As the storm passed away and the ship weighed a bit less, the ship sails at a faster pace, cruising through the mighty waves that did little to stop the ship from breezing through thanks to the supporting wind. The breezy wind cools me down and for a while, I am able to just relax and enjoy what life has to offer.
Even with this speed that is above the usual, it doesn’t deter the sailors from working harder than usual. Too hard; Too rushed I must say. And that’s fair, after all…
We are running three days late from schedule.
The harpies attack dwindles the sailor manpower needed to operate the ship, taking the simplest work on configuring the sail twice as long as it normally would. It’s so bad that I even see some of Caedric’s party helping out doing menial tasks, such as mopping the floor.
I’m just thankful they didn’t ask me to help man the ship, although it is most likely due to my noble background no doubt.
「 Look, sir Renald! We’ve finally arrived! 」
Aston is beside me in the captain’s deck with a grin on his face, looking out to the far distance. He is quite a friendly man, but I can’t help notice that he has become overly friendly and deferential towards me now.
「 Indeed, we have. 」I simply respond.
In the horizon between two different shades of blue, lies land — civilization. With buildings and architecture that is unknown to me. Angled brown roofs that seem to be made from hardened clay. Walls and foundations made of dark wood. All are an alien or unusual material for Veinardian.
With all of these different styles of structures, it’s hard to tell for me where we are exactly. But there’s one thing for sure, we have arrived somewhere in Kasanra safe and sound.
And that sentiment is shared throughout the ship as sailors shouts cheerfully. Grateful that they’ve met their destination, their expression filled with what seems to be hope that they can finally get some real good rest on land.
「 What are you all shouting and buzzing about?! 」Aston shouts, affronted by the sailors behavior,「 prepare to dock! 」
For a second their expression becomes disrelish but knowing the obvious duty that lies it is immediately replaced with a hardened serious expression.
「 Aye aye, Sir! 」 「 Aye aye, Sir! 」 「 Aye aye, Sir! 」
The sailors shout in unison, heading back to their duties. The ship becomes even livelier than ever once more with no man being idle except for me. Even Sir Aston is directly in the field, managing each man and supervising the whole operation.
With the ship’s preparing to dock, and with me being left alone I think it’s about time I go back to my quarters and pack my stuff. It’s a relatively short path to take, walking down the steep stairs and turning to the right, the door to my quarter is already in sight.
I open the door and reveal the humble place that I stayed throughout this voyage. I might spend most of my time in the Sky Palace, but I can’t help but feel oddly infatuated with this place.
It’s simple sling bed with modest furniture such as a chair and small table obviously pales to the extravagant furnishing that adds comfortable cushions that screams comfort and wealth. After all, this quarter reminds me of my once past life, away from the luxurious life of a noble, to my once humble and poor origin in my previous life.
There’s nothing much to pack, only several clothes that are in dire need of washing. I easily fold and shove them into my luggage. Oh, I almost forgot, some empty potion bottles that are not on the table that I once thought of….
The very same potions that I use to quickly regain mana after I depleted it and vitality potion to numb the headache. Those bottles aren't worth that much, but it’s still better to resell it if given the chance.
Looking around, I found them on the corner down on the floor next to my sword. Did it by chance roll down when the ship sways? The potion bottle is quite cylinder by design…
There’s no scratches whatsoever so it's fine either way. Just have to insert it into the outer pockets of the luggage and now I’m ready to go.
「 Sir Renald, the ship has been docked. 」Caedric says unexpectedly.
I look to my back and indeed it is Caedric leaning to the side of the opened door.
「 Thanks for the heads up. 」I say as I carry my bag and my sword, ready to go,「 have you told your party you’re retiring? 」
「 I’ve taken your advice to heart and I’ll tell them after our contract is over. 」
「 Woah, what’s the rush Sir Renald? 」Aston suddenly appears as he walks down the stairs hurriedly. Like a butler dashing over to hear his lord command.
「 Well, it’s about time for the ship to be docked, and I’m ready to go now. I know all of you are in a hurry since you still have other places to ship goods around Kasanra. So I took the liberty to prepare in advance to not disturb your continuous voyage. 」
「 That doesn’t mean we can’t have a few drinks at the local bar right? 」
「 Although that sentiment is appreciated, reporting to my guild or higher ups took precedence over any other matter. That doesn’t factor the account that I have a lot of meetings or training that I need to do in my guild. 」
「 I see... So not even that… 」Caedric responds quite slowly.
What’s up with Caedric disappointment? Does he have more to say and needs some adventuring advice?
「 It’s quite the shame we can’t repay back your heroic deeds, even less a simple celebration. This event will always be . We owe you a debt sir Renald. 」
「 My men owe you their lives. 」
「 And I owe you my ship. 」Aston chimes in.
They all are wearing thankful bright smiles. Their intentions are welcomed and appreciated; their inflated gratitude, however, is not.
「 If I need help I will surely ask all of you. 」I say, trying to stop this ludicrousness,「 but please don’t be so generous. In all honesty, I merely did what was necessary to get to my destination as fast as possible. 」
「 You clearly underestimated the harpies, Renald. Harpies are the most threatening monsters next to the kraken. 」Caedric retorts.
「 I wish I could escort you to the《Veinard Trading Guild》branch by myself or by one of my men, but we are running late on schedule due to that harpies encounter. I can’t even spare Caedric’s party members to escort you. Please forgive me. 」
Aston adds in, being extremely apologetic. The once confident captain that always holds his head high is now slightly looking down.
