0132 hours, 13 June 0145…
My name is Tsuyuki, a Minerva Authonoid and the leader of the Blue Orca squadron who loves doing crazy and reckless moves when fighting against Infectoids and other infected monsters on the battlefield. This time, 2 of my comrades, Luke and Clarissa, had a mission to hunt down Palkeros, an infected monster that's ravaged 7 villages in Harimal Forest at Monaka Island every stormy night.
3 of us walked down in the dark forest accompanied by the stormy rain that showered through the canopy. As we were walking along, we heard a scream close to the forest area.
"Palkeros has ravaged another village." Said Luke.
And then he asked.
"Looks like we've got a dinner tonight, right?"
"Yes, I'm starving now," I answered.
While I rushed to the village, my healer comrade, Clarissa, called out while trying to stop me.
"Tsuyuki, wait!"
However, I was already one step ahead to the ravaged village. And I would kill that stupid Palkeros this time.
Arrived at the village, I saw villagers evacuating while several guardian villagers were resisting the monsters by fighting back. However, considering the villagers were still using a primitive weapon, they were engulfed by Palkeros' poison from his beak by spouting it. When I was standing in the hills watching the havoc in that village. Clarissa and Luke approached me from behind.
And then, Clarissa said.
"What are you doing, Tsuyuki? Hurry and let's save them!"
However, I responded in a chill tone.
"There is just something about watching chaos from a distance."
Luke slapped my nape and then exclaimed.
"Enough with that Tsuyuki! Let's help them now!"
Both Clarissa and Luke rushed down the hill to the village and helped the villagers in defeating the ravaging Palkeros. I also followed their lead to helping them, because it's my duty as a good Authonoid combatant to help the endangered people from any threat.
The village was halfway ravaged by Palkeros, and the guardian villagers were not in a good position. I ordered Clarissa to evacuate the villagers, and I told Luke to helping the villagers in setting up the traps. Meanwhile, I fought against Palkeros by myself with my sword and my Gun.
"Are you sure you can do it by yourself?" Luke asked with concern.
"It's up to you if you want to back me up." I replied to him.
"Just don't get hurt, Tsuyuki, and be careful!" Clarissa shouted while helping the villagers evacuate.
"Don't worry guys, I'm used to this job!" I said in confidence.
I saw Palkeros beat up the native guardian villager. He stomped on 2 crippled guardian villagers with his talon, and that made me damn pissed, considering that mindless monster was just attacking defenseless humans. I drew my pistol and shot down Palkeros's left face.
Three shots rang. And the Palkeros turned to me in anger. He spared the villagers and approached me with a threatening sight. I responded by stabbing my sword through the ground.
"Did someone order fried chicken?" I shouted.
And then I revved my sword throttle 3 times where it makes a loud 2-stroke sound.
The enraged Palkeros ran straight in front of me. As it approached me within 10 cm, I evaded to the left at a light speed and slashed Palkeros's left foot until it disintegrated. This made the Palkeros fall and scream in pain.
The Palkeros let out unearthly howls through the pain he's experiencing.
I ordered the village guards to set the trap while Palkeros was downed. Several of them brought the electric trap and then threw it onto Palkeros. It successfully electrocuted the Palkeros while the people sprawled him into the ground.
I did a final finishing move by firing an explosive bullet toward Palkeros' head until the magazine went empty and waited until the bullets whooshed through the trap. And then...
The bullet exploded right at Palkeros' head and it crushed him to the ground.
I pressed a small button from my blade handle and switched my blade into the Axe mode. Then, I revved my axe until the rev bar reached the max 3 bars, after which I pressed the clutch where it released tons of flames from the exhaust of the Axe; I dashed into Palkeros at top speed, and then slashed Palkeros' body until it split into half.
And I killed the Palkeros flawlessly.
"Heh, it's easy, like breaking a toothpick," I said while looking at Palkeros' sorry corpse bust open with streams of his blood flowing out.
