All people in the village were dumbfounded when they saw the humongous tiger lick and try to purr to one of the newcomers.
Escpecially one of the higher leveled bandits. He had Identify, maybe not to high only at lvl 24 but he did see the stats and level of the tiger.
He could easily stomp them like some dry weed! The problem on the other hand were both newcomers.
He didn't even need to identify the women, he knew only one red haired female with a shield as big as that, Raya the Blood Guardian.
The man instead... He couldn't identify him! Even if the one being identify had a higher level in it. There would still be a window popping up with some information lined up.
"Boss..we should" no way in hell will, the Red Moustaches Bandits be meeting their end in a little village no one knows!
Meanwhile a certain duo was enjoying themself.
"Hahaha stop licking my little fluffy cat, I'm sorry about kicking you so hard last time. Next time I will control the force behind it! Ohh do you remember Raya here? She was the one helping me out with that!"
RoaaAr? Isn't that the one who you told me not to eat?
"Oj you can't say that! She is for better or for worse one of us in the short future!"
RoaR! Ohh nice to meet you! My name is Pet#1! Master gave me that name, doesn't it sound cool?!
"Really? I always thought Big White Pussy was a better name?...."
RoaRr?!? No! It doesn't, what do you mean Master!?
Even the people around could understand what the last roar was saying. What is with this man and his naming sense?
"Can you both stop doing a stand-up comedy? We got some things to discuss with these people here. By the way D, the ones who smell like garbage are the famous 'Red Moustache Bandits'. I think we walked into a plundering."
Ohh c'mon Raya! After all this time I finally found my bed again! Best place to sleep is still this big cat, why else would have I tamed it? Rich people like you would never understand!
"Fine fine! The sooner we get back ä, the more food I can eat hehehehhe. So what has happened here? No worries my little cutie. If anybody harmwd you I will let them reincarnate!"
When the two man(cat) show finally ended. Moat pwoplw had sweat rolling down thwir heads. Especially the people from the village. That Divine Tiger was a pet to this man? How strong was he?!?
Some roars and nodding later D understood the gist of it.
"I thank you all for feeding this big foodie here, I know that he can eat a lot. I hope he didn't make you any problems, if he did..please don't sue me?"
"N-N-Not at all sir! We are only happy that he killed the scourge of this region! Most adventures and the kingdom don't care about this place."
The one who talked was the female dwarve who feed Pet#1.
"Than it's do you need help with these scum? They make the good name of bandits bad, who plunders defensless villages in this day and age?"
D rolles his none existen slwwvws up and walkes to the dwarve whicj seemed to be the boss.
"Rule#1 of being a bandit... Only attack people stronger or with more influence than you. Rule#2, no unecessary killing for the greater good of your underlings. As you didn't even follow those two I don't dare to think about what else you did. As the chief bandit of all existence.. I judge you and everybody else, guilty!"
What followed was only seen by some hard lived dwarves in the village. D used every possible way from some horror movies he knew to punish them. At the end of thwir life, he threw them to the horizon.
How could they flee or fight back, he wasn't keen on killing or anything. He knew very well that most people would call him akward or just dumb. Those who did just didn't know that deep down, the one who died on earth was still there, hiding in darkness.
You are reading story Just another Reincarnation Story at
"Hahaha you little fatty just want to eat, right? Wait is there maybe some speciality made here?!? Say do yo.....Ehm Raya, why are they either sleeping or shivering?"
"I don't think it's worth telling you that.. Let's get some proof we were here an..well the tiger comws with us, right?" Her face went from tired to ultra tired during her speaking those few words.
Who wouldn't? A 15meter tall tiger in a city? They probably want be let in anyway, who cares...
"Sure! I need my little fluffy puffy, beds are good and it's nostalgic but I dare say. If you slept once on him, you can't dream as good as on him!"
As the trio including a man, a beastwomen and a tiger left the village with kneeling dwarves, not far away King Immael got some news.
"That hag Quanea... Even that little brat Xavus... They could have just told me or anybody else how bad his mentality really is. Was anybody hurt badly during those incidents?" With a weary smile the dwarven king sat on his throne with a mug, sipping some mead from time to time.
"..No, luckily not. Guldmaster Hammer Joe is the one who had it the worst. Some hunter found him stuck in a glacier.." Thyrol the mage was having a headache about their guest. How badly will he destroy the capital?
"Good... Get me my armor and call General Whuskey, we will meet this walking disaster outside.. My wife is still angry about last time."
Thyrol knew what his king meant with last time, a half destroyed caste and several files about empty cellars where alcohol should be. He was more than happy about this decision.
"As you wish" with that he prepared everything needed on the short journey.
" I told you so, why disn't you believe me when i said they surerly won't let us in?" Raya swore to herself that tomorrow she will be drinking hard liquor.
"I don't understand, my little one didn't do anything?"
Even though the guards were trembling, they all had the same sentence in mind.
AN: chapter end was actually still in the mountain village but I thought it was too short... So i put some things at the end.
Please participate in the poll. Thanks! Depending on what the outcome is I will change the schedule and story telling. Didn't think that this many people would read this.
For your information i write this story like this
Short draft i.e.
Raya and D do their missions
Raya gets mental breakdown during first two, show of OP during first. Bandits from last chapter on second
Meet Pet#1 in the third, some cuddle time with him
After that i just write what comes to my mind without correcting much... Like a drawing book which has the outline but isn't coloured
So yeah thanks for the poll