Chapter 47: 39

“Sui will use a cane. Even though you’ll be fine without it, it will enhance any magic spells you cast, so try and make use of it.”
“Thank you.”

I intended to let her fight monsters with magic, but she could do that even without equipment.
There are tools which improve your ability to operate magic, but it is said that you shouldn’t rely on them too much or else you’ll be compromising your personal ability.

Still, one person being left out from receiving anything seemed a bit sad, so I handed Sui a cane longer than her own body.
A magician needs a cane, was my selfish reasoning to give her one, but a shovel or a crowbar would have worked just as well.

“For your role, I want you to use large-scale spells from behind to wipe out enemies. If the enemy is greywolves, [Water Sphere] would be enough to defeat them, so to start off, your role is to use [Water Sphere] to hit greywolves head-on. I’ll give you some tips later on, so give it a shot. I think it’ll be easy for Sui.”
“Got it. I’ll try.”

Saying so, she grabs the cane and squeezes it tightly.
She seemed plenty motivated.

“Kili gets a crossbow and ‘collection’ set.”
“What’s this?”

Kili gazes at the crossbow I handed her with interest.

“This is a crossbow. You can shoot arrows with a single hand, while using it. It’s not all that powerful and you won’t cause much damage with it, so I want you to try and use it by applying anesthetic medicines to your arrows. The real star is your collection set anyways.”

Saying so, I hand Kili a belt like tool which had a lot of pockets sagging from it.

“This is, well, you can tell by just looking. It’s used to store a lot things. Put any collectibles you find in it while walking, using [Collect].”
“But there isn’t much in the forest, for which I’d need so much space for.”
“In that case, use this.”

I hand over a spectacles-shaped magic tool to her.

“What are these, Glasses? Uwaaa!!”

After putting on the glasses, Kili raises a voice in surprise.

“Amazing. It’s like, I can see everyone’s aura rising from them!”

You are reading story Thereafter of An Exiled Magician at

It’s normal for her to act surprised.
It should be looking like we’re all wearing aura to her, after all.

“Those glasses visualize the magic around an object which possess that above a certain level. You’re collecting things using magic, so it should become more easier than it was before.”
“If you had this, why didn’t you give it before today?”
“Although it’s only in traces, those glasses suck some amount of void magic from its user. I wanted Kili to raise her proficiency with earth magic first so I kept it aside. If it’s you now, losing that much magic won’t really amount to anything.”

Magic tools typically make use of void attribute magic.
If you keep depending on them, you’ll end up increasing your void magic proficiency single-handedly.

“Collection will still remain your main job, so I want you to stay in the rear while attacking enemies; in order to restrain them, and make sure they’re not in perfect conditions. Though your role might remain small while fighting greywolves.”
“Got it.”

Kili began looking at various things in the middle of my explanation, so I don’t think she heard the second half of it.
But, yeah, I think she’ll be fine.

“Last but not the least, Milia. I’d like you to put on this necklace. It serves the same function as Sui’s cane.”
“Why’s Sui using a cane, and I a necklace?”
“There’s a simple reason for that. [Heal] is most effective when both your hands are placed on the target. If you hold a wand, one hand would get blocked, won’t it?”
“I see.”

[Heal] has the ability to repair injuries by placing one hand on them, while analyzing their condition using the other one.
This is why it’s much more efficient to use both hands while using this spell.

“Milia’s job won’t change much from what it used to be, either. During battle, you’ll cast [Blessing] on everyone. After battle, you’ll heal the wounds of the other four, no matter how small they are. The more you heal, the better you’ll get at it, so this is an absolute.”

Magic stays the same no matter who uses it, but setting values differ from person to person.
In case of healing magic, these settings are completely dependent on your sense for magic, so the more you train your senses, the better your magic becomes.
Gaining knowledge also accelerates your learning speed, but in the end, hands-on experience is better.

“Well for the time being, I don’t think anyone will suffer from life-threatening injuries, so the quicker you get used to it, the better equipped you’ll be in that event.”
“Understood. I’ll give it my all.”

Milia tightens her fist to increase her resolve.
It seems that all five of them had plenty of enthusiasm.

“Then tomorrow, let’s go and beat down some greywolves!”

They all gave an energetic reply.