Chapter 117: [Arc 3] Chapter 11: Spices and Bones

Hm-hm-hmm. I love the luster of this rock. It was a good idea of me in taking Marc with me to the meeting with the owl-guy and his group. I got to skip all the boring business talk.

"So, this is the "Ancient Ore" you talked about?" - Lily

"Yup. Can't wait till Carion starts making golems with this stuff. After we get the Dungeon working." - Garami

Mira and Lily had arrived at the meeting place, already enjoying the festival as they were fully armed in goods from different stands as if they were tourists visiting the carnival... oh. They are tourists visiting something similar to a carnival. Phht!

"What? Levi wanted some too." - Lily

Yeah, I know. But... an Undead Dragon covered in carnival goods... oh crap. This must be one of the greatest trials I've faced. Glavras and the Draugrs don't even come close. Must. Not. Laugh!

"A-anyway, let's go and meet up with Shula. She should be here somewhere... Isn't that her?" - Garami

I pointed towards one of the stands... staffed by a group of similar-looking Jewel Peoples.

"Welcome! What can I... Garami!?" - Shula

Hello to you too.

"Oh, this is the famous Shula?" - Marc

"She looks like a nice child. Quite the opposite of what I was expecting with boss' taste." - Lily

"And what do you mean by that? Speaking of which, Shula, why are you working here?" - Garami

If the stand was for metalworks, I would get it. But a ramen-stand? 10 bonus points for the cheongsam.

"... It's my mother's idea..." - Shula

Mother? Oh, I see. I thought the staffed looked similar...

"A family business. So sweet." - Marc

For some reason, our man of the day's looking at the Shula family with warm eyes. Did something happen to him in his world?

"Yeah. My mom-, my mother, she told me I had to help the rest of the family, so I couldn't meet up with you until now... sorry." - Shula

"No biggie. Then, about my request-" - Garami

"Shula, can you help me here, sweetie?" - Older Jewel People woman

"Mom, not now!" - Shula

Ah, so it's her mother. Wait, aren't there only girls in this family? From their looks, I would say that Shula's the oldest sibling here... with 8 youngsters to watch over!? Ma'am, you need to give your husband a break once in a while. Not that I have the opportunity to butt in now. Shula's already butting heads with her. The kids just kept on moving their hands...!? These brats-!?

(Hey, all the younger siblings have higher Crafting skills than Shula. Some of them have even evolved.) - Garami

I whispered to Mira what I discovered with [Appraisal]. Some of these brats hadn't even reached the double-digit in age from what their appearance told me. And their mother was like, a god-class chef from what her skills and classes told me.

(Yeah, I know. That's one of the main reasons I wanted to scout her.) - Mira

(... Explain.) - Garami

(To start, Shula's lack of confidence originates from that all her younger siblings have so greater talents in crafting than Shula herself never could get. Even so, Shula never gave up, and she's reached the point where she is today. She still lacks a backbone though.) - Mira

Now I get it. If Shula knows the pain of being talentless, she'll be less likely to take her job unseriously. Another point is that she'll be less likely to get tempted to leave our group, as long as we treat her nicely. The only problem is whenever her skills are just outshined by her family, or if they're no good.

"Mom, stop it! I have a deal with miss Garami! Oh, that's right..." - Shula

As if suddenly remembering it, Shula started to take something out of her bag. 

"Here, the dagger you wanted me to fix." - Shula

Oh, it's already finished. Talk about fast... EEEEHHH!?

"What's wrong?" - Marc

Sorry, Marc. I need some time to pick up my jaws, so you'll just have to read the [Appraisal]-result instead.

"... Isn't it stronger now than when Boss showed us these things' stats before?" - Lily

"I think so too." - Marc

They're right. The dagger didn't have any "Critical Damage Increase", or that high durability nor attack power. Who the heck upgrades something that just delivered into service?

"Sorry about the sloppy work. I had to help with the stand last night..." - Shula

"SLOPPY!?!?" - Marc & Lily

Guess this girl does.

"... *Grin*" - Mira

Alright, you were right about her. Props to you.

"Fine, you're hired." - Garami

"I didn't have any magically enhanced ingots or anything, so I could only... what did you just say?" - Shula

Huh? Didn't she hear me?

"You're hired. Right now. With immediate effect. No questions asked." - Garami

"Wait, why!?" - Shula

I just said without questions asked! Geez, is she this unruly? I didn't get the feeling that she was so before.

"Anyway, we're late for the tournament. Just drop your stuff here and let's go." - Garami

"But-but I have to help-" said Shula, gesturing to the ramen stand.

