were also uncomfortable with this. They shifted their focus to the elder, who had already placed the two pouches down and now had begun to scribble on a piece of parchment. She quickly handed it to the two men. Their eyes scanned the paper, before nodding. Their uneasiness had seemed to disperse with the note. 

We will send word to the Prince.”

With that, the two bowed, before leaving the trio behind. Silence befell the shop until it was absolutely certain they were gone, before Seung Hee whipped her head to her grandmother. “Halmeoni, why did you refuse the full payment?” she whispered harshly.

The older woman tutted at her granddaughter, turning her back to the two young girls. Inspecting her walls and shelves of medicine, she began to carefully fill a bag. Nandita could only steal quick glances at its contents, but the older woman’s frame obscured it from her view. Although, from what little she could see, Nandita raised an eyebrow at the recognition of some of the ingredients. Apricot kernels, liquorice and a mineral she believed was called gypsum. 

Everything that was used to treat Lady Hae. Everything that Lady Hae will still need to take.

A stern expression found its way onto Nandita’s face. She knew that they weren’t out of the dark yet. But part of her hoped that this would be the only hiccup they would face. How naive. Seung Hee tapped Nandita’s shoulder, dissipating the scowl that was forming. “What’s wrong?”

Nandita opened her mouth to answer, but Halmeoni had already presented the bag to the girls. She began to sign once again, almost too fast for Seung Hee to comprehend, before shooing them out of the hut. Before a protest could escape Seung Hee’s lips, the door slammed in their faces. Followed by a string of curses flooding the air.

Ya! You can’t just send us away like this!


Lady Hae’s Residence.

The red gate greeted the two once again. Nandita hadn’t realised how much she had missed visiting. The shrubbery nearby had begun to prepare for the colder climate, as their green leaves began to shift towards beautiful oranges and reds. Sadly, their beauty was not enough to distract Nandita from the pounding in her chest. But she had made a promise and will not let this shake her resolve. Bracing herself, she made her way through the familiar path within the mansion. 

Seung Hee glanced at her friend. She was surprised at how well Nandita was handling her guilt now. It wasn’t uncommon for practitioners like her to completely fall apart when a patient’s health suddenly deteriorates. But that only highlights their good nature. Hopefully, now that will be of some use. Especially as whispers began to surround the two.

It wasn’t long before the two arrived at the familiar wooden doors and had their presence reluctantly announced. Nandita couldn’t help but notice the demeanour of everyone had changed. Hushed voices followed them around. But Nandita couldn’t tell what they were saying. Before she could hear anymore, silence befell around them as the doors opened. 

A wave of warmth hit the two of them, as they made their way to the room. The fireplace on the right wall had been lit, attended by Chae Ryung herself. The girl with pigtails flashed a strained smile at the girls before excusing herself from the room. That’s strange. But neither of the two had the chance to figure out the cause for the expression of their friend, as their patient was waiting for them. As well as her husband, who had a familiar hand-written note next to him. 

Lady Hae’s complexion caught Nandita off-guard. Even though Seung Hee had warned her before entering the premises, nothing could prepare her for what she saw. The frail noblewoman had a sickly ashy-grey tone coating her skin. Her body was shivering, despite the heat of the fireplace illuminating the room. Thick, heavily blankets wrapped her gaunt frame. 

Yet, she still shared a smile at the girls. Her hair was ornated, as per usual. Glimpses of her pale pink clothes from underneath the blankets, would still be considered luxurious, even with Nandita’s untrained eye. Her presence was not of someone who had been weakened by disease. It was of someone who would hold her head high, regardless of what the Gods had planned for her. Ah, this is the presence of a true noble.

Nandita couldn’t help share her delight and return the smile. She barely noticed the man by her side until he spoke.

I’ve received word that you will not accept the full payment,” he said.

Yes, Your Highness. We believe it would be unprincipled to accept such kindness, when we’ve yet to complete our job,” Seung Hee responded. 

Prince Wook raised an eyebrow. “Complete your job?”

Coughing to get Nandita’s attention, the two quickly began to unpack their bags revealing to the married couple the extensive amount of medicine Lady Hae would need to take. Wook could barely hold back his grimace at the sight of it. He was well aware that his wife’s health could suddenly deteriorate if they weren't careful, but the idea of her being in more pain just to recover, did not sit well with him. Ah, am I allowed to have such caring thoughts about her?

Before he could answer his own question, the two physicians-in-training began to describe the medicine in detail; what it was supposed to treat, when to take it and how often it must be taken to achieve its full effects. Seung Hee even handed them a note with the information, so they could reference it when needed. But that didn’t change the fact that Lady Hae would still need to be monitored. Wook’s eyes glanced down at the message Seung Hee’s grandmother had sent earlier.

To the benevolent Prince of this Province,

While we are eternally grateful for your recognition of our efforts, I am afraid we are unable to accept full payment until Her Ladyship has recovered.