「 That is fine. I can go there myself. Where is it anyway? 」
「 Straight from the dock, you only need to go straight and you’ll reach it in ten minutes walking. Don’t worry, you’ll find it easily. It’s almost exactly like any building in Veinard with its classical white paint, and it will stand out like a sore thumb in the midst of the natives’ Canids buildings. 」
「 Alright. Thank you all for the journey. 」I offer my hand to them and soon they are greeted with a handshake by both of them,「 I sincerely hope this won’t be the last time we meet. 」
「 We too, sir Renald. Go ahead, the sailors are all waiting for you. 」Aston says extending his hand that leads to the stair.
Confused with Aston's statement, I simply go upstairs to the ship deck. To be greeted by the lines of sailors and Caedric’s party member.
「 Here it comes lads! 」The sailor on top of the barrel shouts, brimming with excitement.「 Three cheers for Sir Renald Alderhide! Hip hip! 」
「 Hooray! 」「 Hooray! 」「 Hooray! 」
Between the lines is an empty space that might be meant for me . Huge smile and even louder shouts compared to last time.
「 Hip hip! 」
You are reading story Lord of the Ancient (古代の主) at
「 Hooray! 」「 Hooray! 」「 Hooray! 」
「 Hip hip! 」
「 Hooray! 」「 Hooray! 」「 Hooray! 」
What a way to send me off. A useless act of celebration. I understand that they want to show their appreciation towards me, but this flashy over the top way is not my thing.
For mere mongrels, they sure know how to praise my great and honorable master!
The cheering didn’t stop with just that. For they all now start singing praises to me.
「 Good luck with your duties sir! 」
「 If I ever have a son I’ll name him Renald. 」
「 We will all drink and pray for your success, sir! 」
One of the sailors’ face is full of red with a drink in his hand. I’m pretty sure he’s already drunk before the rest could join. They don’t even spare me as they all somehow take turns patting my shoulder and dilly-dagging. Are those people in the corner dancing?
Okay, this is getting way out of hand.
「 Okay, okay... that’s enough. 」I turn my back and face the cheering crowd.「 Return to your duties as I shall go to mine. And thank you all for the wonderful journey. 」
With that said the sailors cheerfully shouts for one last time, where they finally return to their post, to their duty. The needed peace finally makes me able to walk off the plank and finally to the dock on land. Only to be greeted by the curious gaze of onlookers in the dock.
「 Dear god… What happened to that ship… 」
I look to my back and now I can see why they all are shocked. I’ve never thought the ship would be in such a bad state. Those big scars on its hull would indeed shock almost anyone.
I meddle past the many crowd onlookers before many more come, and push through straight ahead.
My body and my whole sense overwhelmed with how crowded the road is. Must be because it's near the harbor.
Two months in the sea does take a toll on people. But It doesn’t deter me much from walking through experiencing what this new land has to offer.
People from all sorts of life are mashed all together on this road. Humans are less apparent, replaced with the obvious Canids people with their canine ears and tails. Man going to their workplace, woman seemingly going back home carrying a basket filled with groceries.
Even a young Canids couple holding hands to one another with such joy.
Seeing them soo happy, seemingly so into their own little world and out of touch with the rest of the outside world, it somehow causes me to reflect on my whole view towards romantic relationships.
Perhaps… I did have a part in why she cheated on me…
I remember being so busy with work that I rarely paid attention to her. Only at the weekends and the occasional trips abroad did I ever spend my time with her. Perhaps she seeks out a man that was simply available to her when she wanted attention and affection when I wasn’t there for her…
Indeed it was her fault, but I might have played a role in why she became like that...
…Love and loyalty is dead.
So why bother being kind? The world is full of people caring about their own self-interest and won’t spare anyone if it means attaining their interest. I’ve even experienced this in the cutthroat office politics in my company.
Morality? As long as nobody finds out and doesn’t affect the outcome then who cares.
I fully understand this and yet, at the end of the day…
I’m still naive.
I’m still sentimental.
I’m still delusional.
Even knowing the reality and the way the world works, I… I still want to believe true love and loyalty exist.
That’s why I thought. If I can’t control the world then at the very least I can control myself then. If the world doesn’t want to then I’ll be the one who does it instead.
That’s why I won’t take advantage of Shen’s distorted love for me.
I know I will be taken advantage of for being too kind. Inevitably she will find a better man. And well… I’m somewhat fine with that. Very somewhat. I know it will happen in the future. I’m prepared for that. But that's not an excuse to not treat her well.
I will suffer and die by my ideal.
Perhaps… It will make the world a bit better place. Or cause the lucky man that Shen genuinely chose to have a better fate than me.
Amidst my pondering regarding my situation, a building stood out like a sore thumb. A white building with glass panes covering almost half of the building. A complete contrast with the natives buildings.
The building is almost the exact same as a typical Veinardian building. For a second, I thought I’m back in Veinard but other than the occasional Canids people
I stand in front of the door that seems to be quite intimidating with its humongous size and sleek polished brown color.
Before I even knock, the door already opens, revealing a man with a distinctive uniform that I remember from back then in the《Veinard Trading Guild》headquarter.
「 Welcome to the 《Veinard Trading Guild》how can I help you? 」He asks with no pause, getting straight to the matter.
「 I came from the headquarters, here is the letter. 」
He takes the letter and briefly skims over it before he puts a smile bigger than the previous one.
「 The guild master has been expecting a person of your caliber. Please follow me. 」
Wait.. I am to report directly to the guild master himself?