After the accident and becoming a vampire, I was slowly allowed more and more freedom as my deeds of being a detective racked up again. I sustained my bloodlust on donated blood delivered on a schedule. I needed to work for my ultimate goal, to be able to see my brother, but I won't break out of here for that. This continued for a while as I lost track of the days.
Then, [First Contact] and the [Curse] invasion happened. I was pretty removed from the situation, but [Magical Girls], [Curses], and [Focals] got my mind raring to go. For my deduction, I was even allowed the cooperation of a renowned [Magical Girl] named Nodoka. We became very close which was a lot for me since I didn't interact with anyone like that in a long time.
After a few years of this sheltered lifestyle, while continuing the legacy of Emma Enderich, the news of a new [Magical Girl] in Tokyo tickled my ears. The [Ethereal Princess of Darkness Aki], a mysterious [Magical Girl] who defeats [Curses] with black lightning and fire. But, I know that those are attacks filled with attributed mana. How in the world did she get that amount of mana, and why is it so disgustingly evil-looking?
After reviewing the data of sightings too, I mostly determined how [Mana Drain] worked. I also determined her general location through the clothes that she wears, the direction she usually comes from to fight, and the direction she leaves to. She also only attacks at certain times as of recently meaning that she is probably a student of the nearby high school judging from age. This was a roadblock though since there have been no reports of the [Magical Girl Aki] attending that school and there should be. That is unless she was hiding her identity. Lining it all up, as well as sightings and footage from nearby areas...I saw an unexpected connection.
Through the security cameras of the observed high school, I could see my brother. As always, he's unnoticeable, but just seeing his face after a long time was refreshing. But, why does that super famous idol Ai Nakano always talk to him!? She can't be after my Onii-chan...I must protect! Not like I can do anything though.
Anyways, I noticed in the school security footage that he wore a strangely decorated green ring. He didn't do that before so the only reason I could think would be it's a gift from Ayame...
This ring showed me the answer. A picture that was taken recently had the [Ethereal Princess of Darkness Aki] wearing the exact same weirdly patterned ring. It isn't common and I wasn't mistaken. My brother is likely the [Magical Girl Aki] or at least connected to her. Well, my brother isn't the greatest liar so I'll find out if I talk to him...if I can...
YES!!! I got permission to go out and see him! I have gone out of the building a few times for cases (this is also treated as investigation) but this time I get to see Onii-chan! I guess the government must really want to form a connection with the [Magical Girl Aki], so they frothed at the mouth when I said I might've found her. Anyways, I can go but under the supervision of someone...thankfully I'm under Nodoka's supervision! I can't wait to see Onii-chan~ I wonder how he's changed, even more so how he can become a girl.
Akito Harada:
After a few weeks of practicing with Sino and nothing eventful happening with the hero party,
"You know, it's probably bad to wear this ring in both forms even though I've been doing it for a while now. I could be found out through this Sino."
"But then you wouldn't be able to call me out instantly..."
"It's I'll keep it on as Aki but have it in my back pocket as Akito so I can access it easily."
"Alright, if that's what you want Akito-sama."
"Thanks, Sino..."
But I realized this too late!
*doorbell rings*
Yoru muttered to me,
"I sense another [Magical Girl]."
With that in the back of my mind, a bit panicked, I open the door only to have my heart spike brilliantly.
"A-Airi? Is that you?"
As I quivered, she nodded. My sister who should be dead is at my front door. I immediately jumped to hug her tightly with tears forming in my eyes...
"Get back."
I was blocked by a large battle-ax that covered the door frame width.
My sister had a despairing expression while the one who blocked me looked irritated. She pulled the weapon from thin air so she must've been the [Magical Girl]. I've done my research, and the only one with such a unique weapon and that physique would be the [Bloody Wall of Might Nodoka].
She had a slim body and short hair, a warrior's body type. I could see muscles coming through her clothing and her aura of strength. Her piercing blue eyes as if trapping the light were the scariest. The [Bloody Wall of Might Nodoka] is known for brutally crushing [Curses] in battle, never letting a single one pass or survive.
"For you want to come in and explain...?"
I offered them into my crumby home while using my mana eyes. I managed to pull it off even though my mind was churning out scribbles. Anyways, Nodoka has an outstanding amount, better than all the other [Magical Girls] I've seen before. Ai is a close contender for the spot but Nodoka takes the cake. Airi has...a slightly greater than average amount of mana that's somehow off and feels oddly savage.