"What, you have a quota? Then tell me what's the most expensive on your menu?" - Garami

"Eh? That's... well..." - Shula

"The explosive Jalalava Ramen. 500 Sol for each bowl." - Shula's mother

"Jalalava? Are you crazy!? Those are powerful enough to knock out even Magma Snails!" - Lily

"Ooh. We'll take 10 of those, then we're going to the tournament." - Garami


"Not for you three," I said to Mira, Marc, and Lily.


"Grrr..." - Levi

"... And 10 for her too. Mega-sized." - Garami


*Burp*, think I ate one bowl too much. But we got Shula to come along. Heck, her mother was crying tears of happiness when we took her along. She secretly told me that she was always afraid that her daughter would never become an accomplished crafter... but if you ask me, it's that family of over-master-crafters that have placed the stakes too high for Shula to grow any confidence in her skills. She'll get better at her work by having some time away from them. Wonder if she could cooperate with Carion with his golems even...

(... Is miss Garami alright? I mean, some people use Jalalava to disinfect swords...) - Shula

(Her tastebuds are as dead as the dragon's... and the dragon itself. Don't worry about it.) - Mira

I'm feeling some insulting whispering behind my back, but I'm too bloated to care about them. Just as we were about to reach the Colosseum, someone called out to us.

"Hey, the albino demon over there." - ?

... Just ignore it. It's probably just another albino demon they're talking about.

"The albino demon that has a Darkman in her shade, along with keeping an Undead Dragon for a pet?" - ?

... Yeah, no way there are two demons like that. I looked for the source of the voice and found a... fortune teller dressed in an oversized robe. When you think you've seen it all...

You are reading story A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype) at

"Ah yes, you. You with the name of Garami." - Fortune teller

"Wow, he fortune-told your name Boss." - Lily

"No, he didn't. He appraised me, I felt that. And it's 'predicted', not 'fortune-told'." - Garami

Seriously, this girl... 

"And you, Roby, what's your deal?" - Garami

"Nothing. I just wanted to meet the great Champion of Alvatria." - Fortune teller

Oh great, it's one of those church-guys.

"And I am not a member of the Umbral Church." - Fortune teller

"Wow, you're good. Alright then, you have my attention, but not for long. The tournament's gonna start soon... Marc, go on ahead and get yourself a good spot amongst the item-throwers." - Garami

"Yeah, yeah. That's why I'm here..." - Marc

"I think the Guild Master is watching the tournament as well." - Mira

"Wait for me, bombs and explosives! Marcus is going to throw you into the next week!" - Marc

And with that, Marc took off to the Colosseum. Mira's on a roll today.

"Back to us. What's your deal?" - Garami

"It is nothing important. I just wanted to warn you about a potential danger towards something you hold dear." - Fortune teller

That sounds important in my book though.

"Today, you will gain a mighty comrade, a loyal knight worthy of serving you. However, at the same moment, you will face a fated foe. Someone you will have to face in this, and any other world. A nemesis, who now aims for your very first symbol of power." - Fortune teller

.... A nemesis? If Glavras was alive, I would've... no, that can't be...

"Hey, doomsday prophecies don't work on Boss you know." - Lily

"I already knew that, my feral little friend-" - Fortune teller

"Who're you calling 'feral'!? And 'friend' even!?" - Lily

"Sorry about that. I was thinking about a different little chimera. Did you find any need for having your fortune told?" - Fortune teller

"Not really, but thanks for the warning." - Garami

I gave him a buck as thanks for the less-than-wished-for advice and left for the Colosseum. Seriously, what was that all about?

...AH! I forgot to appraise the guy! No way I'm gonna let... he's not there!? I just turned my back to him for a second!

...This is getting fishy...


"Welcome, all you money-hungry, battle-fanatics, to this year's Crafter's Tournament!" - Announcer

Just when we had arrived at our seats, the announcer has started the opening of the tournament. The arena looked like the Roman Coliseum with an extra circle around the main arena, probably the platform where Marc and the others are gonna stand on. The whole building is made of a material that looked like stained glass instead of dirt and rocks. Quite the fantastic appearance. 

An angel... Flugel girl, similar to the one who had the Alchemist exam along with me. Not a bad choice for an announcer. Having someone that can fly will make the whole tournament thing more interesting.

"For those who have joined us for the first time, let me go over the concept of this competition: The Crafter's Tournament is a free-for-all battle royal through the use of items created by the artisans of Baoshi. The items will be used by the adventurers located on the outer ring, one at a time, and you in the audience will judge which item they fancy the most. The maker of the item with the most votes is the winner.

"The 'targets' are usually creations like golems and other inorganic, creatable monster, but this year, the rules have been changed due to the lack of targets. Instead, we will use Summoning Tags, bringing out hordes of Lesser Skeletons. Be not be alarmed, as the monsters brought out will not be able to escape the arena barrier.