To ensure this, I have sent my granddaughter and apprentice to deliver the medication that will be needed to warrant her improvement. Additionally, we will implement a physician from our apothecary to regularly supervise Her Ladyship’s recuperation. I hope this will be sufficient and if you were to request any changes, we will happily oblige.

For any further details, please do not hesitate to contact us.

From Ghim Eun Byeol of the West Apothecary.

Wook began to tap the table, as he reread the letter over and over again. It was reassuring that these people were doing their absolute best, but he couldn’t help but question it; would it really be enough? Before he could dissuade himself from his thoughts, a hand placed itself on his shoulder. His eyes were met with a reassuring smile from his wife. Of course, she would reach out to him and comfort him first, when it should be the other way around. A pang of guilt rang through his chest. 

Taking initiative, he squeezed her hand. We will get through this, he hoped his gesture would convey. Lady’s Hae smile widened. 

The two turned their attention to the young medics who continued discussing how the couple should proceed, as well as how frequent the visits from the Apothecary would follow through. Nandita tried her best to contain her glee. It was strange to see the man who had the face of her best friend be such a caring husband, but she wasn’t surprised. Jaewook was always sweet and considerate, so it was comforting to know that even in his past life he still shared those traits. 

Wait...Is this his past life?

Nandita blinked. How could she never have connected the dots? She could almost giggle at the idea of her friend being a prince in his previous life. Jaewook never carried himself with an air of prestige, unlike the royal family member in front of her. He was also indecisive and clumsy when it came to making important decisions. Something Nandita knew was not the case with the 8th Prince, as she saw him direct servants of his palace whilst his wife was in critical condition. She almost shook her head. She couldn’t imagine Jaewook ordering people around. It would be something that would go against the very nature of his being. Another thing that would set the two apart. 

The smile she had adorned when she entered the room wavered. While it was comforting to see a familiar face in such a foreign place, it still tugged her heartstrings as she was reminded of her home and the people she had abandoned. Nandita took a moment to take in the appearance of the Prince. His brows were furrowed as he listened intently to Seung Hee. She could see the frown marks on his face were much more prominent than they were on Jaewook, who always lit the entire room with his smile. I guess this version of you hasn’t had a chance to smile as much...the life of a Royal must be tough. 

Nandita shook her thoughts out of her head. Even though they had shared similarities, it would be hypocritical to lament their differences. Heck, she wasn’t even the same person she once was. Barely a month ago, she was consumed by the pressures and tragedies of her life, but now she was working to help and alleviate some of that for others. She could chuckle at the irony.

I wonder, if I ever get to meet other incarnations, how different will they be?

Before she could consider an idea, Seung Hee requested their departure as they had completed their job for the day. The two bowed their heads at the nobles before quietly leaving the room. But the silence only lasted until they were out of earshot. Muffled conversations circled the two as they made their way to the exit. Their guide was awfully tense. A glare began to form onto Seung Hee’s face. She did not like the feeling of this. 

You are reading story Cursed Eclipse Lovers at

She quickly glanced at Nandita, who had also noticed the shift in the atmosphere. But the two remained close-mouthed. They knew that there was a time and place to investigate these matters. Unfortunately, this was not it. 

As they passed the red gate once again, the two were left alone. Seung Hee turned to face Nandita, but the smaller girl beat her to it. 

“It’s strange,” she said.

“You’re right.”

“Why...why were they...uh….acting like that?”

“I'm not sure,” Seung Hee began to tap her chin. Why were they acting like that?

The two stared at the red gate. What was at first a welcoming sign, now had an ominous cloud settled around it. The only person they knew that had answers, ran away when she saw them. But they waited patiently for her. They had to give her a chance. There must have been a reason for everything. 

But their friend never came. 

Chae Ryung, what is going on?


A Few Days Later.

You would think by now that waking up as early as Nandita had been doing for the last month, she would be used to it. She wasn't. 

She cursed as the sun had refused to rise before she had. But today she couldn’t let her tiredness slow her down. Especially as she was on duty to take care of Lady Hae. The last few days, Seung Hee was tasked with tending to the noblewoman, which had made the Apothecary seem empty, despite its abundance of patrons. But now it was Nandita’s turn. 

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Nandita carefully reread her notes from the night before. Halmeoni and Seung Hee explained in great detail what tending to the noblewoman would encompass. But neither could provide any information about the strange interactions the two young girls faced when they arrived at the residence a few days prior. All Seung Hee could report was that servants avoided her and their whispers would cease in her presence. It was almost as if it never happened. 

Usually, gossip hardly phased Nandita. She had faced worse during her time in her village. But from what little she knew about the world around her, these could lead to disastrous consequences. The stereotypes from the media she consumed in the Modern World highlighted how much nobles care about how they are perceived. If these whispers were negative about the Apothecary, it could lead to losing a valuable client, such as the Royal family. Which, in turn, could hinder further business, especially if they decided to retaliate. 