I can tell that that's not normal, what happened to my sister? Now thinking about it, how did she survive the accident? Are my parents alive too!? Is she actually not Airi but someone impersonating her? Why is she now coming back to me after a few years? How is she and the [Magical Girl Nodoka] connected? I don't know, and my feelings are conflicted in a haze.
In the cramped room barely passable for one person stood three people. Airi opened her mouth to speak, I wonder what she'll ask me...
"Onii-chan is the [Ethereal Princess of Darkness Aki] yes?"
"Uh--no no of course not!?"
"As I thought, now how'd you do it?"
Airi knows I suck at lying...I guess she's the real deal.
"Yoru help me out here."
"She already knows most of everything, give it up Akito."
"How supportive."
Airi knows of mana and the origin of [Magical Girls] through [Focals]. But, I don't think she knows the full extent of the far-away civilization's spacetime powers if she's asking me this. Even I don't know.
"Let's stop talking about me and talk about you! Airi...where were you these past couple of years. If you survived, why didn't you come back?"
"That was a bad way to avoid the question Onii-chan. Anyways, I can't tell you anything about that, it's confidential information. Although, I do find it frustrating..."
Vampires and Emma Enderich's true identity are big secrets after all.
"So, you come here to pry about me but not tell me anything about you!? Do you know how much I grieved for you, mom, and dad? Do you know how painful it was to be thrown to a poor excuse for a new guardian and be abandoned again? If you were still alive, why didn't you come back...was I that bad of a brother...?"
You are reading story Magical Girl Aki’s Secret at
"No no! It wasn't that Onii-chan..."
"Then why?"
"I-I can't tell you."
My emotions were not stable then, the tears rolled down my face and my voice raised accordingly.
"Then, I won't tell you anything about myself."
"That's troubling. I did bring Nodoka here to encourage you if you didn't cooperate. Only for intimidation purposes though."
Was my sister always this scary? I just remember her being super cute and following me around!? I guess her becoming defiant is better though...
"Alright, I'll tell you this. I am the [Magical Girl Aki]."
"Does anybody else know?"
"No, no one else. Now, what do you want from me?"
"Join the government."
"I refuse."
"Why? I can only see benefits for you."
"Remember what dad used to say? Live freely."
I can't betray myself and the Yoru who saved me.
"It's not like you can't live freely under the government."
"Still, I refuse."
"That insistent huh? Well, I think that you shouldn't let your talents go to waste, just like how I dealt with it Onii-chan."
"And are you satisfied with that?"
"Yes, very satisfied."
Empty words.
"If that's all you wanted to ask of me you can leave now. I'd say you're free to come back again, but only if you're by yourself and aren't trying to make me join the government which I assume you sold yourself to."
"Sold yourself is a strong phrase...and that crude way of talking to your sister is deplorable."
"I don't want to hear it from my presumed dead sister who actually survived and didn't come back for years."
"Hmph. But, just know that this Airi still loves Onii-chan and wants what's best for you. The main reason I came today wasn't even to make you join, but to show you my face."
"I just wanted you to know that I'm still here. So, at least think of me sometimes okay? I might not be able to see you again after all."
"W-Wait Airi."
"Let's go Nodoka. Sorry I couldn't tell or be with you more Onii-chan..."
They quickly exited the door after Nodoka pushed my weak male body aside with a brush of their arm.
What just happened? My dead sister one day appeared at my door and knew my identity as Aki. She then tried to get me into the government...I need some time to process and relax...
Outside the Door:
"Ah, the cold and cautious Onii-chan is wonderful too~"
"How can you say that with a straight face. Anyways, what will you do now?"
"'My search for [Ethereal Princess of Darkness Aki]'s true identity has concluded in failure. I will continue researching to reach that end.'"
"So, you're telling me that you're lying for the sake of your brother? Do you comprehend the consequences for that?"
"I know. But, it's what I want to do."
"Well, I could tell them and you would have to pay the price for that."
"I know you wouldn't do that Nodoka."
"Hmph, you sure can crawl underneath people's skin can't you."
Airi just smiled unperturbed. As they exited the cr*ppy apartment of Akito, passing by the giant hole in its side, their lead and search for Aki ended in failure. At least, that's according to Airi.
Nodoka Yanagi looked back to the door they just exited...and scowled furiously. With a resolved expression, she followed behind Airi and they drifted on into the distance.