Chapter 6: School situation ~2!

After dropping Dayun at home I went for a stroll. It was tough for me to navigate in the city but somehow I found what I was looking for. Returning home I immediately initiated the purpose of my wandering.

To Destroy Inbae Kim.

I didn't want to regret because of the action I have been undertaking that's why I went to ask some of the people in Dayun's class about her condition, without letting her know about it.

And indeed she was getting bullied by Kim Kisoo's sister, Haejin. The story of the start of bullying was the same. The crush of Haejin confessed to Dayun which made Dayun the target of the girls from the so-called high hierarchy.

Dayun has already been getting tormented for a long but no more. Who could understand better how it feels to become someone's play bag just for their fun.

I wasn't able to do anything about it because of my own powerlessness but not Dayun. She has a brother now who would take care of these arses without applying lube.

I hacked into the government server and took out the information I was searching for. 

After that, I arranged the videos I tracked from multiple cafes and bars around with lots of useful dirt against the people I was targeting.

How did I do all this? Simple. 

In my last life, I was sharing a room with a professional hacker. I basically cleaned his room and buy him things on an occasional basis in return he gave me a room and sometimes, even in mockery, taught me various things. In two years I became very much skilled in generating bugs, crossing firewalls, and breaching securities. 

After he got caught through a web trap, he left the country that led me homeless.

Anyways back to the present... 

After getting the information, I tracked the identity of one of the prominent government officials Mr. Inbae Kim, father of two spoilt brats, and dug out various things which I could use against him. Including the information, I got from his henchmen, by the time of dinner I already created that much custodial verified proof which could thoroughly shake the entire life of Kim Inbae and his family.

Politics is a play of mud. Once you enter be ready to get dirty. 

It was fortunate that I didn't meet that blondie in person or I won't have been able to control myself before eradicating her from existence. I never killed someone before but after I heard what Dayun has gone through I certainly believe I could do something which I haven't done before.

Clicking on the 'Send', the icon I sent every thing I have prepared to various famous media channels. I have watched many movies to remember that sending things like these to only one channel might end things differently sometimes. So no risk-taking.

Maybe I was rushing things a bit but I had reasons.

First, I didn't want to let Dayun face that kind of harsh treatment again ever in her life so ending the main vine from the root would allow her to enjoy her high school life comfortably.

Second, I wanted to focus om myself. Knowing my sister could be in danger, I couldn't focus on my newfound powers. And I only had less than a month before my first mission. It wasnt a spy-like mission that this body and my skills could easily handle. I would be getting thrown into a random world with unforeseen dangers. 

Knowing that I wasn't even got stabilized with my given powers until now and still wasnt used to the body I have under certain circumstances, makes me anxious. I was progressing but calculating my speed wouldn't be enough in one month. I had to maximize my time for training as soon as possible.


"Oppa, dinner." 


I got out of the room with a satisfactory smile on my face. I knew what I did was a crime but I highly doubt with my connections and the less advanced security of this world, I would ever get caught.

"Did something good happen Ijin?" Ajumma asked me an equivalent smile on her face as she saw me.

"Hmm? Yeah, something like that. Umm..Dayun". She halted with a serving bowl in her hand, upon my call. She raised her brows before asking," Yes Oppa?"

"From now on, rely on me more." She got confused and ajumma also made a conflicted look on her face. Silence fell inside the dining space but I didn't speak more and started eating first.

Soon the atmosphere lighted up as we chatted like normal while enjoying the peaceful dinner. I knew Dayun still had a lingering gaze at me, trying to think why I said that, with somewhat anxiety filled in her innocent eyes. I knew telling her would be like confrontation and it would surely make our kind ajumma worked up. So I just let her thoughts wander for the night.

You are reading story God’s Mercenary! at


The next day, I woke up before the sun and went for a walk around. I already got an overall idea of the vicinity so it didn't take me long to find a park just some blocks away.

Since I was early, only the oldies were around. I ran along the perimeter a dozen times, covering a couple of kilometers with my breathing concentrated constantly. My feet were heavy and light at the same. The feel of my internal weakness with extra strengthening was quite unusual so I ended my spree and went toward a silent spot.

Sitting cross-legged under a tree I focused on my breathing. Yesterday, I wasn't able to regulate it for 3 minutes properly but today I went straight for 10 minutes. I was pretty much proud of myself.

After that, I did some light stretches and went to a gym. I already took admission to a private gym yesterday so without further ado, I dashed away.

The gym I selected was basically for physical training with many types of equipment. There was a lot of space for martial art practice and several rings for friendly spars. Surprisingly, the gym contained a decent amount of populace, not to the point where it could be called crowded tho...

"Umm hi. I am Yu Ijin."

"Oh, you are Yu Ijin. Wait a minute..." The counter staff's face lighted as he saw me before he went under his table and started rummaging through something.

"Thank you for becoming a member of the Blaze Gym. Here is your bag and basic equipment you have paid for." This was my first time coming here since I was admitted online and bought the starter pack since I knew it would hectic in the morning to carry stuff around. 

After taking the side strap oval gym bag, I went to the changing room and took out my sweatshirt. I was wearing a sleeveless t inside which showed my arms completely. My biceps were well defined so the attire looked good on me.

After filling the sipper provided by the amenity, I went to do some stretches. I took an empty spot with a punching bag hanging on the corner and initiated the bonding of my mind with my body.


With a light jab, I started heating my body and soon my punches started landing on several spots on the thick surface in front of me. I wasnt using my breath or I would have blasted it away with a single hard punch.

Soon I got immersed in my one-sided spar. Using my every limb I continued beating the heavy hanging bag like I was venting on it. The sound of my jabs was resonating loudly with several dents forming and filling on my opponent.

I never realized that every gaze was upon me, nor did I see that a person was already standing just behind me, some distance apart. 

I was that engrossed with my training. And how couldn't I? In my last life, I never moved like this, contained strength like this. This precision, reflexes, and movements were miraculously tempting for me to go another minute. 

Suddenly I heard someone's voice loud on my back before I halted my assault and turned back.

"Phew! I thought you won't stop today." Upon turning abort, whome I saw made my body freeze at its place.

Lustrous raven hair and violet eyes made a perfect combination to make her look fierce as well as charming at the same time. Her body proportion was something no man could forget once they see her. The small baby face of hers totally betrayed what she possessed beneath her pale white neck. Slender legs made her look taller than she was but almost the same as high as me.  Overall she was in the epic region where a woman's beauty could reach.

But there was something I was more focused on than her appearance.

It was familiarity with the girl...

Or to say the fictional character I was seeing in reality which I never thought existed in this world.

It seems the way I looked at her made her awkward as she coughed lightly before she spoke again.

"Will you spar with me?"



A/N: As I said he won't be collecting characters from the anime world often, so the girls appearing im his world and a couple of waifu from another world would make his harem. I will try to give all of the proper development before I start writing ????.

Anyway, drop a comment if you are liking the story~