Good day all of my readers!
If you're reading this, you have successfully braved the tumultuous and treacherous path of Amelia's opening arc! She braved many dangers of all shapes and sizes, while experiencing different shapes and sizes herself! But more is in store for her now that she has regained her powers?? What will be the results of the fallout from the chaotic mission to confirm if the threat of the vampires has returned?
As I mentioned, this is the conclusion of this arc. I will be marking this story as "completed" in the coming days after I finish my edits and cleaning this up for future readers. I still have lots of story boarding to do for the next arc, which will be a separate story link/creation when I get that rolling.
Until next time, again thank you for making it this far! This was my first attempt to write anything on this scale before and I hope you enjoyed the characters and their opening steps as much as I did! Please vote on the character poll and feel free to comment on your favorite moments (or things you had problems with)! You're also free to theorize what happens next to our heroes ;)
Till next time!
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