Chapter 12: Confession !

It's been 30 days since a new life got reborn in the body of Ijin and slowly both souls formed a union and became one. The past 30 days never went slow for Ijin as he saw numerous things and met countable people which always made his days eventful.

Some of the things in his life were like chores, for example eating at least once with his family members and the rigorous training he does without missing a single day. On weekends he pushes more as there weren't any days left before he has to utilize all his efforts.

Dayun became normal after that night for some reason. Nothing sort of different seemed in her personality. Except for her wish to go on shopping with Ijin now and then, most things were the same as the first day.

The lady of the house, Mikyung also feels safe in the presence of Ijin. She never tells it but having him in the house, she feels relief for some definite reasons. Ijin respectable attitude toward her still makes her somewhat uncomfortable but she has left everything on the flow of time. She wants to become a parent which Ijin never got familiar with but for now, she was happy with how things were.

After that night when Soo-Ah met with her first kiss, she became quite awkward around Ijin. Both of them didn't interact much which led Ijin to feel regretful for what happened at the hilltop. He didn't know what changed or whether she didn't like it, but looking at their complicated relationship now he thinks it would have been better if he had pulled himself out when the time was right.

Right at the moment, thinking about Soo-Ah and other stuff he made his way toward the gym. Today was Friday and the day after tomorrow would the commencement of the big event. Something which definitely would shake his life to the core. 

Anxiety, excitement, stress, fear, elation...various emotions were wavering in his mind as the days passed but nothing stopped him from improving himself over time.

If in the past, he got troubled using his concentrated breath for 10 minutes, so now he goes for half a day without taking too much toll on his body. It was that his movement was still not synchronized as compared to his natural breath. 

Not only the breathing but his eyes too, took another leap of improvement as he used them whenever he found the opportunity. He was able to manipulate how much he wants to see and the distance his eyes could reach have increased three folds since the first day.

For the last-minute burnout, he went to the gym to relax his mind and calm his racing heart. He has decided to come here only after experiencing his first conquest. 

Changing his attire he went to do some light stretches as he usually does and ignored the stares he still gets from various sides. It was fascinating how people still loved to watch him even though he was coming here for over 20 days already.

He was about to move toward the old same sandbag when someone interjected his movement.

"Hey." He knew who she was so without turning he rolled his eyes before replying.

"Hi." He continued his steps when the raven-haired girl which naturally drew even more attention from the surroundings, started following him.

" you want something?" Getting irritated with her persistence Ijin turned and asked in a not-so-happy tone. The annoyance in his eyes was expressive but it didn't affect the girl.

"I have a bet...And before you reject first listen to me." Ijin was about to deny her when she abruptly interrupted him, not ready for any kind of rejection.

Since the first day, Nari has persisted to have a spar with her which Ijin ignored all the time for some reason. He knew her reputation in the gym and how she had prepared a strong front in face of everyone to keep the people motivated, however, Ijin knew she had very less chance of winning so he always held back. 

Sure he could have lost to her intentionally, but he feared his personality which strongly rejects the thought of losing so he decided to play passively.

But today was something different. Nari was unusually tenacious today. Ijin didn't speak and just looked at her with the void of any expression on his face.

With a victorious smile, Nari moved in front of him as she finally got the response she desired.

"One-day-pass to treat the losing party in the worst way possible. The one who will face defeat has to follow whatever the winner throws at them for the rest of the day. " Nari raised her index finger as she made the bet, making the people in the surrounding gasp and amused at the same time.

No one thought Nari could go to this point where she would challenge her freedom in exchange for just a spar with a younger boy than her. It was simply too outrageous.

Ijin studied her expression for half a minute, trying to evaluate what her inner motive could be but apart from pure determination and rage, he found nothing. Her eyes were brimming with arrogance which made her look childish in the eyes of his.

"Why do you want to fight me that badly? I might not be that strong..." Nari didn't let him complete his sentence before she chimed in.

