Chapter 36: Kanto: Chapter 36

Anira clenched her fists tightly when she saw the Vaporeon sitting on the disc majestically. She could tell how strong it was since she herself had one and had trained it for years. She knew that Aizen was in lots of trouble. His Scyther and Wartortle were not fit to take on this Vaporeon.

Her eyes landed on Rinko who was still soundly asleep on her brother's shoulder, and her worries eased. 

"Will Aizen be alright?" Leaf worriedly asked. 

"Mhm." Anira nodded her head. "As long as Rinko is there, Aizen can pull through." 

"Rinko?" Misty and Leaf curiously looked at the silver fox on Aizen's shoulder. 

The only time they had seen it really fight was against Scyther when Aizen captured it. The little fox never really trained, and seemed more interested in sleeping than anything else. They could not imagine how it could take on a powerful Vaporeon. 

"Challenger, please choose your Pokemon." Daisy lightly smiled at Aizen. 

Aizen took a deep breath and plucked out Wartortle's Pokeball from his belt. 


"Wartortle!" The indigo tortoise bravely looked at the beautiful Vaporean. 

"Vaporeon vs Wartortle!" Daisy submitted the information of the round on her Dex. "Begin!" 

"You think you can take on this fellow?" Aizen smirked and asked the proud tortoise. 

"Wartortle!" It smirked and answered. 

"Its ability is Water Absorb. So don't waste your energy on using Water moves." He informed his Pokemon. "Start with Skull Bash!"

Wartortle shot like a Canon at the leisurely sitting Pokemon.

"Hydro Pump." Edric calmly said. 


The speed at which Vaporeon responded and executed the move baffled everyone. 

Wartortle was hit by a strong torrent of Water a meter away from Vaporeon. It lost its momentum, and got blasted away by the torrent. 

Though he did not take much damage from the move, Wartortle was still considerably tired from his battle against Slowking, and it only added to it. 

It managed to stand up on the disc and started panting. 

"Still confident?" Aizen smirked at his Pokemon. 

His words seemed to irritate Wartortle who stubbornly stopped panting and shot at Vaporeon once again with a powerful Skull Bash.


Another torrent of water was launched in time, but Wartortle started Rapid Spin as soon as Hydro Pump killed his momentum. Taking Vaporeon by surprise, it launched another Skull Bash and managed to land it squarely from the close distance. 

"Vaporeon..." The Water Evolution of Eevee groaned in pain as it was sent skidding over the water. 

"Wartortle!" The indigo tortoise proudly spoke before it dropped on one knee and started panting again. 

"Nice work." Aizen was impressed. 

"Now that was a surprise." Edric smiled brightly. 

Vaporeon jumped back on a disc from under the water and narrowed its eyes at Wartortle. 

"Go for it." 

Hearing Edric's command, its body started shining before it disappeared and the next moment slammed right into Wartortle who had withdrawn into his shell. 

The tortoise in his shell crashed into the Wall of the Gym behind Aizen, and web of cracks formed on the wall. 

Wartortle's head and limbs popped out of the shell as it landed on the ground. And it was fast unconscious. 

"That was a strong Giga Impact..." Aizen muttered under his breath.

"Wartortle is unable to battle. Vaporeon wins! Third round belongs to the Gym Leader!" Daisy announced as Aizen recalled Wartortle. 

"You did your job. Well done." He whispered to the Pokeball before storing it on his belt. 

"Sorry for this Scyther, but i need you to wear down Vaporeon. Just do your best." He whispered before throwing the Pokeball in the air. 


The green mantis appeared on a floating disc, panting from all the tiredness crashing on its body. 

"Vaporeon vs Scyther. Round four." Daisy set the Dex and raised her hand. "Begin!"

"Aerial Ace!" 

Scyther spread his wings and launched itself in the air before going after Vaporeon, leaving a trace of white light beind him. 

"Blizzard!" Edric called out, intending on finishing it as soon as possible. 

