Chapter 10: Ch.9: You can’t eat that! You will get a belly pain!

She is gone... see ya later Sis.

Now that I think about it. Me playing with Fan and her vanishing from this domain..isn't that like supa dupa big? Both things were probably seen by almost everyone on this continent, or at least heard from storytelling, right?. Well not my problem. Don't know anything, sorry officer.

But now.......

"Hahaha...HAhahahahah..HAHAHAHA! Now let's see how OP this one is! Just you wait, nobody evades my spanking big sis!" After my short calming down period. I finally can get to the fun part. My stats!!!

Open status!!






After the World Tree, the progenitor of this domain, vanished. All hell broke loose on the continent. Empires, Kingdoms, Guilds of all kind and clans had one goal. To find the reason. Why had their protector and benefactor vanished?

Only few beings knew, or rather guessed, the reason. Those who did, didn't say a word, they waited for the storm which was about to come.

They knew the true reason why the world was split into five. They also knew, that soon a re-shuffle of the powers will begin.


Meanwhile in the Voskya Empire in middle of the Highlands. In a palace on a mountain, was a couple arguing.

"No is No! Even if she is an adult in human years, in the forest she would still be sitting at home and learning about the world! I WILL NOT ALLOW HER TO JOIN THAT EXPIDITION!!" If any elv from the forest was here, their mouth would hit the floor. Her Highness, Loana, can have such a temper?

On the receiving end was a 20ish looking Human male. Which had his emotions painted on his face. 

I didn't to anything, I'm just talking about facts and future plans! That was what one could read.

The crownprince of the biggest empire in the Highlands. Xavus Voskya. At his wits end and tortured from both his loved ones.

"Dear, we both know that our lifespan doesn't have much to do with our race. A level 100 Human can easily outlive a lvl 70 Elv. And Lily did grow up fine. Her peers are nothing more than sandbags to her. Even Knight Captain Hektor was almost beaten." One could see the pride he had for his daughter in his eyes.

Knight Captain Hektor is a lvl 200 Silver Knight. One of the stronger classes in the Empire.

"Even if she beat me I wouldn't allow it! You were never in that forest. A fly can grow up to 5m and most of them are lvl 200 and higher! And that are just flies. If you want to kill our daughter of, go make a new one with someone, NOT WITH MINE!" Women are scary, mothers are the law. Just ask the next person you meet.

Never underestimate the power of a mother.

"STOP! You know very well that our daughters life isn't something I would just throw away or play with! Why else would the son of the prime minister be in my dungeon?" 

If others would hear this conversation there would probably be two camps.

One which completely supported and understood them. The other would run as fast as possible. Overprotective parents are only good, if they are yours.

"You don't have to worry, I made preperations and even hired the Blood Guardian. You should know that within this continent, only few can best her. Yes and I know most of them live in that forest. Whatever has happened will have an inpact on all of us. And I don't believe any being with a strengh surpassing the Blood Guardian will just attack something for fun!" Xavus body and mind were on 2 different tracks.

If he can't change the mindset of his wife, his daughter will not call him Dad anymore. Yes, that's what she said. If you don't let me join the expidition I will not call you dad anymore.

"Let me talk to her, after that she can go. Just trust me, if she has only one scratch, I will tell it to my father. You should know that now,that the World Tree is gone. There isn't anything holding elves back on this continent!" It wasn't just a mere threat. Most people knew, now that someone hasn't to be a guard anymore, that things will change on this continent.

"My dear beautiful wife, can you not just tell it your father? I'm sure he will even go and protect her personaly if he knew about it."  He knew what level and class her father was. Lvl 499 Protector of Life. 

Legends told if he could get his next level, it would be like ascencion. His class would become Guardian of Life. A class legendary as it can be.

"Hmpf! The old man can go and rot in a tavern for all I care! I still didn't forgive him for sending a squad to bring me back." 

Elves are... not forgiving.... at least young ones like you, my dear.


"Girl oohhh girl. Even if I have to go to hell, I will find you and I will spank your trunk so hard you can never sit anymore!"

Sorry for my outburst.. just look at my stats, no, look at them and you will know.

Name: D 

Race: Human

Level: 2


10'120'000/10'120'000 Health

500'000'000/500'000'000 Mana

40'100'000 Combat Power

Class: -


           Over Enhancing lvl Max

           Nature Call lvl Max

           You can, They can, I can @

            Identify lvl 78

Titel: Mhytical Being, Rya Family Guardian, Lightning Rod, Quest Admin, Little Brother of Aurora Rya, 

Achievment: Death isn't the End, A Complete Playthough, Reincarnated by Lightning-dono

Skillpoints: N/A ?!?



1.Your destiny, your choice 

2. Spank that Trunk


Train so you don't smash everything to dust


I don't even want to identify the skills, titles and achievments.... Wtf is wrong with my status?!? Whatever let's do it from top to bottom.