On the other hand, if they were about the Royal family, it would be an entirely different case. These potential rumours could be considered treason and who knows who would be punished for something like that. They could sweep up the Apothecary and drag them to the ground as well. But there was no definite answer. Therefore, no definite solution.

Nandita groaned. 

If Seung Hee couldn’t figure it out, there was no way Nandita could. If she didn’t tread carefully, she could cause further harm. It didn’t help that her language skills were barely passable and her knowledge was limited. Hm, maybe I could use that to my advantage?

She shook her head. It was too early to think. And it wasn’t as if she had the time to truly consider her situation either. If she didn't leave soon, she would be late, which would just add to her list of problems to deal with. She sighed.

Why am I working on such a high profile case?

Snapping herself out of her thoughts, Nandita rearranged the bag Halmeoni had prepared, thoroughly inspecting its contents and memorising as much as she could. But she couldn’t delay the inevitable. Bracing herself, Nandita exited the hut she had now called home.

Her stomach swayed uneasily as she made her trek. She barely tolerated the idea of eating breakfast, but the regret of not having the strength of a full belly was quickly approaching. She turned her attention to her surroundings, but that did little to ease her pounding heartbeat. 

The dark morning air only heightened Nandita’s anxiety. The world was painted in silence as it awaited its transition to daytime. What was once a quiet moment she enjoyed in Seoul, now had filled her with dread. 

Nandita took a shaky breath. A part of her still wanted to run away. Avoid all of this if possible. But she stood her ground. Clenching her fist, she refused to let her fears get the better of her. She had to. This would be the first time she would treat a patient on her own. It was also the perfect chance to help redeem herself. Not only for her past life, but the neglect she had shown at the Apothecary.

Steadying herself, Nandita had already made it up the stairs to the red gate. Her hand hovered as she hesitated to knock. A dark thought brushed against her mind. Do I really have the capabilities for this job?

Well, there’s only one way to find out! 

The words of her sister rang clearly in the air. Almost causing Nandita to spin around. But she knew there was no cause for this voice. The one person in the world who would help Nandita overcome her doubts had yet to exist.

A soft smile appeared as Nandita’s mind wandered back to her time at her village. The bullies that had often tormented her had now stolen Nandita’s favourite book. Eyes puffy from crying, five-year-old Nandita ran to her older sister, who would know what to do. She always knew what to do. Without exception, Jeevita would be on Nandita’s side and fight back those who were mean to her. 

Running as fast as her little chubby legs could carry her, the small child dashed through the village before rushing into Jeevita’s arms. The thirteen-year-old, held her younger sister, consoling and calming her down. Through hiccups and sniffles, Nandita was able to explain what had happened. The bullies not only stole her book, but also pushed and kicked her to the ground. 

Wiping away her tears, Jeevita’s eyes darkened. That was not the reason Nandita was crying so much. She knew her little sister better than anyone. She would have simply run away if things got too tough for her. But at that moment, Nandita couldn’t. And Jeevita knew why.

Her suspicions rang true as the girls faced the bullies once again. They were simply passing by before Jeevita had noticed Nandita had frozen in place. The little girl was trembling at the sight of them. It wasn’t until they were gone, that all the emotions that flooded her little body, spilt onto her cheeks, as she silently cried. Gritting her teeth and clenching her fist, it was obvious to Jeevita that she was frustrated. And she couldn’t blame her. 

“Nandu, please don’t cry. It doesn’t mean you’re weak because you’re scared,” She held her hand tighter. “Being scared means you’re human.”

The younger sister replied with her sniffles. “But I wanna be brave...just like you.”

Gently placing her hand on her cheek, Jeevita smiled. “Being brave doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to be scared. Being brave is doing something despite being scared. We call that courage.”


“Mmh, it means when you are strong enough to not let fear stop you.”

The younger girl tilted her head, her tears still falling from her face. “But, how do I get strong?”

Jeevita chuckled. “Don’t worry, you are strong, you just need to be reminded every now and then.”

Frowning, Nandita didn’t believe Jeevita at all. The bullying never really stopped. But Nandita’s patience did. It wasn’t until she endured her heart pounding in her chest, her blood rushing to her brain, and her ears going red, as she spoke back and stood her ground for the first time did she grasp what Jeevita had meant. The bullies quickly left and all Nandita could hear was someone softly chuckling behind her. 

“See, the best way to see if something works is to test it out.”

The words echoed, as a pang of homesickness resonated loudly at her core. Nandita had to clutch her chest. But she was grateful to be reminded. 

Biting her lip, she knocked on the door. There was no turning back now. She had already made a promise to herself and to the people around her. She would fix her karma. She would help those who needed it. She will not be defined by her curse ever again. If she has to face people talking behind her back once more, she knows she can survive it. She had already done so. 

This new problem will have a solution. And Nandita will find it. The only way to get answers and results was to see this through. Taking a deep breath, she was ready to face the opposite side of the door which slowly creaked open. 


End of Chapter 10.