Aizen clenched his fist as he watched the Ice-Type attack make Scyther suffer. 

The poor mantis dropped tight next to Vaporeon, struggling to get back up, but it did not seen possible anymore with Ice covering its wings. 

"Return!" Aizen recalled Scyther and sighed. 

"Scyther has been forfeited. Vaporeon Wins! Fourth round belongs to the Gym Leader!" Daisy called out the result. "Challenger, please choose your last Pokemon." 

"It's time, Rinko." Aizen caressed the back of the little fox's ear, waking it up. 

"Vee..." It yawned cutely before giving Aizen a few loveable licks. 

"We have got a strong opponent." Aizen smiled at its behaviour. 


The little fox confidently jumped off his shoulders, onto a floating disc in the pool, and fiercely looked at his opponent. 

"Come on, Rinko!" Anira cheered for the little fox. 

"Vaporeon vs Eevee." Daisy registered the last round's details on the Dex and raised her hand. "Begin!" 

"Agility, Double-Team, Swift!" Aizen called out one move after another. 

Eevee's body shined briefly before there were more than a dozen Eevee in the pool. And then all of them started using Swift, sending dozens of star-shaped energy attacks at Vaporeon. 

"Dive into the Water!" Edric immediately called out.

Half-way through, more than 90% of the stars disappeared, but the rest crashed right into the blue evolution of Eevee before it could get into the Water. 



A pillar of water shot from under Eevee, sending it in the air and inflicting some damange. 

"Use Wish." Edric ordered. 

You are reading story Pokemon: The Orayen Tales at

Vaporeon glowed in a soft light before more than half of the energy it had used returned and all its injuries healed. 

"Finally..." Aizen couldn't help but smile. 

"Time to start the real show, Rinko!" Aizen called out. "Double-Team!" 

Dozens of Eevee appeard in the air and then landed on the floating Discs. They then started using agility to circle around Vaporeon. 


As Vaporeon executed the Ice-Type move, Aizen clenched his fist and a ruthless glint passed his eyes. 


The original Eevee crashed right into Vaporeon and then got caught in the Blizzard. 



Both the Pokemon groaned in pain but Vaporeon seemed way better off than Eevee, who was now panting heavily. 

"Wish." Aizen softly said. 

The silver fox's body glowed in a soft light, healing its injuring and returning its energy. 

"Hydro Pump!" Edric called out. 

"Glitzy Glow!" 

After Aizen called out, what happened in the Pool shocked everyone present there, except for the little Orayen Princess who was smiling brightly. 

A strong Telekinetic force hit Vaporeon, sending it crashing into the sidewall of the pool, and the torrent of Water headed towards Eevee clashed into a transparent shield of violet-colored energy that took away half of its force and the rest was easily dodged by Eevee. 

"Don't let it get up. Give it your all!" Aizen called out to Rinko. "Buzzy Buzz..." 


A jolt of golden electricity shot out of the silver fox and hit the Water Pokemon who was still rattled from the last attack. 


The Water Pokemon cried out in pain, and when the attack subsided, it looked on the verge of passing out. 

Eevee was panting heavily as well, but the sheer determination in its eyes was scary. 

"Vaporeon, Last Resort!" 

Edric knew that he had to finish it with this move or it was game over. 

"Go for it, Rinko! Last Resort!" Aizen wasted no time and called out for the same move. 

Both the pokemon started glowing right before a powerful boom sounded out in the center of the Pool. The two Pokemon, engulfed in light, crashed into each other before both were sent flying in opposite directions. 

Vaporeon crashed into the sidewall and fainted immediately, but Eevee somersaulted in the air and landed on its feet at the edge of the pool. 

"Vaporeon is unable to battle. Eevee Wins! The Winner of the the Match is the Challenger, Aizen Orayen!" Daisy announced after she managed to gather her wits at what she had just witnessed.