"I just wanna crush that pride of yours. That's all." She simply stated that it was nothing but the listeners knew that her words sounded too much egoistic and full of herself. 

Nari was an adored princess of her family which never had faced defeat and being second in her life. She sure did have gone through a harsh struggle but being second to the best has never been an option for her.

Ijin couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. He just could not feel agitated by her words. It was simply too childish of her to think that Ijin's normal demeanor and behavior seemed prideful to the woman. Her childlike act was nothing that could make him irritated, so with an amused smile, he replied with an agreement.

"Okay. But regardless of the result, I want to spar with you only once. No redo. Is it clear?" The beautiful girl's face lit up as she nodded without hesitation and invited him to the center ring of the gym.

After wearing the protective gear which was composed of only a pair of grappling gloves and a mouth protector, both participants entered the arena.

It was early in the morning but still, through calls and texts, people already invited their friends and gym partners for this unexpected match. Soon a crowd of almost 100 people surrounded the ring where three people were standing.

In blue sports wear stood Nari with her hair tied tightly in a bun and eyes fixed on her opponent.

And the other side stood the gray-haired boy wearing the all-time sleeveless jersey with pair of joggers and an aloof expression on his face, currently gawking at his surrounding.

The stage was set. The referee was on fire. The audience was howling. In that environment, one could feel how pressurizing it could be for the participant but looking at the two youth in the center of all this, one could not help but admire them.


[Nari Pov:]

'He's taking this too lightly...' The way my opponent was treating this 'friendly spar', was making me feel annoyed. Even though the match wasnt commenced yet, he was way too unguarded. Suddenly, a thought of overestimating him started building me inside as I looked more into him.

'Well, it would be better to crush him since I have gone this far now...' A smirk formed on my lips as the image of him following me for the rest of day built in my imaginative mind.

I had only one minute before the referee would announce the commencement, however, this one minute was enough to strategize my victory.

I have already planned how I would strike him. I have studied his moves and the way he responds to sudden external stimuli. I agree that he amazed me every time I observed him but no one in the world is invincible.

From the past month, what I have seen I knew there was one shortcoming of his agile moves and fierce strikes and that was suddenness. From what I have learned, he became ferocious as time passes so what I had to do was to make him surrender in the first half minute of the match.

I had my point of strike marked on his body and the way he could react to it. Everything was planned and ready to be executed.

"Fighter One. Ready?" I nodded as the hand was raised toward me for affirmation

"Fighter Two. Ready?" He also nodded forming a stance that was within my coverage capability.

At that moment everything around me went silent as I focused every sense on the guy who have unintentionally made me so frustrated over days. 

'It's time to show who is the boss here...'





"" EHHH????""


[Ijin's POV:]

"As per rules I only had to throw you on the ground which I Mr. Referee..." I gestured toward the guy who was standing in the corner of the ring with disbelief spreaded like melted cheese. Not only him but every person from the audience have the same dumbfounded expression as they have seen Saitama beating Goku or sort.

And not only them, but my opponent too was still figuring out what happened to her while lying on the ground with her body pressed against the surface.

But instead of declaring the match, the curly head guy dashed toward Nari with panic all over his face. It was no genius to guess how high time it was for him to let her know his name.

I already had various things going on in my life so wasting time here seemed useless in all rights. I got out of the ring and thankfully the crowd gave me space to walk through.

Well getting treated like a demon or sort somewhat hurt tho...

You are reading story God’s Mercenary! at

"WAIT!" A mighty roar or I would have said if not the sulk I sensed in the voice have clouded the shout. I knew who it belonged so I turned without thinking much. Well, now I was getting a little frustrated with the time she was consuming.

"Yo-you cheated. How can I get defeated like this?.." There was a sense of complete disbelief and oblivion in her violet eyes which showed that she didn't manage to follow my moves at all. Even though I wasnt using my breathe I knew I was fast but not to the point where human eyes wouldn't reach me...

'Or maybe I have miscalculated myself...?'

