Chapter 20: Ch.19: Bandits and a nice Picknick

AN: I put my rambling mostly at the end of the chapter. This is one where I have to make an exception.

First thing. On 13th august there will be no updates. For making it up I will upload at least 4 chapters on the 14th. I'm away from home the whole day.

Second info, this is will be a longer chapter, so no more uploads for today. Also for those who aren't interested in stats I will put them into 'spoiler' tags from now on so you don't have to scroll too much.



So this is teleportation? Reminds me somehow of being hunted by Fan. Except that this is more like copying inestead of remolding. If this makes any sense to you all.

Maybe I can make a skill out of this? Nah, it's probably one of those UNIQUE ones.

Before I even could see clearly, a chlidish voice rang in my ears.

"Welcome to Sylf choosen one. Here is a space ring full of vegetable, different kind of meats and spices. A cook book of our best chef in this city was also placed in it. We only have one request, make haste to the Land of Yumur!" Little body, wings, a high pitched voice. 

A Fae? I don't know how some people could call that cute though. Looks like someone made a doll with wings. Creeeppyyy.

But the talk about them being nice and helpfull seems true. How did it know to get wishes from me? Was word spread around already that I will grant them in exchange for food? Got to be one of those network things. I wonder when somebody will finally tell those things to me...

"Ohh thank you little creepy. So what's your wish? And don't thi--" 

"Please go to the Land of Yumur as fast as possible, thank you! Also I would like you to stop calling me creepy..." 

Oj?!? Ever heard of not interrupting someone? Also that are 2 wishes! I don't make deals who are bad for me.

Bobbling up and down like some insect..which I'm sure they are somehow connected. It just waited. I think some sweat is forming on it?

"One wish..not 2 choose wis--"

"Than go as fast as possible to the Land of Yumur please!" ...... Is it broken? Yoo admin, we need a glitch check here! Wait, maybe I can do it myself? Please skill work.


Given mission to Fae 'Silvera Whitscale'.

Mission: Do a mental Check-Up

Reward: 3 Skill Points

Ye that seems good. Can't let mentally challenged people walk around civilians!

Meanwhile the Fae, Silvera almsot began to cry.

Quanea, told her that the one coming is special and it would be best to get him out of their territory. She just never imagined anything like this. Who is mentally challenged from us two?!?

"Thank you for the hospitality, we will get going now. Come, I heard there are spices only avaible in the Frostmurn Kingdom where we need to go, D." Raya beside them threw a life-saving ring to the Fae and probably all people within the city walls.

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She knew his antics and how to deal with it. Was this called the wife expirience? But we didn't even marry yet! 

"Ehh why didn't you tell me that sooner Raya! Thanks for the space ring and all little creepy! Don't forget to check up to a doctor. There may be no punishment but you wouldn't want to suddenly destroy things or start singing some weird songs out of nowhere, right?" 

Raya almost puked blood when she heard his words. Wasn't thst a description of yourself?

She took D by his sleeve and just dragged him out of the Teleportation Station to the nearest city gate. 

Weirldy enough, no people were on the streets. All businesses were closed. Not even birds where anywhere to be seen. As if someone told them to hide at home because of some disaster.

After D and Raya left the city, a Fae with only 5% HP left because of some mental attacks sighed.

"Grandma Quanea was right to prepare all of this. I don't even want to think about what would have happened else. What is a mental check up though? Will she ever finish this mission? The 3 skillpoints aren't too bad. She has to ask Grandma after she made her report.


"We can either go straight south-east or we can go along the roads. You decide."  Outside the city Raya asked D what he rather wanted. He will probably choose the shorter way for food but that was good with her.

"Let's go along the roads! We will walk and if a carriage passes by we could highjack it... I mean we could ask for a ride from them! It's a long way to Verdania City." 

It was unknow if he forgot that he could just fly or he really wanted to walk there for fun.

"Very well... But I don't think there is a city called like that anywhere here? And please don't even think about highjacking anything...." Raya wasn't as sure anymore if it was a good idea to let him choose. He should have just grabbed her and flew. 

The only straw she had was that for every night to come she could have some fun with him.

"Sad... Well I should have known that. So while we walk can you answer some questions? I think it is about time for me to know some things." Like, really about time. He only had some basic infos.

"Sometimes I wonder if you lived anywhere with people or just under a rock in the Ancient Forest the whole time..." She didn't think that someone this strong would know less about the world than she. Well she had to guide him to Yumur, so he probably really lived like a hermit.

"Not exactly a rock but close. Now then, what is it about classes and lvls? I know that lvl 1000 is the max of this domain. There are soft caps at lvl 10,100 and a hard cap at lvl 500." I don't think thats all there is to that.

Is he for real? What is his level?

"Shouldn't you know that? You got a lvl 500+ tiger as a pet so you should at least be in the 800s, right?" 

This time it was D's turn to be stumbed. 800s? I'm not even 10!

Ohh I see..

"I never showed you my lvl or so eh? Now don't be scared. I'm more frustated than you! Because of that war mission I even have a locked level!"

D put some mana into the air and outlined his stats.

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