"Well done, Rinko!" Aizen crouched down and picked up the silver fox in his embrace. "You are the best!" He planted a kiss on its head, and the little fox cutely yipped before closing its eyes and falling asleep. "Rest." He softly said before recalling it in the Pokeball. 

"Brother!" Anira lunged at him and he managed to catch her before spinning around with her in his arms. 

The two siblings did not say any words and only laughed happily in each other's arms. 

"How can an Eevee be that strong?!" Leaf approached the siblings and asked in shock. 

"What were those moves?" Misty too asked impatiently. 

"No Congratulations?" Aizen smirked at the two of them, making them both blush in embarrassment. 

"Congratulations..." Leaf whispered. 

"Come on! Tell us! What were those moves!" Misty shook off the embarrassment and stubbornly asked. Her sisters were right by her side, wanting to know as well. 

"You do know what Professor Sin is famous for, right?" 

"For his research in Pokemon Evolutions." 

"He discovered Eevee's Fairy, Grass, and Ice Evolutions."

"He catalogued a number of Mega Pokemon."

"And he is also famous for setting up known Movesets for Pokemons found in several Regions!"

Daisy, Violet, Misty, and Lily answered readily. 

Anira smiled at their replies. 

"The first research brother worked on was Eevee and its Evolutions." She informed them. "It was after he discovered that Eevee has very special genetical structure that can easily mutate. But he also discovered that the only energy that an Eevee could not manifest even after mutation was Draconic energy." 

Everyone listened calmly and even Edric came to stand by his daughters' side and listened to Anira's words.

"After brother discovered Sylveon, Leafeon, and Glaceon. He worked on trying to teach Eevee signature moves of its evolved forms but found that it was not as easy. No Eevee except for Rinko responded to his training. Rinko too couldn't perform those Signature moves as well. However, he managed to mutate them and created new versions of attacks only exclusive to Eevee. But so far, no other Eevee has managed to learn all of them. They can mostly learn one or two." 

"That's amazing!!" 

"Sadly, since more Eevee could not learn all these moves, this research is still incomplete and hasn't been published." Anira smiled at all of them. 

"So the moves Rinko used were mutations of Psychic and Thuderbolt?" Leaf curiously asked.

"Yes!" The Orayen Princes nodded her head. "Thunderbolt mutated to Buzzing Buzz, Psychic to Glitzy Glow, Ice Beam to Freezy Frost, Energy Ball to Sappy Seed, Flare Blitz to Sizzly Slide, Moonblast to Sparkly Swirl, Dark Pulse to Baddy Bad, and Hydro Pump to Bouncy Bubble."

"And Rinko knows all of them?!" Lily excitedly asked. 

"Yes." Anira nodded her head. "He's the most powerful Eevee out there, and he's become too proud to choose an evolution. 'Why choose an Evolution when you can stay forever beautiful and still beat them all?' Those are Rinko's words." She giggled as she informed them. 

"Can't really blame him for thinking that way." Violet smiled and nodded her head. "And those are some interesting names of the moves." She started giggling. 

"Hey! I was the one that named them." Anira pouted and crossed her arms on her chest. 

Her behaviour made them all laugh and she too started laughing with them.

"So, where's my Badge, Sir?" Aizen smiled at Edric and drew his hand forward. 

"Here." Edric laughed heartily and handed Aizen his Cascade Badge. "I was going to give it to you anyway after you defeated both Poliwrath and Slowking, but what happened with Vaporeon was out of my expectations." He admitted.

"I am happy that you are impressed." He chuckled and stored away the Badge in the case before putting it inside his backpack. 

"Let's head to the best Restaurant in the city. My treat." He smiled at everyone and all the girls cheered happily. 

"I am going to tag along as well." Edric answered.

"You are always welcome." Aizen smiled at him before he was dragged by Lily and Misty.

"Let's go! I am starving!" The orange-haired Waterflower said.

And everyone else followed after them.