"The adventurers will use the items on the Lesser Skeletons, but at the same time, the Skeletons will fight each other in a true battle till the end! As some may know, undeads are capable to evolve without collapsing on the spot, so as the Skeletons gain strengths during the fight, the opportunity to watch how the different items work on targets of different strength levels. And since it would be too pitiable for the bags of bones, the anonym sponsor that provided the Summoning Tags is going to hire the last standing Skeleton as a tamable monster! 

"It will be a true battle of survival, folks! Something the Baoshi Coliseum has yet to witness before today!" - Announcer

The audience started to shout out in excitement for this new twist on the tournament. The only places that didn't erupt in shouts were the reserved areas for the many merchant companies and the lounge that I and the rest had been given as another thank-you-gift from the Alchemist Guild. This place's big enough for even Levi to stay with us. So generous of them.

"But to think they excused the evolution of the Skeletons that way..." - Garami

"That wasn't your idea?" - Mira

"Nope. Guess you gotta hand it to the merchants. They know how to use an opportunity." - Garami

"Merchants are bad. Stay as far away as you can Boss. They'll trick you with fake wares the moments they lay their slimy hands on you." - Lily

Does someone have a bad past with merchants? Like in having bought monster meat for borrowed money, only to end up empty-handed?

"Now then, since you all are ready for the bloodless bloodbath, let the tournament begin!" - Announcer

Oh, they're starting now. Tons of bleach-white magic circles appeared across the arena. Skeletons appeared from those circles, armed either with bone clubs or barehanded. Without a moment to waste, the Skeletons started smashing their closest neighbor with glee. The first adventurer started to throw their items towards the Skeletons a few ten seconds after the start.

"Hey, who do you think is going to win?" - Mira

"Who knows. It's too early to see a winner yet." - Garami

"But don't you have those magic eyes of yours? Those... talent-seeing ones?" - Mira

"Ah, the [Judging Eyes]. I could use them, but then the whole arena would be drowned in multiple colors." - Garami

"So, there's too many of them?" - Lily

"Yup. That, and it wouldn't be as interesting if I already knew who was gonna win." - Garami

"Tch, here I thought I could make some money..." - Mira

Were you planning on going to the bookmakers if I told you? 

The battle continued, but seriously, the beginning is dull. Not strange, considering only the weakest bombs and other damaging consumables were used and they're used on the weakest of undeads. Not so much action to expect there... but that's gonna change.

"And here's the Reveric Company's Anti-Monster nets... oh! It looks like the tournament is going into the next stage!" - Announcer

Some Skeletons had started to evolve. Visually, they didn't appear any different themselves, but new equipment appeared from outta nowhere, replacing any skull clubs they may, or may not, have had before. One obtained a bastard sword, another gained a magician's staff and robe, one got a great shield and sword, and much more.

The newly evolved Skeletons started to make use of their newfound power at once, by culling the hordes of Lesser Skeletons. The magicians used their newfound knowledge of spells to mow down the weaklings while the warrior type crushed them with their weapons. 

While it looked like the evolved Skeletons would have the upper hand, the adventurers started to target the stronger Skeletons with their items. Why wouldn't they? They were paid for showing off the value and abilities of those things, and something that can take care of a higher-ranked Skeleton is better than those who can only finish off Lesser ones. 

The dumber Skeletons that didn't pay attention was blown away to kingdom come, this time for good, but the smarter ones remembered about the adventurers and started to dodge the items that were thrown towards them. Two Skeletons; a Wind Mage, and a Shield Warrior, were especially good at it. They even repelled the items towards a different target.

"If someone down there is winning this thing, it must be one of those two." - Garami

"Why do you think so? Did you use that judging-eye thingy?" - Mira

"Nope. But if I hadn't the ability to differ something on this level, do you think I would've ever gotten that skill?" - Garami

I moved my attention from Mira to focus on the two Skeletons that had caught my eye. They aren't the strongest of the bunch down there, but they're definitely the most resourceful once. 

"We are halfway there folks! Just 300 more Skeletons to go! Eh, what's..." - Announcer

Something happened in the arena. One of the Skeletons started acting funny. Like, 'laughing like a maniac' funny... which isn't funny at all.

Ugh... The maniac Skeleton ate its opponent. It's just bones chewing on bones, but the sight is still unsettling. Just as I thought that a change occurred to the crazed Skeleton. Black, mud-like substance covered it, coloring the Skeleton jet-black. 

...This is bad. I flew outta my seat and ran out towards the exit.

"Hey, where you going?" - Mira

"We need to stop that Skeleton, right now!" - Garami

"Is it something bad with it?" - Lily

"'Something bad'? It's the very definition of bad! It's a Black Bone!" - Garami

The staff better have something like holy water ready here, or else this tournament's gonna down in history as the bloodiest fiasco ever!