When my sight returned, i found myself in what looked like a police interrogation room... A file folder sitting on the table marked: READ ME.

It was the terms and conditions i had to agree to before playing the game. naturally i skipped to the end, giving no more than a cursory glance at the common Conditions and Agreements. The folder vanished, and two People walked into the room, a door appearing on the far wall. A faceless man and woman.
The man stayed by the door, but the woman approached, taking a seat across from me.
"I'm Administrator Dowell, Keyholder. Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself."
A character creation menu opened before me... and i was suddenly in a white room, a 3d model before me.

On the panel, sliders appeared... And on a whim i tapped the Gender Slider, and watched as the 3d copy of myself turned into a muscular dude. He looked A bit like my Dad, with a tiny bit of Mom in there... "Huh. So this is me as a guy? Wow! I'm Sexy!" I looked at the perfect pecs, the Washboard Abs... And smiled. I liked it.
Next was the Race options, and heres where that Key came in. all of the default options were greyed out, replaced by a ROYAL variant. From Human to Demon, There were choices for Almost Anything... So i checked em all out... Nothing really caught my eye until a flash of Purple drew me in. Ogre, Not the Traditional Fantasy type, but the Japanese Oni type... The Royal Ogre variant had Three horns, Two small spikes flanking a huge, blade-like horn... Its size was twice that of the other races, Standing at 9 feet tall, minimum. Its skin was Royal purple, Same as its eyes, But the whites were red... It had Storm-Grey Hair by default, but it looked good enough... I tweaked the style a bit though, So instead of a Samurai style topknot, I had Slicked back, Shoulder length, Yakuza Style hair. I looked at the racial bonuses.
[Species: Ogre Emperor. Bonuses: Deal Double damage with blunt Weapons, No penalty for Improvised weapons, Immune to Lightning Damage. Starting Skills: War Cry(May stun foes or make them flee), Earth Magic (lv 1), Storm Magic(Lv 1), Natural Regeneration(1٪ hp/Mp per second), Leadership(+5% all stats to allies within 15 feet, 5% chance to Subjugate sentient monsters), Ogres Army(Can store Subjugated Troops in a special Rune tattoo, and call them forth at will: Space at lv1 10 units) Notes: Blessed by the godess of storms, This child of the Earth was born to lead. Commands Lightning, Wind, and the Earth Itself.]

Satisfied with my choice, next came Classes. Classes work differently here, compared to other games, as they merely decide your starting Equipment, And any bonus items... After much Thought, i chose Barbarian. My staring gear? A tiger-striped Loincloth, Matching Wrist and Ankle bands, And an Oak Club. I also Received the Survival, Hunting, Taming, And Camping Skills. no rage? Of course not, Im a barbarian, not a berzerker.

Finally came time to name my creation. The Automatic Suggestion was Kreigermallus Stormcaller. I shortened it to Kreig Stormcaller... And i was ready. I hit the confirmed button, and felt a shift... Suddenly, i was back in that interrogation room, The Admin looked at me, shock evident in her voice
"Well, this is surprising. Welcome, Lord Stormcaller, To the World of Luafall. May your Armies bring it to its knees." The room filled with light... And i was standing in a forest... I felt a dull pain, and looked down to see a tiny green creature hitting my knee with a piece of Bone. A goblin. My HP was still full, natural regen restoring it at the sane rate it was damaged. I brought my club down with a satisfying SMACK... no more goblin. [XP10. 500 to next lv]
Curious, i opened my stats.
[Atk 15, Def 10(+10), Hp500, Mp 500, Mag Res 15, Speed 10(Average).
Starting Skills: Stone skin(Passive spell,1٪ MP per sec, +10 def), Smash(Attacks with blunt weapons ignore10% of enemy Def.). Race Skills: Storm Magic: Tiny Bolt, Wind Dart. Earth Magic: Quake Stomp, Pebble Shot. Current Army: 0]

You are reading story Manly at

Hmm... These two came from my class selection. Stoneskin Raises my Def to 20, And uses mana at my regen speed, so i can use it forever! Smash... Is what i did to that goblin... hes nothing but paste now.

I tried my spells. Tiny bolt, wind dart, and Pebble shot were basically the same thing, A tiny bolt of their element, launched like a thrown rock. Quake Stomp did exactly as it said, created a localized Quake when i stomp... Apparently, the intensity and range increase with level. I was headed toward a break in the forest, When i saw a group of people guarding a caravan of wagons from some Goblins... led by an Orc! Time to be a hero!

As I Approached, I fired my spells until my MP was down to 50... Which was a lot of little balls of Lightning, rock, and Wind around 30 of each, peppering the group of around 20 goblins... The Orc, large and grey skinned, stood at the back, giving orders. The People, at least four of whom were players, Were outnumbered 2 to 1.
I Was on a small cliff, above the battle, and a thought occurred to me. Can I use Quake stomp from jump? I decided to find out. I got a running start, then vaulted off the cliff. Landing feet first on a pair of goblins, I used Quake stomp... And watched their heads turn into mush, as the Shockwave knocked Goblins and Players alike to the ground... about a 10 foot radius. Nice. I heard one of the People speaking to another.
"Look again, tom, theres a name overhead. That's a player. Must be one of those event winners."

I Aimed a thumbs up toward the people, then turned toward the Monsters. I took a deep breath, and Bellowed out a warcry... more than half of the Goblins started to run, the others froze in place... and the Orc Drew a Double-bearded Axe from it's back, And Approached me... It charged, Axe held high... Right into my fist... It staggered, and I aimed low, bringing my club up with crushing force... The Orcs eyes watered, and it dropped its axe... "Ha! NUTCRACKER!" The orc looked at me like I'd killed its mother... And I raised my foot... Quake stomp. Right into its face. The other players had finished off the remaining Goblins, as I slipped the Orcs Axe and Armor into my inventory. "THAT WAS FUN! HAHAHAHA!" The players looked at me, afraid to say anything, as I waved and headed off, in the direction a nearby signpost said led into a town... I love this game already.

She had gotten a notification when her Friend(list member) logged in... And selected the option to view her first battle... in spectator mode, she saw the screen immediately blank... It was already over? A few minutes later, it brightened up again... And she saw a massive Ogre charge a group of goblins, led by an Orc... it was brutal... That last attack, first the club to the nards, then a stomp to the face... orc bits flying everywhere...
"DAMN, GIRL! Brutal! Cant wait til we meet up in game. Why a Male, though?" The Celestial Centaur Maiden Stood, Preparing her spear. A smile on her face.

East city pub, two hours later.
Four Adventurers were sitting around a table... They'd been arguing, but now all looked to be in agreement. The leader, a woman with a bow, Spoke. "So its agreed. If we see that ogre again, we try to get him to join our party, and whatever we do, dont get on his bad side?"
""" Agreed.""" The other three.
"Gods though... He was level one... and turned that level five Orc into paste... I bet those magic shots came from him as well... Definitely a powerhouse." And so the guild known as Freedoms Field began their Kreig Non-interference and recruitment plan.