Chapter 38: [Arc 1] Extra Chapter 2: The Will-less Tyrant


The roar shook all the Glavras Sliprauses, as well as the Glavras Rexus, awake.

The Glavras Rexus knew this day would come. A few weeks ago, there was a rumor that three of the rebel faction had evolved into new races that haven't existed in the dungeon before. The Rexus didn't believe the rumors at first since there should be no way for a Slipraus to evolve to something that was not a Rexus.

The master of the dungeon had made sure of that from the moment they were born. The blessing of the dungeon master had given them life, as well as given the master's special powers. As payment, the monsters born from the dungeon needed to serve the master, helping him in his quest for pleasures, which is the water he lives in.

Alas, the master's thirst for pure water could never be quenched. Therefore, the master had ordered the damn spiders to compress the water, so that the lake where the master lives would never overflow. 

The Rexus didn't care about the rivalry between the three races of the dungeon, nor did it find it shameful to be the second generation leader for the Slipraus. All it cared about, was to rule over the weaklings, proving his strength, and do the mission it was given.

This wasn't due to loyalty, the Rexus didn't think of any other choice. From the moment it evolved more than a decade ago, it was following its instincts, blindly, like a doll, just doing what its owner wanted.

The Rexus never shed a single tear, even after killing its comrades that it had lived with all its life. It only followed its instincts, so why should it be sad? The ones from the rebel faction that evolved were the same, killing their cherished comrades the moment they evolved, forgetting their goal of leaving the dungeon for the outside world, and challenged the Rexus to become the new guardian of the dungeon.

Therefore, the Rexus didn't believe the rumors. Strange evolution or not, why didn't the former Sliprauses challenge him from the moment they evolved? And why did they all evolve at the same time? There were too many strange facts about the rumors to believe them. Out of irritation, the Rexus ate the messenger that told him the rumors.

But the next day, a rumor about the three evolved Sliprauses was spoken of by the underlings. They had assaulted the fishmen society in the area below the rivers. Not only that but after destroying the whole settlement, they spared all of the fishmen, with no causalities. 

The Rexus couldn't believe what it had heard. Sure, eliminating the settlement of the fishmen, even the Rexus could due to that. Sure, even the Rexus could make the fishmen surrender without making single causality amongst them, just by showing off its powers. But to spare all their enemies, what good would that do? 

The strange rumors continued to come the next days. After defeating the fishmen, the three evolved Sliprauses started to teach them about combat and making weapons like the one's humans, the ones that killed the first generation Rexus, used. Some other rumors said that it was a strange creature, which looked like a white spider with black legs, that was doing the teaching? The Rexus laughed at that thought. Despite all the strange things that were happening, there's no way something that strange could exist.

The next thing that happened wasn't just rumors. Most of the rebel faction joined the three evolved Sliprauses. Then, they started hunting together with the fishermen, acting as their mounts in battle. The Rexus was completely out of it when it heard that. Sliprauses that willingly acted as mounts, what's going on in the dungeon? Even so, the Rexus didn't receive any orders from the master, except for guarding the crystal pillar that cleaned the master's water. Yes, no other orders than that, not even orders to report any abnormalities...

The next set of rumors took the Rexus by surprise. The Slipraus-riding fishmen had assaulted the spiders. Something strange had made a ruckus in the tunnels where the spiders lived and lured them down to the area below the rivers. Then, in the tunnels, there was fishmen, rebel Sliprauses, and the evolved Sliprauses, waiting to ambush them. The spiders didn't have a chance, and they lost more than half of their populace. 

After that, the rebel faction started to attack the snakes around the dungeon. By now, the Rexus shouldn't be surprised, but even so, taking on the hard-shelled snakes when you just have Sliprauses and fishmen on your side? Madness. However, there were no causalities among the rebel faction. The only snakes that remain now, are the few who live in the tunnel with the many-headed snake.

Even so, the Rexus didn't care. All it needed to do, was to follow the master's orders. Like now, to kill and remain supreme over all who dares to challenge it. 

As the Rexus went towards the area with the rivers, the loyal Sliprauses, and those who were too young to understand the conflict between the loyal faction and rebel faction, started to decide who should stay behind while the others should go and spectate the fight. Despite the circumstances, the battle for the crown amongst the Sliprauses is something that shouldn't be missed. This is a truth, that all the beings in the dungeon knew. All of them...

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