Less than an hour into Angelica officially joining my class unannounced, things were starting to look bad.
“And that wraps up the entire chapter on chemical bonding,” Miss Ang said just as the bell signalling the end of the period rang. “Please feel free to consult me if you have any queries, you should know my usual office hours by now. Angelica, you can ask your new classmates for their notes if you need any assistance with what we covered so far, okay?”
“Yes, Miss Ang,” Angelica said with a nod of her head. “Iʼll do my best to catch up with everyone.”
“Thatʼs a good attitude to have, Angelica.” Miss Ang smiled and dismissed the class before leaving the classroom, the click-clack of her heels fading down the corridor.
“I-I canʼt understand a thing the teacher is talking about at all…” Angelica cried as she slammed her fist onto her worksheet repeatedly. “Damnit, this is why I hate this stupid world!”
I sighed as I picked up her pen, which she had thrown onto the floor in a fit. “Donʼt you have your Goddess powers that you were boasting about…?”
“How can I use my powers if I donʼt even understand what Iʼm supposed to do?” she muttered bitterly.
We were promptly interrupted by a crowd of curious classmates who swarmed Angelicaʼs desk, bombarding her with all sorts of questions they could think of.
“Where do you live, Angelica?”
“What did you do before coming to Singapore?”
“Oh my, how do you get your hair this glossy?”
“Please tell us your skincare routine!”
“U-uh…one at a time, p-please…” Angelica fumbled over her words as she tried to answer the deluge of questions in sequence; I simply snickered inwardly and busied myself helping Liam revise his Chem foundations (which was sorely lacking, by the way).
“Avery-sama, please bestow upon me your enlightenment~!” he began to murmur nonsense as I looked through his notebook.
“Are you familiar with the three types of hybridisation?” I asked, ignoring his grandiose praises.
“Uh-huh, er…” He hesitated for a brief moment. “...sp something 1, 2 and 3?”
“Well, you got the gist of it already, so thatʼs not too bad.” I drew out some diagrams on a new page and pointed at the first one. “This is a CH3CH3 molecule, and look—the C-C bond is a sp3-sp3 bond, while each C-H bond is a s-sp3 bond. Since a carbon atom has one s orbital and three p orbitals, mixing them gives four identical sp3 hybrid orbitals with identical energy intermediate between the energies of the s and p orbitals.”
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“Oh…” Liam nodded his head, though I wasnʼt sure if he actually understood everything I just said.
“Next, this is a CH2CH2 molecule; the C=C bond is made up of one sp2-sp2 bond and one pi bond, while each C-H bond is a s-sp2 bond…where are you looking at?”
“Huh?” Liam quickly shifted his gaze back to his notebook, a sheepish smile on his face. “Man, youʼre lucky to be so close to someone like Angelica.”
I could only smile wryly as I glanced at her winning over the hearts of her classmates in one fell swoop. “...no, Iʼm actually being held hostage here.”
“Hmm? What did you say? I couldnʼt hear you clearly.”
“Nothing, just mumbling to myself.”
Liam gave me a weird glance and shrugged. “By the way, Angelica doesnʼt have a CCA yet, right? Are you planning to invite her into the Studentʼs Union?”
“Invite her?” I blinked. “I mean, there certainly is space for one extra member, but why her of all people…”
“Donʼt you think that her popularity will be a big benefit to us?” he reasoned. “We can put her in the Publicity Committee and let her manage our social media accounts.”
“You just want to offload your work to someone else, donʼt you?” I sighed. “Have you finished making the changes to the slides for next week?”
“Iʼm glad you asked!” Liam immediately brightened up and quickly set up his laptop to display the slide show. “Look, I changed the title font and added all these fancy aminations and transitions to increase engagement, as well as these colourful vector illustrations to emphasise our topic points and bring across our overall message to our audience as effectively as possible.”
“Uh-huh…” I nodded my head in approval after he had finished demoing the slides. “Woah, how do you know all these?”
He waved his hand in front of him. “Itʼs nothing, really. Come on, if I canʼt do even this for you, Iʼm not suited to be the Vice-President.”
“No, but thatʼs actually very impressive…” I opened my mouth to thank him, but the bell for the next period suddenly rang. “Uh, then Iʼll go back to my seat now. Thanks, Liam.”
Liam looked at me for a moment before laughing. “Mm, no problem.”