Chapter 10: 10

On the day of the event:

“UWAAAAAHHHH, Aikawa-senpaaaaiiii, please help me out here!”

Kei abandoned her crying junior colleague and finished her work in the morning, as she planned. To increase her strength, she devours a hamburger, fries, and cola at a fast food restaurant and then went home. After finishing her run, she took a bath to focus her mind. Then, she logs in after she is in perfect condition. 1

“It’s amazing that it’s only been 10 minutes…” Johann muttered.

Huge numbers of players had gathered in the central square of the snowy fortified city.

And they felt more bloodthirsty than usual. The levels displayed above their heads are quite high at 30, 40, and even 50.

(Maybe I’m the weakest among them?) Johann thought.

Then, a mechanical buzzer rings. And just as her eyes are flooded in pure white light, the next moment she finds herself in an area that looked like an ancient Roman arena.

There are around 40, perhaps 50 players. And for some reason, a jumbotron was installed in the audience, showing off the countdown to the event.

“5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Beginning the First Phase~Now.”


The players roar, grab their weapons, and begin fighting.


“It’s started…” Johann muttered.

For the next 20 minutes, she’ll be forced to fight in this arena with no escape. Johann takes a deep breath.

“Let’s do as I planned… ‘Intangible’, activate.”

She uses Ghost’s skill. As a result, Johann became invisible to her opponents and in exchange, she’s unable to directly attack.

“Now I can summon without worry,” Johann said.

She’s making the most of her regrets after fighting Kuwa Geiger.

Regardless of whether Johann is acting as a summoner should or not, the job is based on summoning monsters to fight for you. However, if an enemy attack interferes with the summoning, they’ll be unable to do anything.

So, it was a strategy to cover that weakness by making herself intangible at once.

“Summoned beast call- Hinadora!”


A young black dragon full of spirit appears.

“Ufufu. I can’t attack while using ‘Intangible’, but I can attack with the summoned beasts I send out.”

Johann calmly performs a villainous combo that cannot be replicated by your average summoner. Hinadora’s appearance is completely visible to the enemy, but in this melee, its small size makes it a hard target to hit.

“Mokkyu!!” Hinadora cries as it casts Black Flame!!


Hinadora fires at a crowded area where two or three people are. In this room where there are only players near Johann’s level range of 15 to 18, one shot of Hinadora’s Black Flame could shave off chunks of their HP.

Of course, the players here are fierce battlers who have overcome the Kuwa Geiger. If they had faced Hinadora in 1VS1, they wouldn’t have been attacked. They should have been able to dodge it.

Precisely because Johann understands this, Johan has the advantage of being a third party. It is difficult to respond to attacks from outside the area and targets you’re immediately focusing on. 2

“Okay, we can go!” Johann cried.

With Hinadora’s MP, after firing one shot, it will run out of MP and disappear. Johann summons a new Hinadora each time.

This operation was a great success, and when all seven Hinadora stones were used up, there was only other one player left. And with only one opponent, there is no need to sneak around, and Johann cancels “Intangible”.

“Uh’ve phinarry vhown vhurfelf!” (You’ve finally shown yourself!)

“I-I have no idea what you’re saying…” Johann said.

The man standing in front of her is equipped with a sword in each hand.

That alone would be fine, but for some reason the player “Solo” before her also had a sword in his mouth.

“Th-Three-Sword Style…” Johann muttered.

“Throh vhen, fitz vah buhn-bon-buhn vite e’veen uu’n vee! (Now then, it’s a one-on-one fight between you and me.) Vhets thake bhis uh vhun voohwel, awright? (Let’s make this a fun duel, alright?)”

“What should I do…?” Johann muttered. “I don’t know what he’s saying, but this guy must be incredibly strong. Anyway, that’s the legendary Three-Sword Style…”

For a moment, Johann’s recalls her childhood memories. How many boys were imitating the warriors of a certain Japanese cartoon?

(I don’t know how many times I’ve been smacked by a boy holding a broom when it was time to clean up the classroom… 3 it’s so scary. I wonder how strong he really is.)

But, in fact, the “Three Sword Style” skill for Sabers can be obtained easily so long its conditions are met. It further enhances Attack Power by equipping a sword in the Head equipment slot. However, although it seems to be powerful at first glance, it is famous as a Joke Skill because it is difficult for party members to understand what you are saying when you have a sword in your mouth, and it is difficult to attack with a sword in your mouth, to begin with. This man named Solo was too obsessed with the Three-Sword Style, and he was unable to party effectively with anyone.

(I don’t have any melee combat skills… I’ll kill him before he gets close…!) Johann cried.

“Vhikovy eeth vhine! (Victory is mine!)”

The Three-Sword Style user Solo charges Johann.

“Black Flame!!” Johann yelled.

“Fah-faaha-hooooOOOOO?!” Solo screams.

Johann activated Hinadora’s skill. With Solo’s already weak defenses, he was hit with a 520 damage magic attack on par with the level-capped veterans, and so Solo’s HP disappeared in one hit.

“Did I do it? I won!” Johann yelled.

She survived the First Phase unscathed. As her first PVP event, you could say it was the best possible start. After about 10 minutes of extra time, an announcement played.

“The First Phase Is Over~. We will now move onto the Second Phase.”

The Second Phase.