Over Enhancing Max: Your body is at the apex of existence. Max. Stats in every physical aspect.

Nature Call: Command sentient beings, communicate with sapient beings. You don't have a language barrier. 

You can,They can, I can @:

You don't remember how many skills you have. It's meaningless. If somebody can do it,you can to. Copy skills except UNIQUES and Racial $ Error $

Let's conclude the skills. I think it means I can do everything? Question is what are Unique and Racial skills. Will probably not be the last time i hear from them.

Also I can communicate with every sapient and command sentient beings? Have to try that out afterwards.

Now the Over Enhancing... That looks like one OP af skill. But why not the mind? Do you hate me that much? But i love you! That's no fair! Am I really a lost case in that department?!?

For the titles and achievments, they.... aren't things I dare to say.. one billion deaths? No wonder i don't care anymore. I even got the achievment for '90% of all achievments'.

Skillpoints? Who needs them? I'm pretty sure Identify is only there because it's the godmother of skills.

Now one of the quests on the other hand. That's pure bullshit. Can I change that please?

*Request denied, level difference too big*

"Wow, I didn't think it really would work. That Quest Admin title seems good.... IF IT WOULD WORK PROPERLY!" Urgghh who am i even talking to?

Your choice, your Destiny: Bound to the inner circle of your home until you're found by fate.

Can't walk outside the inner circle of The Ancient Forest of the World Tree until found by a sapient lifeform.

You know, sis? I think I'm sorry for my tantrum about you being a brat... You can change the mission now, ok?



You are reading story Just another Reincarnation Story at


Whatever, I still have my friends here, right? Maybe I should just get my interest back from them. I surerly don't want to level myself.... No, just pure boredom...hehehehehe


I build myself a nice little wooden house on the island where sis was. After all those years i can finally do what I like to! ..... Who am I kidding, it's boring. It seems most higher level creatures did go with big sis. I tried to find Queen and Prying Snake ( the one with the beak) but no luck there..

I did find some friends though! The Flew-Flews are still here, the fishies and best of all.... a tiger!! I named it Pet#1.

What do you mean that's no name? He didn't have one so i changed it, now it says Pet#1 on his stat....tehehehe. also He gained a title, Follower of Fate. Weird one, it doesn't have any description.

So how many years am I alone now here? I don't know, about 7-10? At first I tried go out and search for my...destiny. But yeah no luck there. 

I can't even level up! It says 99,99% all the time! I killed some 'friends' and no change whatsoever. Some were even lvl 580!

I did my side-quest though. I can somehow not just break things if I touch them. Pet#1 got some bruises just from me petting him. Our first few months together were fought with up and lows!

Ahhh if somebody only was coming here.. well let's sleep.


POV Lilly

I think we're really close to the inner circle now. It was 8 years ago when we first made our way into the forest.

Some lost their lifes but it was foreseeable. Mother was right, this place is like a hellish paradise. At first we just ran inside without thinking. Until we meet a lizard, was it one?

Even Raya, the Blood Guardiam, could only fight it to a standstill. Giving us enough time to flee outwards.

A normal lizard, lvl 470, it shouldn't have been possible. It's just that here, in this forest, things aren't what you call normal.

"Are you ok, Princess?" With a height of 1.80m and a stature which can only be called devilish deadly. Lightbrown skin ,her irises red like her hair. The Blood Guardian, Raya.

"Yes thank you, I don't know if we all would still be alive without you. I really have to thank my father for having you join us." Yes, I really do. Now that i think about it. I also have to apologize to him for my childish threat. How stupid of my, I'm sure to have hurt his feelings with what I said.

"It's ok, I would have gone and tried my luck anyway. He just made an offer which wasn't as easy to decline. He sure does dote on you, Princess" With a light smile and laugther, she made even me blush a little. I don't like women in that way, it's just to rare to see her smile.

"Yes.. he sure does.... Say Raya... How long do you think we still have to go? If a thing with a level like that lizard gets to us again... I don't think we can run to the outer parts anymore. Also... I'm slowly getting homesick." Yes, you would probably only have about 3 years to travel through the whole forest on foot.

We have to scout, plan the route a head. Build underground shelters and everything. One wrong step and someone dies. Why did I even want to do that? Was it really just that dream that I had?

"I'm not going to lie, Princess. If a thing like that comes again. I will just take you and run. My mission is just to get you safely in and out... As for how long? I would say at most a month. I can smell water. The only place in this forest which does have such a large body would be the center." Good nose there...well she is from the Beastman tribe and has been an adventure since decades. 

.....Several days later....

"This is it!! Finally hahahahah!" A male voice shouted near the shores of the sea. He didn't think about what he has done.

"Are you out of your mind?!? You will get us all killed!" Raya covered with bloodlust looked at the scout who shouted.

