/ With every day that passes by, you're more the twinkle, in my eyes. so loving, so giving, a heart of gold, always my baby, even when I'm old. Your love shines bright to all to see, I feel so proud, you are a part of me /
Aizen (POV)
Hahahaha... I'm really happy today cause today I Aizen the master of the no-name guild will ask the woman I love to marry me. Emma, the light in my dark, the flower in my meadow, the missing piece of my heart. And I can't forget about her beautiful and cute daughter, Anna. I know she lost her father years ago. But he was also my friend. I was really shocked when I heard that he died from that awful demon disease.
I still remember when we used to fight for Emma's hand in marriage, but in the end, he won her heart and even made her pregnant, all in one day. but I wasn't jealous I knew she loved him more than me and I know that I can't replace him now. But I hope I can make her happy if all goes to plan today. With my family's ring that's been passed down from generation to generation, I knocked on my future wife's house. I am confident enough that she will accept my proposal. Or she just might think that I am a weirdo for proposing in the night but I just can't wait...
Emma (POV)
*Knock* Knock* *Knock*
"What... Who's knocking at my door at this time"
I have an uneasy feeling in me that just keeps building up more and more. I grab my old adventuring sword, it's a holy sword given to me by the holy church. I walked down the stairs with my guard up... I reach the doorknob while my heart beats A thousand miles A second and slightly open it...
"Aizen, darling, you almost gave me a heart attack..."
"...wow... Emma, it's just me... And what are you doing with your old adventurer sword? "
Aizen asked a little scared.
"I thought you were someone else!... Just get in here,"
I grab his t-shirt and pull him in before locking the door. (Emma's pov ended)
"So... Um,___ Mmmmm..."
Emma pulled Aizen towards her giving him a loving kiss not letting him finish speaking. The kiss made him feel like pudding under her touch.
"Dummy... What are you doing here at this time anyway?..."
Emily pouted while asking,
"Ok... Ok... You can do this. Be brave you idiot. This is your chance. You love her and I think she loves me. Here goes nothing..."
Mumbled Aizen under his breath,
"What are you mumbling to your self anyways?"
Aizen and Emma have been going out together for a while now, they have even had sex a couple of times and it's clear to him that she cares about him and the kiss just now boosted his confidence to the limit. With determination in his eyes, he got down on one knee and pulled a diamond ring out of his pocket while holding it up for Emma to see.
Emma was utterly speechless she covered her mouth with both hands While tears stream down her eyes.
"Emily, would yo___"
"Ohhh... How romantic, two filthy humans confessing their love."
Aizen was interrupted from his proposal by a beautiful enchantress like voice coming behind Emma.
Lilith (POV)
"Anna, which house is yours? "
I ask Anna seeing the village coming to view.
"The big one in the corner, mother"
Anna pointed at the biggest house on the side of the city wall.
We land near the house and I am surprised at how smooth and easy that was. I was expecting it to be more harder to land but I guess I was wrong. Putting my Wings back in and I see Anna doing the same. I looked through the window and I see magic light Ball's on the roof also I hear two people talking. A woman and a man. I pretty sure it's Anna's mother. I ask Anna to lead me towards the back door and we enter the house. after walking a little further hiding in the shadows so that no one sees me and finally I can see the two humans that ware talking with each other. And damn, oh my God Anna's former mother is sexy as hell.
I tell Anna to cast a sound barrier spell around the house at once cause I am going to make that woman scream, really, really, hard. And I'm going to enjoy every single second of it. Instantly That need I had before starts resurfacing within me. I want to corrupt the woman in front of me, I want to fuck her brains out so badly. But I hold back for now to think... I'm a woman now, I remember I always wanted to be a woman in my past life but I never had the courage or the money for it. That body modification skill is great and all but I want to corrupt her without a ten-inch long cock... I want to know how a woman's pleasure feels like...
Heheheh... I can't control my self any longer. I blend in with the shadows again and sneak up behind the human woman.
"Oh... How romantic, two filthy humans confessing their love..."
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Both of these filthy humans freeze on the spot. The woman turns around and has a face of fear when she sees my naked and beautiful body but is calm none the less. I feel discussed when I smell lust coming from that other human behind her. I stare at him with intent to kill when he screams.
"A-a... D-demon!..."
Shouts the male human, falling on his butt,
"Aizen, stay behind me. She's dangerous."
Shouts the woman grabbing on to the sword near her and try to impale me with it, but...
Anna appeared before me like a flash of lightning grabbing onto her former Mother by the throat lifting her up with ease.
"A-anna... W-what happened to you? "
Emma asked seen her daughter's smooth milk-like skin and her blood-red eyes staring at her very soul ready to devour and eat her up.
"Oh Emma, my mother gave me this wonderful form. Do you like it? "
Anna said with heart-shaped pupils,
"W-what... Are you talking about, I'm your mo___"
Anna tightened her hold on Emma's throat not letting her finish that word,
"BITCH, don't you dare finish that word"
Yelled Anna, her heart shaped pupils replaced with killing intent. She begins walking towards Lilith,
"A-anna? What are you doing...? "
"Oh, isn't it obvious, Emma? I'm offering you to mother!"
Anna said while dropping Emma near Lilith's feet. Emma look's up at the demonic like grin plastered on Lilith's face and a shiver runs down her spine when she sees her Sharp teeth. Specially the two sharp fangs in the front. Realisation downs on her, but still not wanting to believe it to be true she looks back at Anna.
"Anna! Don't tell me you're..."
"That right Emma, I see you finally figured it out, what took you so long bitch. I've already become a Vampire! What a great feeling... It's so stupid how I used to be a filthy human... I feel so refreshed and I think mother has the same thing planned for you. So be honoured you filthy human..."
Anna said cutting Emma from speaking and looked at Lilith's eyes with love...
Lilith's grin on her face grew bigger listening to Anna...
Anna then walked back and grabbed the still frozen Aizen from the floor making sure he can see what's about to happen...