Magie who’s managed to give distance from the approaching assassin began to cast another spell with Umbra circling the mage. The large wolf growls, his fur bristled by unnatural wind in this room.
Night Edge sees this happening as he extended his arm, two daggers teleported itself to his hands due to his armour he donned. He readied himself in defensive posture as Magie unleashed a spell.
The mage extended his right hand towards the rogue and invisible forces of magic began to seep into the head of that rogue as whispers begin to try to invade Night Edge’s mind. {Dominate} spell is a mid-tier spell belonging to the illusion magic school that’s able to manipulate the mind of someone that fails to resist.
But before it can settle & take effect though, the grasp of magic to the character of that rogue fails as if repelled. That earned a gasp of surprise from Magie.
Magie thought that his previous spell {Command} have worked against that rogue and consider he would’ve been stronger in this event, so he opted to use a mid-tier illusion spell. He did not expect that it would fail this easily.
Something attracted Magie’s attention after he calms down from that revelation. On top of the assassin’s forehead catching several glimpses through the hood is a silver circlet. He put the two & two together
“I see… that circlet is a magic item. Presumably able to increase magic resistance towards illusion magics in unprecedented amount”
He began to cast another spell, but Night Edge made his move. He dashed forward in blinding speed, but Umbra reacted to that as the wolf lodges himself in between the approaching assassin & the mage. Halting the progress of Night Edge
Night Edge stopped right before the wolf as he lunges and tries to bite. With the rogue dodges in reflex from the incoming attack, he retaliated by stabbing two to three attacks to the wolf. Umbra flinched before returning to his original position near the mage while Magie still casting a spell.
Umbra’s tail grew tense as he growled before roaring to the top of his throat. It reverberated through the interior of this small chamber. It was haunting & terrifying to hear but thanks to the circlet that Night Edge worn the [Fear] status effect doesn’t take hold.
“Moving closer is out of the question with that loyal guard dog around.”
Night Edge warily watch over the situation at hand, the large wolf is constantly near the mage protecting him from any invasion. While Magie casting slow starting spell almost like…
“A boss mechanic”
He commented on how similar this would be. But before he can try again though. Several motes of fire as big as a volleyball began to surround Magie as it orbits him. While activating [Mana Gathering] although in pulses of on and off to prevent its stacking mechanic to become too much.
The multitude of flaming spheres happened due to the hovering smaller magic circles surrounding Magie. Each of those circles are imbued with ‘Meta Magic’ [Duplicate] which cast a spell that the caster is casting simultaneously at a cost of additional MP cost.
Night Edge knew the spell is nearing its completion as he hurriedly ran around the mage & his guard dog trying to find a blind spot. Umbra’s head reactively follow the movement of the rogue.
“This is it!”
Night Edge sees a point where Umbra’s head cannot turn further to continue watching him & needed to readjust. He used that chance to hurl several daggers toward Magie.
The daggers connected to Magie’s figure but rather than completely lodge into his body. They got deflected as if hitting a solid wall. In return, the point of impact from the daggers leave a ripple of cyan light surrounding Magie’s body.
“Another [Barrier]?”
Although he sounded surprised, his sneak attack did some kind of damage to Magie with some of the flaming spheres have dwindled & faded alongside the hovering magic circles.
Magie pursed his lips opting to cancel several meta magic spells to conserve his MP. Those daggers did high amount of damage to his MP thanks to [Mana Shield] if he doesn’t have that skill toggled ON it would’ve killed him.
“I have paper thin defences. Huhuhu…” Berated Magie as he continues his casting.
Night Edge gritted his teeth upon knowing that his dagger attack doesn’t deal damage he expected to be. With that, the remaining sphere of flames begun to alter into long spear like image made out of white flames. He knew this spell very well, it is a famous destruction magic used by high level players in PVP or PVE.
{Flame Javelin} a mid-tier destruction magic school spell.
Its used not for its damage rather its piercing nature. Meaning that the spell is capable of affecting players with incredibly high magic resistance or monsters alike.
What he sees aren’t just one spell that continuously being spammed though. In fact, he sees multitude of {Flame Javelin} being constructed right in front of his eyes.
Several spectating players are in awe seeing it happening right in front of them. Just at the nick of time
Magie waved his hand unleashing the spell as several flaming spears hurled toward Night Edge. Piercing his body with several white flaming lances burning some holes to his tattered cloak.
