And here's another one!
*blob, blob, blob*
The only thing I'm not happy with is that they don't make a real rolling sound.
What I'm doing? Making some rolling boulder-substitute out of webs and poison. I've always been a fan of In*i**na **nes, so this is a trap that I've always wanted to make!
Before you ask, yes I have time for this. The exit is just behind me, and I've still time to spare, so no worries.
I'm not counting on the boulders to reach all the way to the river area, not that they need to, as long as they mess up the path towards the entrance.
I'm making the boulder-substitutes with the [Poison Globe] skill. You know, that skill I got along with Hydra. [Poison Globe] capsules an area, and whatever, or whoever that's there, in a sphere of jellylike poison. A purple magic circle, similar to the one when I use [Hydra]. appears at the designated area, and the globe of poison is created around 5 seconds after the skill is activated.
This will not only deal DoT through poison, but it will also bind them to that place. Then there's the part where the target is drowning in the poison, but you know, details, details.
Since it takes a while before its deployed, and that the magic circle is somewhat flashy, this move isn't that suitable for head-to-head conflicts. To use this move effectively, it should be used on some unsuspicious idiot, a slowpoke who can't run away before the Globe is finished, or distracting the target so they won't notice the circle during those 5 seconds the skill takes.
Point is, the Poison Globe isn't that useful on its own unless it's used in a more unorthodox way. Like now.
As a bonus, I'm making the Globes around clusters of threads, which expands to form a massive web, with just the slightest touch. I call them web-bombs. And I hope that Nobel was luckier with his discovery of dynamite than I was with this bomb... Don't ask me why I'm hoping for that...
I haven't had the opportunity to use the web-bombs until now, due to their instability. But since the skill is generating the poison without much movement to the contents, the bombs don't detonate while they're being covered.
I've also managed to keep the bomb in the middle of the capsule, by holding the bomb in the air through a thread, while creating the capsule around it.
I can't even imagine the mess the combination of the poison and webs make further down the tunnels. Just one of these avatars of messiness is gonna delay the turtle or the spider queen big time, and I have sent 3 of them down the tunnel! Plus one regular Poison Globe that I made, to get used to the new skill. I wanted to make more, but:
There's not enough time to create another poison web bomb. Well, there's no way that they can dig out the rest of the tunnel with the poison in the tunnel, as well as the poison dust that remains in the river-area. The underling spiders won't be able to survive in those conditions, let alone work on digging the tunnel. They would have needed to be in earshot from my current position if they wanted to escape the Dungeon before the timer reaches zero.
With that in mind, I started to retreat to the exit, while firing off some regular Poison Globes on the way.
New location of interest discovered:
The Velantas Deadlands
When I exited the Dungeon, I found myself in a crater. Or, didn't Skelly's last will say something about the Dungeon being at the bottom of a dried-out lake? So, not a crater, but the remains of the lake?
The lake is the size of a soccer stadium, with a huge hill, probably the size of the turtle, in the middle of it. The entrance is on the hill and is barely big enough for Virt to squeeze himself out. The evidence is from a large cut-mark at the entrance's ceiling, definitely from Virt's sword-like back-fin.
The ground is dried to the point of cracking up. Some parts have even turned to desert sand. From the look of the sky, I'll say that the sun is setting now. Unless this is a world with an orange sky.
One Sol for the dehydrated ground being Glavras' handiwork. Not that I want to know that there's more than one being that can dry up the world... whoa.
I've climbed up the dried lake, and what awaited me was a sight breathtaking, that just seeing it with [Magic Sense] isn't enough. It's time to remove the Mirage Mantle, that's currently a blindfold and returned it to normal.
What I'm seeing is a wasteland that stretches out to the horizon. No signs of life anywhere. There's no vegetation at all. The land is just one step from becoming a desert. A dead land.
And this place was supposed to be in the middle of the forest? If I hadn't seen the corpse of forest-living Emperor Kodokumo in the Dungeon, I would have laughed at the thought. Damn, Disasters are way too scary. And there's 10 more out there? *brrr*
Dungeon, [The Water-Knot of Glavras],
has been eliminated.
You are reading story A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype) at
Urgent Quest: [Cut the Water-Knot] is completed:
Bonus Objectives is completed:
Rewards will now be delivered.
Quest: [Stop the Drought Maker] is completed:
Rewards can now be collected from the Quest Log
The clock broke apart and turned into glowing dust. I wasn't paying attention to that since something even more amazing was happening with the lake.
The large hill that was the entrance to the Dungeon suddenly collapsed, as if it fell into a sinkhole, taking with it most of the dried-up lake. Strange thing is, even as I see my place of birth collapsing, my heart doesn't stir. Not at all. I may be wrong, but maybe it's because all my memories of that place are associated with me dying, starving, bored the living out of me, or dying.
The few good memories I have of the place are those related to the Dino-trio, and those are mostly training them, despite being terrible with people. Or does it not count since they are monsters and not people? Ah, whatever. Those memories are better than the others. I guess I should say my farewells to the place.
While I was offering a small prayer to the Dungeon, large blue crystals started to come up of the sinkhole. Are those treasures?
Or not. Water suddenly started to ooze out of the crystals. At first, at an incredible pace that made it look like a geyser. What's up with those crystals?
Item Name: Millennium Water Aether Crystal Cluster
Rank: B+
Type: Aether Crystal
Durability: 9.999/10.000
Weight: 1000
Description: Crystallized Water-attribute aether. These crystals will gradually lose durability, and as a consequence, water will be generated from the broken parts.
Then that means... those crystals are all the water of the Dungeon?! And over a thousand years, wow.
That would explain why I completed the quest from Skelly. Though. from the looks of it, the one who released the water was the gods though. But if I get the rewards, then I'm not gonna complain.
Wonder if I can take one crys-
What's this? A package? Does *ma*on exist in this world? I don't see the reason for the pure white box though. There's something written on the top. "Rewards for clearing the [Cut the Water-Knot] quest"?
I didn't turn in the quest. No, didn't the system message say something different about that quest? What was it...! 'Rewards will now be delivered'! Not ready for collection, but delivery! That's a first. Not that I have that many quests under my belt.
Let's just place this in my storage, and try to get... what's this letter? It's just below the writing on the box. Since they're both white, I didn't notice it at first. Let's see, who is the sender?
Take the package with you far away.
The monsters will be attracted by the aether crystals. Some of them will probably be worse than the monsters that you encountered in the Dungeon.
And do not even think of taking one of the crystals, or you will get that divine punishment from before.
......Let's take the box, and get out of here. Like, right now!