Hero Party POV:
The throneroom went silent, demons just raided the castle and took their companion after all.
"Thouria can we teleport?"
"I don't even know where they went."
"I see, can we trace it back?"
"I think it might be too late by then..."
"Well, that is...unfortunate."
We have Fila so maybe we could still call the other side.
I've learned that I was taken to the [Demon Lord's Castle] within the demon territory. And I'm currently sitting on an oversized but grand throne covered in black, red, and gold. The room is like the [Holy Kingdom]'s throneroom but a lot more spacious, such that a convention could be held here. There are precious metals weaved in with mana dangling in every corner while the created atmosphere's like a despairing final boss fight.
There are even bones used in decoration, those better not be human! How'd this happen you ask? Well, when we started our time travelling mission to save both worlds, I was kidnapped by the demon hotshots and crowned the leader. Their faith is questionably blinding.
"Your excellency, the newly birthed [Demon Lord Aki], I offer my undying loyalty."
My thinking circuits are stretching. In front of me are once again the 5 [Demon Generals] I met earlier along with their respective army units. It seems they came to greet the new hot topic, another [Demon Lord]. Word will probably spread quickly...
Anyways, are they that excited Vetheris is no longer around? Also, since the previous army was bested by the [Holy Kingdom]'s heroes, it mostly dissolved (many were just drafted footsoldiers). The ones here are the most loyal to military service...and patriotic, they really hate humans. Better not mess up my speech.
Konno, the shy demon loli who's an excellent magician has a similar dark robe to Thouria but has no catalyst for magic casting. Since Sino told me demons have a better handle on mana than humans, I guess that's reasonable. They both use magic formations granted by the gods though, just different ones. Behind her was a band of demonic magicians, and from what I could see with my mana eyes, they're tough.
Yaido, the level-headed [Demonic Blade] who exudes power and prestige. It seems she doesn't manage a unit, I wonder if it's something about compatibility.
Riord, the leader/captain of the demonic [Dark Knights]. They're the most trained force in combat for demonkind whose prestige is known far and wide.
Teona, the genius monster tamer. It seems she helped Vetheris with 'enslaving' [Arog] and [Asogus]. She too leads no unit and I'm starting to question their loyalty...
Finally, Lovet, the narcissistic wielder of miscellaneous magic. Somehow he's risen the ranks and became a general leading a unit of surprisingly well-trained demons. There is a multitude of marksmen and swordsmen, they all have a weird sense of trust in Lovet.
Apart from them is Edgar, a normally named frail demon man with circular glasses. From what I've heard, they're pushing all the country's internal affairs onto him...the poor guy. Well, he has the talent since he's a genius at paperwork and additionally military strategy. The hero's power got them in the last war despite that though.
""All hail [Demon Lord Aki]!""
As the leader do I have to order them to do something? I mean, sending them off to war to [Curses] with my newfound authority doesn't feel right...or maybe it does in the context of [Orvinus]. It's confusing me! I should take a look at the affairs of the natio--no what responsibility do I bear to the demon race? Why should I be leading them? They forced this position on me...but they could be used...I don't know someone help me!
"Do what you want, preferably towards killing the [Cursed One]."
Can't you calculate success or something...help me more with this operation.
"Well I won't gain anything standing around here, I only have a few days. I need to get to the front lines and plow through to the [Cursed One] at the source of it all. If I can get through the stampede, I can make it. My [Mana Drain] will somehow keep me afloat...now that's reckless thinking..."
The [Cursed One]. That's the difference between the invasion of the two worlds by [Curses]. It's what gives us a fighting chance.
After asking some questions to Edgar about the demon's current situation, I heard that it wasn't actually that bad (summarized). They were on the winning side of the war until the heroes pushed them back and killed their leader. They weren't purged after that or anything so most just returned to normal life. The livelihood of the country got back on track after the economy took a dip but they're back on their feet...enter [Curses]. It's a steady decline...but in a few days, they'll be dead and overrun (only I know this). I need to put priority on the [Curses]. I need to save as many as I can...the same mindset as last time. I'm not mistaken.
"Alright listen to your new [Demon Lord], our priority right now is the [Curses]. Grab every last man you can get for this plan, we're going to launch a full-on assault at the problem's source. If we can't even do that much the world will die horribly. Anyone who can pick up a weapon will do so."
Am I too arrogant ordering them around like my minions? Well, they are. A full-on assault seems reckless you say? Sorry, but I'm no military strategist or person with a lot of time. The world is ending here people, it's do or die. You might not get the significance, but just do as I say and you'll survive! 'Who's this new [Demon Lord] ordering us around like slaves!?' you can ask, you can ask! This is my resolve, will you follow me? The [Demon Lord Aki] debuts like an apostle ready to save demonkind!