Based on your performance in the First Phase, this time the level ranges are mixed up and then put into the same arena again. Johann found the battlefield looked the same. However, almost all of the people gathered here were level 30 or higher, and they were incomparable to the previous room’s combatants.

“Huh…? I can use my summoned beasts again?” Johann asked.

Originally, summoned beasts should not be usable for 24 hours after summoning. Their refreshing meant that she could use them across phases.

(I don’t have to be stingy with them. In this case, I think I’ll try using that one from the beginning.)

“Well then, let’s start the Second Phase~!”


The roar of the ferocious players rang out in the field, they were probably First Phase victors with the same performance as Johann. Johann took out her summoning stone before she was targeted.

“Summoned Beast Call! Kuwa Geiger!!”

A gigantic magic circle unfolded, and a gigantic stag beetle-like mechanical was within it. Johann rides on top of the beast.

“Wait a minute! Why is a monster here!?”

“That’s the boss monster of the first layer, isn’t it?!”

“I didn’t hear that there would be a boss in the ranking event!?”

“Kuwa Geiger, ‘Discharge’!!”


You are reading story What Kind Of Newbie Are You?! They Said That “Summoner” Is A Terrible Job, Yet They Call Her The Las at

With an unpleasant buzzing, Kuwa Geiger unleashes electric shocks all across the field. The blasts struck the confused players, dealing incredible damage. Players who had not invested in HP or Defense were wiped out then and there.

“I, I can’t move…”

“Guh… the same stats as the boss fight, huh…?”

It causes Stun for 10 seconds. Players who do not take any countermeasures will be totally immobilized.

“That’s good,” Johann said. “Now, activate ‘Charge’! I’ll steal the MP from the people who’re stunned!”



Kuwa Geiger has the same stats as when it was a boss. One difference is the same weakness as every other summoned beast, “Despawn when MP reaches 0.”

However, with the combo of stunning with “Discharge’ and draining MP with “Charge”, it has come to demonstrate the effectiveness of summoned beasts. 4

“Hey, there’s a person on top of the Kuwa Geiger!”

“I can’t believe it, but it’s their summoned beast!”

“Kill the summoner! Then this monster will disappear!”

“Everyone, temporary truce. Let’s defeat that monster first.”

The players who had barely survived because they happened to have anti-stun countermeasures immediately declared an informal truce against this abnormal situation, where a layer boss was being used as a summoned beast.


“Kuwa Geiger, ‘Discharge’!”



The second Discharge mercilessly rains down on the remaining players. Before a boss monster that unexpectedly appeared, the ferocious players of the second phase were utterly helpless.

Bulletin Board

[GOO] Ranking Event ROM Exclusive Gathering [Chat]

132. Nameless Adventurer

I was watching Morochin-san’s event stream, but there was a dangerous player

133. Nameless Adventurer

Go on

134. Nameless Adventurer

He wore armor and a cloak like a demon king and rode a Kuwa Geiger, instantly killing 50 people.

135. Nameless Adventurer

I don’t know what you’re talking about

136. Nameless Adventurer

You’re not making sense

137. Nameless Adventurer

Kuwa Geiger is a boss, right? 

It’s totally unbalanced

You can’t win against it unless you stack Anti-Stun and attack with 5 or 6 people

138. Nameless Adventurer

Did you play the ranking event today? It’s harsh to have a surprise boss or something like that

139. Nameless Adventurer

No, it looks like the player summoned it.

He was giving it instructions

140. Nameless Adventurer

You mean Summoner? After the last nerf festival, I’m shocked there are still summoners 5

141. Nameless Adventurer

Did he find a way to summon the boss?

142. Nameless Adventurer

I don’t get it

The streamer was laughing so hard because it was so messed up

143. Nameless Adventurer

I thought it was a PVP event, but there was a boss monster waiting

I don’t think you’ll know what I was talking about

144. Nameless Adventurer

You won’t believe it until you see it

Was today’s event officially streamed?


145. Nameless Adventurer


The highlight video should be up before midnight

146. Nameless Adventurer


I can’t help but be curious, you know

147. Nameless Adventurer

For now, I’ll post the link to Morochin’s stream

So check it out

148. Nameless Adventurer


149. Nameless Adventurer

Please do

Please don’t consume large amounts of caffeine, sugar, salt, and simple carbohydrates (like white bread for burger buns) in preparation for intense gaming sessions. This is incredibly unhealthy and will likely drop your gaming performance in the long run as your body fails you. There is no simple cure to the status effect of malnutrition.If it weren’t for the gear-equalizing nature of Apex Legends and other battle royales, Johann might have wanted to look into the genre.Japanese students are expected to sweep up and clean their classrooms. There are still custodians for the rest of the school, however.While I’ll still argue this is a too-convenient new power for Kuwa Geiger exactly when Johann and the plot need it, it does make sense that Kuwa Geiger never used Charge in its earlier fight because the AI behavior was expecting to be attacked by several people at once, and also not take a lethal amount of damage in the span of a few seconds before it even has the chance to try to respond. Charge would have likely only begun to be used after it reached a certain HP threshold between Discharges, but Johann broke its coding by being vastly more powerful than intended.“Nerf Festival” meaning the developers have intentionally and dramatically weakened something in the game, in this case, the Summoner Job. You’ll learn why the Summoners were OP before, later.