You are reading story Scorching Black Vulture at novel35.com
After defeating the Palkeros, the rainstorm calmed down, and several native guardian villagers celebrated their victories by lifting their spear and chanting the native chants. Some guardian villagers approached me and congratulated me for killing the monster that was known for ravaging the village during the midnight rainstorm.
"Thank you, Sir Authonoid, you've saved our lives!" said one guardian villager.
"Without your help, that monster would demolish our village in no seconds,"
And then another guardian villager added.
My face got a slight red tint and my chest widened a little with all the praises, considering I've insulted and mocked to death by my commander during my boot-camp year and my first time becoming Authonoid.
"Uuhhh… Call me Tsuyuki instead," I replied to them while scratching my right cheek in a slight embarrassment.
"It's alright Mr. Tsuyuki, you've done a great job saving our village, our lives, and our children and everyone!" said the leader of the guardian villager.
"Well, don't mention it. I'm just doing my job as Minerva's Authonoid," I replied to them.
Luke approached my back, clapped my right shoulder, and asked me.
"Hey, Tsuyuki! It looks like you've enjoyed your dinner, isn't it?"
I looked at the dead Palkeros, his blood flooding through the wet soil because of the rain. And then, I replied.
"Unfortunately, this feast wasn't that great. I expect some challenges, but this is what I get," I said while kicking Palkeros' corpse head with my feet in disappointment, because I felt this mission was too easy for me.
"Well, at least you've saved this village together with the guardians against that monster while both of us evacuated the villagers," said Clarissa.
After that, she approached the leader of guardian villager to clarify the whereabouts of the evacuated villagers and how they were taken into safe place under Minerva protection.
My sight was glued at the dead Palkeros. Even my memories of the death of my earlier comrades flashed before my eyes. As if these memories wanted to remind me that no matter how many victories I take, I will suffer losses too. I didn't dwell upon it. Because who cares? All I've always done is keep moving forward without giving a shit about the future.
My daydreaming snapped back into reality when someone screamed from a distance and said.
A loud slashing voice echoed through the village, as if the person had been slashed with a sword.
"WATCH OUT! SHE'S HERE! IT'S THE NOTORIOUS ONIGASHI! AAAAGGGHHHHH!!!!" shout another guardian villager as he was killed by someone they called "Onigashi."
The massacre continued.
"O… O… ONIGASHI! AAAAGGGHHHHH!!!" shouts one guardian villager when he's about to get killed by Onigashi.
Onigashi? Who was that? Was it a ghost? Monster? Or Infectoid (Infected Authonoid/Android)? I knew nothing about this Onigashi that was wreaking havoc.
"Who the hell is Onigashi?" I asked a panicking guardian villager.
One guardian villager was confused and nervous hearing my question. He replied.
"Oh… uh… how should I tell you about this?"
Then, the leader of the guardian villager explained to me.
"Well, Onigashi or known as 'Demoness from the east' is the strongest female Authonoid known with a long, silver-white hair, threatening red eyes, red scarf, long-sleeved red coat, and a red Katana. Everyone calls her demon for how strong and frightful she is,."
"However, you must be careful whenever you've encountered her, young Authonoid," he continued.
"Oh… ok…" I replied, while nodding.
I didn't show it but my mind remembered what kind of person Onigashi was. Something told me that Onigashi was a person who I had recognized long before joining Minerva and becoming an Authonoid.
It was then, Onigashi was revealing herself in front of us, where the corpse of the guardian villagers sprawled in the wet soil around her.
"Look, Tsuyuki! It's Onigashi! She keeps killing the guardians!" said Luke in a surprise while pointing at Onigashi.
And then, the leader of the guardian villager raised his spear and said to his comrades.
"HOO HAAH OORAH! LET'S GO!!!" the rest of his comrades replied, raising their spear, pointing their spear toward Onigashi, and charging toward her at full speed.
"Let's help them, Tsuyuki!" Clarissa said to me while patting my left shoulder.
"Alright, here goes another one!"
After that, the three of us, including the remaining guardian villagers, charged right into Onigashi and fought against her before she could any more damage to the village.