I stood there, my head pressed against Levi's chest as tears rolled down my face uncontrollably. I continually thanked him, the words spewing out without meaning to.
"Thank you, I'm so thankful, thank you," I repeated, murmuring through the sobs.
"I only did it because you're my teammate now," Levi stated, interrupting another blurted thanks. He pried me from his chest and nodded slightly. I gulped back another wave of tears as I took in his full form for the first time, due to him being barely noticeable whilst dispatching of my previous owners.
Abyssal black hair bundled down to just below his shoulders, and two horns poked out of the front of his scalp, curving back slightly. His sheet-white skin and blood-red eyes glowed in the candlelight of the tavern. An aura even whiter than his skin fluttered around his body calmly, causing a sense of confusion over his power compared to the mana signature.
"What's it gone all quiet for then? Did you do this, Levi!" A booming voice blamed from the staircase. I looked over and was astounded by the large man who completely blocked the sight of barmaid behind him trying to make herself look presentable after her escapade. "I knew it wasn't a lie! You're never out of fights!" He chuckled, his large shoulders bouncing as he paced over to us.
"And I see you were preoccupied with another enemy, Asmode," Levi grumbled, glaring to the larger man's face, "this is Tiala. She's our new teammate." He announced, and the large man turned to look at me.
He seemed to be the complete opposite of Levi. Large, white-haired, and surrounded by a jagged, red-brown aura that flared with every movement he made. I noted that he was a demonfolk also, realizing I was the odd one out.
"I'm glad to be welcomed into your party, Leader," I bowed to Asmode, hoping that Levi's decision to invite me into their party was accepted by the stronger man. I was surprised, however, when my plead was met with an even deeper, more bellyful laugh by Asmode which overpowered the people of the tavern who had taken back to speaking. My tears had dried up too, the bar fight seeming to be only a blip in the day-to-day running of the Guild.
"Missy," Asmode said in between exhales of joy, "he's the leader." He stated, nodding to the man who was holding me at arm's length by my shoulders with his head slung low in sadness. "The little guy's stronger than a lot of folks his age!"
"Oh. I just assumed bec-" I stuttered, shocked that the larger man seemed to revere the much younger demon before us. Levi raised his head and let go of my shoulders. I opened my mouth to speak once more, but Levi spoke up before I could get my words out.
"We're going to go kill these," he ordered, stabbing one of his pointy nails at a quest that sat on the table, "it's our first quest as a party." Asmode and I both leaned in to read what it said, and I was going to argue before the larger man shrugged with a grunt.
"Sounds good," he seconded. Levi wasted no time in grabbing the loose piece of paper, as well as the large folder-like set of quests I had compiled. The two of them had begun to walk towards the door, and I had jogged slightly to catch up.
"Are you sure? I was going to put that in the pile that an apprentice Holy Shield requested me to make for her. She's not the strongest, but her mana signature is on par or larger than Asmode's from what I've been told." I blurted, scared that my new teammates were going overboard to prove their strength to me.
"What's her name?" Levi inquired, a slight coldness to his voice that I hadn't expected.
"She's known as the Wind's Bride, but I'm sure her real name is Petra," I replied, and despite the sky being covered by clouds, the sight of his white mana signature expanding in a small explosion was unmistakeable, even though it instantly returned to its usual, wispy form.
You are reading story Leviathan’s System at novel35.com
"I see. She's an apprentice Holy Shield, and Randall will be too," Levi mumbled to himself as the three of us roamed down the empty street. The informal, almost annoying way he spoke about a girl of such high stature brought a sense of unease as thoughts of becoming involved with another group of ruffians raced in my mind. "I need to keep up."
"You're going to the Academy in a year, aren't you?" Asmode asked, looking down towards his friend who nodded in reply. "I guess we'll just need to get as many quests done within the year as possible." He sighed, bringing his hands up to the back of his head as he continued to walk at a leisurely pace beside the ragged site of our party's leader. "Just hope that the little Missy can keep up with you."
I stayed quiet as I followed behind them into a forest, lost in thought. A demon of only seventeen years of age wasn't usually seen as overly powerful, especially not by an older member of their species. Sure, he defeated three quite seasoned C-Rank Hunters, but they were blind drunk and he practically ambushed them, so I was unsure if Asmode's words held any more weight than an uncle praising his nephew.
I was surprised when I saw an Electro-leopard leap out of the bushes and land in front of the two unphased demons in front of me. It was only a D-Rank beast, sure, but a tricky one to beat if you didn't know about its ability to send currents of electricity up any blade that neared it.
"You or me?" Asmode inquired, sounding bored.
"You," Levi nodded, sounding just as bored, and his larger friend took off. He brought a hefty fist coated in the rock down onto the beast's head, not allowing it to fight back. It twitched a few times under his fist, its brain showing through the large dent he had created in its skull.
I watched on, the speed that a single man dispatched of the beast bringing a further sense of uncertainty over the hierarchy of the group. Levi approached the beast and laid a hand on its body, moving after a few moments.
"I'm giving a prayer," he stated, as though answering the question on my mind, "I believe that the circle of life is a very important part of Aerth. Don't you, Tiala?" He asked, standing and continuing forward with an annoyed expression on his face that didn't match his words.
"Yes," I agreed, continuing to trudge through the bushes, low-hanging leaves, and mana-less animals that bounded away as we approached, "elves hold a very strong belief in nature being its entity. A dutiful entity hellbent on providing shelter and food to all of its followers." I explained, glad to see that demonfolk didn't seem to hold the same prejudicial outlooks as humans were.
Levi grunted in reply, bolting through the forest with much more ease and grace than Asmode or I could ever hope to achieve.
The bulkier demon's steps sounded like small explosions, whereas I was stumbling on loose roots that jutted out wildly, causing me to have to sprint in increments to stay close behind them. This cycle of falling back and catching up carried on for a long while until we reached our destination.
"Is this the right place, Tiala?" Levi asked, turning around to face me. His expression changed to one I did not recognize as the man who rescued me from my prior captors. His eyes held a sense of… maliciousness? Not only did his expression change, but his very aura was also different, with the white mana signature taking on the form of an eerily calm smoothness that laid atop his body.
"Y-Yes," I replied, a little shocked by the change in his demeanor, worried that I had misjudged his character. I was too uncertain to follow him into the cave's darkness, especially after he had withdrawn his blade, crusted blood still matted onto its blade.
"He's a good guy," Asmode said in a soft tone that didn't match his visage, placing a strong hand onto my shoulder in reassurance, "but even I have to say that I don't want to fight him again." His jaw clenched, and I nodded in thanks, the two of us entering the cave in pursuit of our leader.