The mage seemed to be sure of himself that it would be the end of Night Edge. Yet, he didn’t expect something else.
[Spell Thief] doesn’t have a lot of magic resistance thus, his spell {Flame Javelin} magic penetration wouldn’t add anymore damage. That’s a miscalculation on Magie’s part as the barrage of fire lances pierce through Night Edge.
The smoke & debris brought up from the multiple impact obscure his vision as he commanded Umbra to comes closer to him as Magie can feel the soft fur of the wolf. In the meantime, he touches the wolf’s fur as his hand glowed in gentle white healing the wounds it has received.
A metallic glint can be seen from afar as it shoot towards Magie’s face as he heals the wolf. Umbra noticed it first as he jumped and take it head-on, he yelped in pain from the damage.
Magie quickly move his head trying to find the source of that attack but the obscurity from the fog & dust prevented him. In hushed whispers he began to weave a spell, with that a gust of wind began to blow outward from him.
It blew away Night Edge cover as Magie can see the assassin’s figure although injured judging from the equipment he wore is singed still able to move fluidly.
“Dammit! I knew it, the moment when I cancelled those {Flame Javelin} It isn’t enough to defeat him. At least I have some MP left to escape”
Magie glances to the side seeing his MP bar is now on the yellow side indicating that its nearing lower limit. Soon after, Magie began making hand gestures as his body glow in faint light.
Night Edge noticed this change as he exclaimed
“No you don’t-“
In response to that magic, Night Edge picked something out from his inner pocket in his cloak. On his hand is a small crystalline orb with swirling wisps seemingly swivelling inside the item.
Upon hurling it towards the direction of Magie, it hit a cold hard surface of the interior of this room. As it did, the glass orb shatters unleashing the magic it contained.
The spell that Magie have casted activate as the space surrounding him began to fold including Umbra as well but as that is happening, the magic from that glass orb activates in response to that.
In doing so, the magic fails resulting in widened eyes of Magie.
“??? What’s that? My magic failed”
Magie is surprised by that but he maintained his facial expression albeit slightly fails at that.
“I can only assume that’s called [Magic Crystal]”
It’s a handy item created by the NPCs mage’s guild, capable of holding a single spell & depending on the tier of the spell being contained inside. The rarity of that item increases, Magie has heard & searched through websites regarding PVP albeit only on surface level. Purchasing them require a lot of Gold Coins especially if its higher rarity.
You are reading story Eidolon at
He can sense that the spell it contained is {Dimensional Lock} a hi-tier spell coming from abjuration school of magic. Its specifically made to counter any dimensional movement preventing magic casters to escape quickly.
Knowing this he pursed his lips in annoyance as his spell have failed. Earning a smug smirk as if saying ‘you’re toast’ judging from the creases of Night Edge’s mask.
“No! I refuse”
Determined by that, Magie clapped his hand as he casted a spell to himself. He learned this magic from reading the lore books in the archive.
Adrenaline surges inside his body as Magie casted a buff on himself as well using a meta magic option. [Breakthrough] {Time Acceleration}
Simultaneously the spell activated he also used his skill [Mana Gathering] while commanding Umbra to become a meat shield by standing right in front of him.
{Time Acceleration} it’s a unique spell belonging to Archmage Janus. The description says that it accelerate time on the caster. Although vague, if what Magie’s thought is correct he can use this for something else.
Glancing in quick second, he can see the stacks of [Mana Gathering] rises up exponentially. It is working as what he thought it would be. By accelerating ‘time’ on himself, he made his own skill stacking up as quickly as that spell would allow.
His MP bar immediately went to full but that one or two seconds of standing around. Allows Night Edge to dashed forward using the floor & walls of this cramped interior as a pad to throw Umbra in confusion on what to pay attention.
Night Edge leaped from a pillar already brandishing his two daggers like fang toward Magie as Umbra turned his body around seeing that the assassin have already near Magie.
As Night Edge stepped on the floor where Magie is. A sudden glow distracted him as what appears on the floor is a massive magic circle different design than what he originally saw.
The reason why a magic circle appeared, is because {Time Acceleration} allowed Magie to also set up a new magic circle fairly quickly. He knew the side-effect of that spell but he’s going to use all of this in its fullest.
