[Fire-Lightning Form Realizer: Dark Flaming Thunder Enhancement]
I slashed down brutally at the incoming [Curse]. Right now, I'm in a pretty sticky situation. I'm surrounded by various forms of [Curses], wolves, boars, lions, but the one I'm the weariest about is that one...a [Curse] shaped like a human. I took a step back and immediately propelled myself forward while dual-wielding.
[Lightning Form Realizer: Black Lightning Vortex]
[Fire Form Realizer: Dark Flame Vortex]
My mana-filled blades collide with a few [Curses], reducing them to dust. But, that was only thinning the herd by a little and I can't afford to use my mana like this on all of them even with [Mana Drain] in effect. As I allocated my mana skillfully between my cutlasses and body, the human [Curse] stepped forward and rushed to me aggressively. Yoru, as always, watched from the sidelines. The human [Curse] came in from low, so I enhanced both blades with [Lightning Form Realizer: Black Lightning Enhancement] since lightning is the most effective at close range. I swung down powerfully, but the [Curse] narrowly avoided my cut and sneakily came up to my front. Clenching its fists, it punched my face in without mercy.
This is my first time facing a human-like [Curse], and it knows basic martial arts...how am I, who specializes in beast subjugation supposed to compete? Before getting attacked again, I regain myself and ready my stance. The human [Curse] charged in again, but I avoided the blow by sharply enhancing my body. In that short opening,
[Fire-Lightning Form Realizer: Dark Flaming Thunder Vortex]
A large whirlwind of flame and lightning all dyed black pushes from my two blades into the [Curse] and those nearby, ending them and dropping [Cores]. But, now that my swords are on a mana cooldown, I'm more defenseless...
A wolf latches to my side and begins to rip up the flesh. I unmanifested one cutlass and try to wrestle it off but to no avail. Then, I reached into my back pocket...
[Core Grenade: Water]
I shoved the [Core] close to the wolf's face. When a large amount of water entered its system, it reflexively let go and I took advantage of that moment by slashing with my other hand. The wolf [Curse] stumbled back from the fatal cut and retreated behind its allies. After, from my back, I felt a sharp sting. Turning painfully, I see another human [Curse] that jabbed me in the spine. I stumbled forward and quickly stood up again. My side still feels moderate pain but it will be fine for a little due to my physical enhancement. Aiming my sword to the human [Curse],
[Fire-Lightning Form Realizer: Dark Flaming Thunder Enhancement]
I broadly slashed at the [Curse] but it survived with only a slight wound. After that attack, it rushed in and swept me onto the ground. This isn't the strength of a normal human...
The ugly [Curse] prepared to tear into me but I pulled out...
[Core Grenade: Earth]
...which allowed me to blind my immediate surroundings with a screen of sand. Escaping the [Curse]'s hold, I tried to retreat...deciding that the battle shouldn't continue any longer with my rapidly depleting condition and mana. Without mana, I'll definitely die. However, more [Curses] were in the vicinity that I couldn't defeat instantly and blocked my path. This is a pretty bad situation, isn't it? The human [Curse] once again jumped at me, ready to kill. But then, a hexagonal barrier blocked its fist, making the sound of a bird flying into a window.
"Do you need help?"
"You just helped me now. But, yes, I do need help."
Yoru then continued,
"Ok then, don't ask questions and recite the following words."
"Awaken my power, the time to vanquish evil has come."
[Awaken my power]
[The time to vanquish evil has come]
I don't know how spouting cringey lines will help me but if Yoru says it, it must be true.
"Voice activation accepted. You are free to use this."
Yoru then passed to me a futuristic-looking piece of metal that glowed a slight blue. The metal was silvery-white, matching my cutlass. Upon receiving it, I realized that it was a handgun. I didn't have time to hesitate. The human [Curse] that regained itself after being blocked by Yoru charged again angrily. I then pointed the gun and...
...a high-pitched bang let out, as well as a mass of burning energy. This is definitely what Yoru used that time to defeat the bear [Curse]. The energy beam or you could say laser beam, pierced through the human [Curse] with ease and it fell to the floor while sinking away into the air. My aim is perfect through my mana-filled eyes, but with them, I can't see a speck of magical power within the gun. Does that mean this gun uses purely technology? Really, what is Yoru?
I look towards the remaining [Curses] and begin to turn the tide of battle. With a cutlass in one hand and an energy laser handgun in the other, they were mowed down with ease. [Mana Drain] had a lot of work to do then, as my tank slowly replenished itself.
[Lightning Form Realizer: Black Lightning Vortex] !
Alright, it seems like that's all the [Curses]...I wiped my forehead of sweat and sat on the cold grass. While panting, I didn't let up and began asking Yoru,
"What is this?"
I gestured to the handgun which then floated towards Yoru and disappeared.
You are reading story Magical Girl Aki’s Secret at novel35.com
"It's a handgun."
"I can tell that but that isn't like any handgun I've seen. It's like something from a sci-fi novel."
"...[Focals] are aliens, Aki."
With my interests peaked, I stayed quiet and listened actively.
"I'm telling you this since I don't think you'll tell anyone else according to my calculations. [Focals] are machines sent to Earth with spacetime manipulation by a faraway alien civilization."
"The civilization is way too far away from Earth for them to come personally since it would take many many light-years. Therefore, through spacetime distortion, it's possible to send small machine vessels to Earth known as [Focals]."
"But, why Earth?"
"Earth is the initial attacking point for [Curses]."
"For [Curses]?"
"[Curses] are our civilization's enemies since they're mindless and have an unquenchable desire for destruction. They hail from another world where they multiply seemingly endlessly. This is evident from the cracks in the sky that appeared on Earth."
"So, you [Focals] were sent by aliens to defeat [Curses] when they came to this universe...why did you come up with [Magical Girls] to fight against them as a solution? Aren't you just using humanity as a tool for your own war?"
"Well, we might as well use the local population to aid our battle and make use of resources. It's beneficial for humanity too since they'd be wiped out without our help. Anyways, the sent vessels don't have ideal combat abilities, instead, they have the ability to awaken others and aid them which is a much more cost-efficient method don't you think? It's just our master's idiosyncrasy to have only girls inherit these powers."
"I will never understand your master."
"Neither will I."
"So? The handgun is?"
"Yes, that is a weapon created from our technological prowess. Since our civilization is ahead of yours in terms of technology, our weapons will be superior of course."
It probably doesn't have a name so I'll call it the [Neutralizer] because it sounds cool.
"That does have some awesome firepower. To think it's the fruit of an alien civilization's technological advancements, my brain is going to explode. Oh, don't take that literally it's an exaggeration."
"Noted. Anyways, our master granted the use of these weapons we brought over from across space to [Magical Girls], but not many [Focals] have done so because of their lack of trust in humans. Sentient AIs like us can be seemingly patriotic and defensive."
"So, why did I have to chant that line...was it..."
"Yes, it was master's decision for [Magical Girls] to be required to say something along those lines before accessing the tool or weapon provided by their assigned [Focal]."
"...so how often can I use it?"
"If I give you all the rights I can, you can use it whenever you want though only when I'm present and provide voice activation."
"Is that so? Well, thanks Yoru. I'm glad you have some trust me."
"Well, I guess you can say I'm a bit weirder from the other [Focals]. I'm a newer model..."
"You sound proud of that."
"Indeed. So, why don't we end today's hunt? I think your [Mana Drain] has grown your tank reasonably well."
"Sounds good to me."