Sadly it was too late, that was all I could think about.


End of PoV


With a thundering roar a tiger with wings descended from the sky. Looking at his newfound playthings.

Maybe his master would like to eat them? No he doesn't eat. Last time it brought a deer to him. It's master burned it with fire and ate some bites. After a sad laugh he did go sleep again. 

Well let's get something in my stomach first! That red one looks tasty.

As the tiger looked at Raya, Raya also looked at it. She on the other hand , had a dumbfounded look on her face. Something is clearly wrong. As for what? She used identify.

Name: Pet#1

Race: Winged Tiger

Level: 537


670'000/670'000 Health

210'000/210'000 Mana

77'000 Combat Power

Class: Night Hunter, Flying Menace, Tiger King


           Thundering Roar lvl 43

           Close Combat Beast lvl 38

           Wind Manipulation lvl 26

Titel: Follower of Fate, Pet of D, Fate Mount, Scared Kitten

Achievment: Big Eater, I survived!, Loyal Pet,...,...

"This, This what even is this?!?" Raya screamed at the top of her lungs, as Pet#1 bit her side. Even through her Mithril Armor she got a nasty wound, luckily or unlucky for her. Cats like to play with their meal.

"RAYA!!!" As Lilly realized what happened, she took some big steps forward and gathered mana on her fist. Her class at the moment is Furious Thunder. A class which is all about trashing things in close combat.

Sadly, the Combat Power and level difference is just too big. A light whip with the tail and Lilly was sent flying.

"Get back Princess! We will help her!" The last remaining scouts and knights of her party charged at the beast, trying to somehow free her from it's mouth.

Even if they could fight some levels above them. Things take a drastic turn above lvl 500. One could say it is the treshhold of getting on the world stage.

Same as before with Lilly, a little shake and all flew away like leaves in the wind. It had an effect nonetheless. Pet#1 was irritated. It will end this now. It doesn't want to wake up it's master. He is moody when he gets up after sleeping.

"Take Lilly with you and run! Go out of this forest now! This thing here..this thing here is only a.. AAAAHHHH" blood splattered around as Pet#1 put some strenght into his bite.

Weirdly enough, that thing on its meal can withstand most of the pressure. Seems it has to use a little more force!

At that moment, it heard it. The sound, which it didn't want to hear. 

"PUT THAT DOWN YOU OVERGROWN DUMBASS!! YOU WILL GET BELLY PAIN FROM THAT!!!!" The sound of it's master voice traveling kilometers through the whole forest. 

The beasts and animals knew that voice so all they did was lay low and be quiet.

The group of Lilly, Raya and the others didn't.

Everyone except Raya, who was nearing deaths door in pet#1 mouth. Looked at the beam which was coming from the center of the sea.

Pet#1 had only enough time to drop Raya and trying to protect it vulnerable parts. Then it flew, not because it wanted, no. An unbearable pain on its back from an inpact so forcefull to delete 70% of its health. I rather had Belly Pain, master. Was it last though before passing out.

"Wha..Wha..What just happened?" Not only did Lilly not understand what she just saw. She even forgot Raya lying half dead some distance away.

Before her stood a man, in his prime of life. Hair to his shoulderplates, black as night. Irises white with a taint of blue. Skin which can only be described as rough. A mix between brown and red in a lighter tone.

But the thing that stood out the most... The thing dangeling between his legs... Because this man before her was... NAKED.



"Bwahahahahaha, hello there! Finally hahahahha i knew just doing nothing would be good enough instead of running around! You may call me D! Ohh it seems your friend here got some wounds. Sorry for that, the little cat only thinks about eating things!" I think that was a good introduction? Not to akward or to mysterious, right?

Why do they stare at me that much though? Hmm weird, i think they're Humans? Well that ones a Elv probably and this one...Beastkind? Ohh i know! 

" I'm healing her ASAP! Sorry again!" As i walked over to the unconcius lady I did what big sis always did.

"Bo Bo go away, see the pain is gone!" Finished with my magical rhyme, her wounds slowly began to heal before my eyes. Ye this is one OP sentence so to say!

Meanwhile, in the head of a certain princess.

*Am i dead? This isn't real right? Even for this forest, there shouldn't be something this...crazy? But.. this princess likes what she sees,  tehehehe*

If that princess only knew, what she had done with her meeting. She would have never gone into the forest.


AN: Explanations are on the low side in this chapter. Everything on the stats not written in this chapter, will be known some time later.

 You know, the titles and achievments, most are self explained but what are their perks? You will know them in another chapter. Don't like info dumps

Finally we will get to the slice of life and being OP Comedy.

I wanted to upload 2 chapters today but i think this thing is long enough. 

Depending on future world traveling the time spent to walk through the forest will be changed. Nothing major