Riordus POV:
Riordus, the brother of Riord is a demon [Dark Knight] in the same unit. He's an undeniably talented magical swordsman, only to be overshadowed by his brother and Yaido. This Riordus was very involved in politics...and had very progressive ideas of which he was very passionate. The top of his focus right now was the [Curse] invasion.
They appeared suddenly but weren't taken too seriously due to their strength. But Riordus knew, that if they kept sprouting up at this rate, they would overwhelm the world and plunge it into flames. He was extra cautious and informed those around him, but they didn't understand his worries to the extent he portrayed. They numbered largely but that was all, it wasn't the end of the world they thought. But, they needed something to push the demons to face the issue properly.
"Sh*t! At this rate...at this rate demonkind will--"
Riord burst through the room by flinging open the wooden door.
"A new [Demon Lord] has descended! Everyone prepare to greet her excellency!"
As Riordus listened in to the words of the new [Demon Lord] he wore an indifferent face. It seemed she was better than Vetheris, but the human appearance threw him off. Until,
"Alright listen to your new [Demon Lord], our priority right now is the [Curses]. Grab every last man you can get for this plan, we're going to launch a full-on assault at the problem's source. If we can't even do that much the world will die horribly. Anyone who can pick up a weapon will do so."
As soon as the black-haired goddess said such a thing, Riordus's heart was set slightly at ease.
"So such a ruler existed, what a wise ruler indeed. I will give my life up for such a person, for demonkind I will push on."
The new [Demon Lord] pushed off her reputation that would build up slowly.
Aki POV:
You are reading story Magical Girl Aki’s Secret at novel35.com
After the larger audience dissipated, presumably to gather available troops, only a few high-ranking demons remained. I thought to myself about using the demons as tools in war, but isn't that what all rulers do? I'm not ready for war...no I prepared myself from the beginning, didn't I?
"My lord..."
"Hm? Riord what is it?"
"Let me apologize in advance, but I need to confirm something."
Confirm? That doesn't sound good.
"Confirm what?"
"Forgive my words of hubris but, I need to know if you can lead the demons."
So my worthiness huh.
"This is mostly for me personally...would you be so kind as to enlighten this ignorant me?"
What a tone to use on someone you're suspicious towards.
He unsheathes his breathtaking black blade. His armor is also black like tar, fitting the [Dark Knight] title.
"When we first found you, you were in the midst of humans--and the heroes. I can assume you have some relation, you don't carry the same anger we do...is what I think. Perhaps I could be wrong."
"My priority is to clear the [Curses], we'll talk after."
I don't want to hear about these painful problems until the actual world-ending catastrophe is stopped. I've seen it you know! Or maybe this is just my childishness ruining the stage.
"...and you may have the God of Destruction's blessing but are you capable of leading at the front lines? We don't know your combat capacity. Vetheris-sama was capable in the aspect of magic."
Don't compare me to that guy!
"A fight huh, let's see if our wills match up accordingly."
I begin emitting a slight bit of mana in the air around me, the mixed dark attribute should prove pretty scary to my surroundings...is my theory. Riord flinched but didn't step back, as expected of a noble knight.
"Here I come!"
I manifest two [Realizers] and strengthen everything at high output. I need to win in a way where they'd acknowledge me, including onlookers.
[Soul Breaking Phantasm]
Riord's brow furled as he withstood the mental grating. Surprised? Anyways, making the decision to finish the fight fast, he slammed the ground with his foot and accelerated forward. Is the throneroom really a fitting place to fight I wonder...
I intercepted the blow with my dual-wielded cutlasses but that force was no joke, his [Physical Enhancement] has been polished quite finely. I can't let my swords get locked in place so I began to overpoweringly push back with [Wind Enhancement]'s aid.
"What strength..."
Our swords clanged off each other and I drew a comfortable position after splitting. Signature move,
[Fire-Lightning Form Realizer: Dark Flaming Thunder Enhancement]
Sizzling crackles burned through the blade and I shot forward at an angle with Sino's help. A searing slash went through his armor to his skin quite quickly. Did I put too much mana into that one? My strengthening and mana manipulation have gotten quite better, especially with [Second Contact]. If I used a vortex move, I think his entire body would be reduced to ash...
Riord fell to the floor while holding his wounded shoulder and dropped his black sword.
"Hahaha...! I lost spectacularly, you are worthy of my loyalty...for now."
"Well, thanks for that."
His ruined shoulder place should be able to heal right...its a fantasy world so it should be possible right!?
"Are you okay?"
"A compassionate one too...I'll be fine, Konno can heal me up quickly."
Konno stepped forward shyly and casted some kind of healing spell from a distance. The boiling wound covered up soon after, it's an amazing display that I've only seen Hayase-san replicate.
"See? I told you that Aki-sama would be fine."
"You have to make sure Yaido."
"Ahaha, what a beautiful technique Aki-sama!"
"Hehe, t-thanks."
Good grief, [Demon Lords] have it hard. But, I have my own goals to achieve.