"Check the cameras and ask your dear friend if I had cheated. I already told you that I would fight once and that's done. So goodbye." With a fake smile spreading across my face, I bowed slightly and was about to walk away when I remembered something and turned to face her.

"Ah yeah..about that servant thingy.." Her body which was being supported by her fans stiffened upon my remark with blood leaving her face and tongue tied at its place.

A smirk which I guess could scare a kid formed on my face before I spoke again.

"If you want to do something as a one-day servant of mine, then go home and wipe that arrogance off and clear that air of fullness you have created, so you might get a chance to spar with me again."


Ijin went straight home after that. Today was the weekend so after today he wouldn't be able to go to school before returning from the other world. He didn't how the time lapse would be managed so he has prepared various lies he could tell and also have written a note for his family members to ensure them in his absence.

He prepared for school and after breakfast left with Dayun as always. Dayun unlike before, doesn't shy away easily and even has started to joke with Ijin in a friendly manner. She usually talks about his preference for the opposite sex or whether he was interested in someone, which Ijin dodges expertly.

For some reason, he has started having doubts about the perspective from which his sister sees him. It wasnt much but the small gesture Dayun shows whenever a girl tried to intentionally touch Ijin or whenever tries to exchange contact with him, never goes unnoticed in the ex-mercenary's eyes.

For now, he has left everything at it and has decided to not let this relationship escalate weirdly as he doesn't feel anything toward Dayun. He's protective of her, loves her dearly but in the sense of a woman...he was sure he doesn't see her like that.

Shrugging the useless thought both siblings bid their farewell before moving toward their respective classrooms. Ijin still gets glanced at but he long got used to it.

Walking at a slower pace while various things rampaging inside his mind he finally entered the classroom. There was a reason he was being hesitant entering the room, but as soon he saw the face of a particular girl, his previous reasoning faded away.

"Hey, Ijin." Yuna waved at him before the guy took his eyes off that certain girl and fixed them on the enthusiastic beauty near him.

"Hey, Shin Yuna." He replied with a small smile on his face as he made his way toward his destined seat. For the past month, from constant tries, Yuna has made a close relationship with Ijin to the point where she could confidently call him her friend. Not only her but Sukjoo too apologized to him after that incident which led these two men on good terms.

Sukjoo raised his brows as if in asking 'what happened', on which Ijin couldn't help but smile helplessly before shaking his head. Ijin wasnt able to hide his restlessness from Sukjoo, because of how Ijin felt after seeing the short-haired girl. 

Since that day, when these two teenagers shared their first kiss, their relationship has become more distant than that of an acquaintance or even a stranger. Ijin was still figuring out what he did wrong but he never dared to talk to her.

There was part of his soul that still belonged to that kind of guy who never had a great personality and being introverted was second nature to him. 

But today was different. Ijin knew if something happens in the upcoming event then he might not be able to see Soo-Ah ever again. And leaving a regret behind would be the last thing he wants. Well, he was sure that he wouldn't die there but he felt it was better to speak to her at least once.

He didnt chat with Yuna for longer which reward Ijin with a series of pouts and grumbling from the princess, but he wasnt in mind to talk leisurely. Various things were surfacing through his mind, which didnt include only Soo-Ah but other things too.

The system had informed him that at exactly when the clock hits 0000, he would be teleported to the other side of the multiverse so he already had prepared the necessary things. But the deep lingering feeling about leaving his family and friend behind felt miserable for him.

'Talk about crying...' He sighed and focused on the class, missing the occasional glance he was getting from his neighbor. 

The class soon started and went in a flash. Well, Ijin wasnt focused much on the things being taught unlike usual, but before he could notice the lunch break already arrived. He was surprised how time flew in this life of his, even though he doesn't focus on anything particularly. 

He was putting away his books and stationery when he felt a presence behind his back before a tap on his shoulder confirmed his institution.

"I wanna talk for a minute." Stood there was a girl in her late teenage and raven shoulder-length hair with a slight frown shrouding her baby face. Even though she tried to hide but the worry in her eyes didnt goes unnoticed by Ijin which genuinely surprised him.