The glow turn dark purple and shadowed hands appeared in varying height holding Night Edge leg down preventing him to move further.
Night Edge growled in annoyance as he’s near Magie but too far for his attack to land. In quick second, Magie managed to toggle off [Mana Gathering] removing all the vulnerability stacks he had & returning his MP regen level to normal.
“That’s dangerous”
Magie thought, if he’s late for one to two seconds that dagger would land & instantly killed him. Since the respective stacks have reached to (x1024)% damage received.
The spell on that magic circle is {Grasping Hands} that inflict continuous [Bound] status effect for as long as the circle is active which means it will continue to consume Magie’s MP.
Night Edge gaze at the mage in front of him in burning hatred as he cannot move.
“The damn restriction on magic items!!! I couldn’t wear my [Boots of Free Movement]. My CC removal skill is still on Cooldown”
Magie immediately used his [Mana Mastery] and what he had learned as he can see how the mana is being constructed for the spell {Dimensional Lock}. Umbra leaped in between Night Edge & Magie blocking the assassin’s view of the mage.
“I see…”
The spell created a solid square room enveloping the entire structure of this pyramid. Within this room, mana is being regulated by that spell preventing a particular school of magic spells to be formed.
He extended his hand as he casted another spell [Breakthrough] {Dispel} in doing so, the solid room that contained them both broke apart. Although it is invisible, the shift in the air provided a clue to Night Edge.
“He dispelled it?”
The assassin widened his eyes, its only been three to four seconds after he has been captured by the magic circle. {Dispel} is a mid-tier spell, there’s only chances to work when its going to affect hi-tier spell so if it can be overridden that fast is either he’s lucky or he can upgrade tier spells due to his massive MP pool.
Magie snap his fingers as he activated several magic circle at once surrounding the walls & pillars of the interior of the pyramid. It glows burning red as Magie mischievously smirked as Umbra moved slightly & Night Edge can see the mage’s expression.
While not speaking, Magie waved his hand in a goodbye to the assassin as he casted {Teleport} on himself.
Before Magie’s figure vanished though…
Several explosions occur in the room accompanied by debris & dust as the entire structure collapses. This scenario have already pre-planned by Magie as a last-ditch effort when he’s discovered. Although there’s one thing that he didn’t plan.
Magie appeared far from the structures in a vast expanse of sand.
He sat on the sands and exhale seemingly relieved from that attack.
“I’m safe… and Umbra’s too”
His wolf also appeared near him and rubbed his cheek to Magie’s face as he’s smothered by the fluffy fur. Smiling in content, Magie stands up again and try to find another place to settle thinking of the next spell he’s going to choose to gain more points.
It reminded him to check the point panel as he look at his own accumulated points. It hasn’t change not even adding one more.
“Eh? He’s not dead?”
Magie is pretty sure that amount of low HP from the barrage of {Flame Javelin} plus falling damage from that structure would’ve defeated Night Edge.
“How come is he still alive then?”
There are many things to consider but for now, Magie opted to focus on trying to hide himself further including adding more alarm systems in his new place. If he can ever find one
A figure appeared on someplace far from the pyramidal structure. Wearing tattered and now singed cloak with several burned holes. Grime and dust piled on his shoulders as he appeared on top of the soft sands.
That memory of his escaped burned in his brain as he kicked the pile of sand hard.
Night Edge seems to have survived the aftermath of Magie’s well-planned trap. This is due to his Level 50 skill. [Spell Steal] its fortunate of him that Magie used teleport spell to escape as this skill allow him to directly copy a spell that was previously casted by magic caster.
Although he is safe and sound in this desert, it cannot be help that the mage managed to escape again from his grasp.
The spectators that was enchanted by the sight they are seeing, and the conclusion of that intense battle began to whisper & talk to each other in fervent vigour.
“What the fuck is that? Its awesome!”
One mage with a staff sheathed on his back clenched both of his fist with gleaming eyes. Seeing the numerous magic circles & some of them are used for traps.
“Magic circles are the realm of NPCs magic caster, I have never seen a player managed to incorporate them. That’s the unique skill they mentioned?”
Dyne thought as he look at Magie’s image that walked beside the massive wolf. His index finger is on top of his bottom lip as he smiles while reading the panel coming from the higher ups.
“I agree with them; this person has a lot of potential. Maybe we can see him fight the other ones. Heh…” He chuckles.