He thought for a second before nodding his head and leaving the class. The two beside Ijin and Soo-Ah were looking at them with varying expressions. Ijin nodded at Sukjoo on which the latter one nodded and formed the best idea to stop Yuna from intervening between them.

Without waiting Soo-Ah left the class with Ijin following just some steps away. They both didn't speak a single syllable as Soo-Ah led Ijin toward the staircase and instead of descending she started going upstairs. Since their classroom was on the second highest floor, Ijin instantly knew where she was going before he followed her.

There was no one on the rooftop as Ijin expected as it was prohibited for students to go there. Soon the couple as prior agreed took the seat which was on the left side of the terrace. There were seven resting benches on either side with a small garden in between.

The wind was blowing rather harshly today, making howling noise passing their ear and swaying the raven hairs of the only girl present there. The silence felt piercing for Ijin as he didnt knows what to say. He wasnt an immature child to not see how troubled Soo-Ah was at the moment, so patiently he waited for her to settle herself first.

"Why..." Like a small sound of something buzzing in the ear, was the weak voice of Soo-Ah which reached Ijin's alerted senses like she was asking him in a clear voice.

He was perplexed but didnt speak as he knew she haven't finished yet.

"Why are you like this today..." Now Ijin found himself in complete oblivion as he stared at her with round eyes.

"I don't under-...Soo-Ah?" Ijin titled his head as he saw her sulking expression with small droplets forming at the corner of her eyes. She was glaring at him with her face bright red and lips bitten to suppress her voice from leaking.

He immediately extended his hand to wipe her tear which Soo-Ah caught in the mid-way in a rigid grip and placed it in front of her chest. She looked at him intently before words containing her pure emotion traveled in a much clear voice.

"Why are you like this today...? Why does it seems you are going away from me? Why I am like this for you? Why does it hurt when I see you're saddened face...why? Why? Why?..." She uncontrollably screamed those words which anyone on the rooftop could have heard. 

For some instance, Ijin went blank as in not knowing how to react but looking at the girl who was holding his hand so tightly in her grasp that he might fade away if she loosen it even a bit. He knew that he couldn't show his pathetic side so he made his resolve.

He held their intervened hand before pulling her closer and bringing the other arm around her back. Soo-Ah didnt pause and continued to sob. 

What seemed like an eternity for Ijin as he heard her crying out with pain surging inside him too, only a few minutes passed before she somehow calmed down.

"Feeling better...?" Ijin asked in a very small sound that only the girl in his arm would be able to hear, despite being alone on the whole terrace.

"You didnt answer me..." Like a cute child, Soo-Ah complained with her eyes closed which were a little puffed after the honest heartfelt session she had.

"For the first part, then I ain't going anywhere. Just was feeling a little down because something from my past hit me all of a sudden. Well, I am okay now so don't worry." Soo-Ah opened her eyes and could tell confidently how fluent this guy could lie to her.  But at least he didnt dodge her and for some reason, she knew asking him more would only hurt her.

"For the second one...then it's better if you find it yourself. We both know that we don't take each other as mere friends, so sort your feeling Soo-Ah. I am not running away and we have a long...long life ahead. So think about things carefully before you draw your conclusion." Soo-Ah felt various emotions surging inside her for the first time in a while. The last time she felt it was when she returned that day after that eventful night with Ijin. 

But the difference was that she wasnt going to run away like last time. After all the things she was scared about most, got vanished because of just some simple words from the man she was thinking about all the time, since some days.

She was overwhelmed with feelings but it was far from scaring her. Moreover this time instead of denying her feeling, she wanted to embrace them.

She smiled brightly toward Ijin as a pearly tear formed at the end of her crescent eyes.

"Mm. I will."


A/N: The dev. with the other girls would be after the first world. The first month only went with his life becoming normal in the new world and him establishing comfortably in the new environment. So don't go on complaining that I rushed it.

Anyway, the next chapter would be the commencement of the first mission. So let me know if you are hyped for it.
