Chapter 6: 1.06-2 – Oh O Natural


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Leo had turned ten years old. Now puberty was starting to hit and he decided he didn’t like the little hairs that had popped up on his chin. It was clear that he was starting to change a bit prematurely and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it, but even so, he was warm and happy at home.


He sat in his room playing with the figures he loved most, that had been salvaged from the remains of his former home. His most treasured possession remained, his Mistral action figure. He didn’t like the Black Angel figure as much anymore, but she was still kinda pretty anyhow, even if she was supposed to be really evil. He listened to the radio while he admired his Mistral figure. The news channel was talking about the current situation between the heroes and villains. At the moment, they were discussing his most favorite hero in the whole world!


“Black Angel is planning a huge attack on Quebec! But this time, Garou has teamed up with the Canadian Weather Sorceress Mistral!” the reporter said. Meanwhile Leo was putting two and two together but his answer was closer to five.


“Kaback? KABACK!!!” Leo yelled and moved his figure of Black Angel to attack Mistral.


“Oh no! You have a new attack! But what kind of a name is that for an ultimate attack?! It’s like a comic book sound effect! KABACKKKKK!” Leo laughed, flushing a little when Quinn poked her nose in with a raised eyebrow.


“What are you up to, kid?” Quinn asked, who was now fourteen and had started blooming in a way that made Leo jealous. The fabulous boobs on her chest made Leo blush but he was also extremely fascinated by them.


“Um… actually my hero’s fighting right now somewhere in the world! Way up north!” Leo forgot Quinn’s breasts for a moment in his enthusiasm.


“Oh! That Mistral chick! What’s she up to?” Quinn asked as she stepped in and seated herself beside Leo to wrap an arm around his shoulder.


“Oh, just listen!”


“The fight has begun! Garou is standing by while these two face off.” The announcer yelled loudly through the waves. “Oh! This is the worst thing she’s ever done. This S plus threat, the Dark Angel from space, is crushing the city using something very much like a pitch-black quantum singularity! The waves of energy coming off it are tearing to pieces surrounding homes in this suburban area. Everything is being destroyed. When will our Canadian heroine and Garou end this threat!?”


Leo swallowed, his eyes going wide. “A singularity?! That’s…” He lifted his action figures. “SINGULARITY! SINGULARITY!”


“Oh! That attack is so powerful!,” Leo voice acted Mistral’s part in his imaginary fight, “you’re destroying everything! I will stop you though! I’ll freeze you so hard, you evil horrible villain!” After Leo’s head tilted and scratched his head as questions filled his head.


The broadcaster shouted, “After a fierce skirmish, Mistral and Garou have cornered Black Angel.  Watch the footage where Dark Angel is fleeing from the concerted efforts of these two hard-hitting members of the lesser echelon of the Society of Sentinels.  Where is she going?  Does she intend to set another trap?”


“Um…” After a brief pause, he looked to his sister: Quinn the Ever-Wise. “What’s a singularity?”


Quinn blinked and laughed. “Oh… um… she’s singing a loud song, and the city is shaking to pieces! Isn’t that neat?”


Leo looked at Quinn and began hopping up and down. “That’s so cool! I didn’t know she could sing! If it destroys everything, isn’t that, like, really scary though?” Leo thought it over.


“Yeah… it would be really scary.” Quinn puffed her cheeks and grinned proudly. “It’s like a majorly sinister song, and it’s like really deep in tone and sometimes it goes up like wheeeeeeeee!” She shrieked which caused Leo to clap his hands to his ears with a long suffering expression, but then he started screaming too.


Meanwhile Laguna, who was downstairs watching television, narrowed her eyes at the sudden racket but let it slide this time.


When he grew older, Leo thought about what Quinn had told him and had to wonder if she meant that Black Angel had released a single… of villainy!


As the owner of a small cafe in San Isidro, Laguna was busy most days but she always cooked a healthy meal for her children no matter what. Starvation was a thing that Goonie swore she would fight for the rest of her life. Leo would never want for a nourishing meal, even if she didn’t like to serve meat at her table. Once in a while, a convincing and wheedling Quinn paired with Leo’s angelic face, Goonie’s resolve would falter and she’d serve something good for the heart, but only in a spiritual sense. Their persistence caused Goonie to reluctantly learn how to make fried chicken, but for a good while, that was pretty much where she drew the line aside from fish, but that didn’t mean that she’d eat it with them.


Quinn took care of Leo after school. She prepared snacks for him and they spent special time together. Because most people need their personal space Quinn kept him from getting too clingy more and more as time passed, but even so they were tightly-knit siblings.


Goonie made a decision when Leo asked why she was so busy all the time. Was she letting work get in the way of what was truly important to her? And while Leo had his fair share of troubles otherwise, this question started bothering her. Leo also started asking questions about clothes and what it meant to be a boy and a girl.  When Goonie explained it, Leo’s interest always leaned in a certain direction that was troubling. It meant potential health problems for Leo, but there were some things he needed explained soon. Because she was self-educated and broad-minded with friends in the community, Goonie recognized the signs.


But first, Laguna tackled the easier question of what she was doing and why, “Leo, you need to understand that what I do is what puts food on our tables. I know you’re not happy when I’m not home, but I think it’s time you see the business I’ve worked to create to support us.” She smiled warmly as Leo gazed up at her with a puzzled expression. He mumbled the word ‘biz-nuss’.


“O - O’Natural!” Quinn posed dramatically when Leo turned his inquiring gaze on her. She always loved getting the spotlight.


“What?” Leo asked, cluelessly.


“YES! It’s an amazing cafe! Mama runs it! She does the business stuff, handles the money, hires people and she looks after them every day. I… I’ve waited on tables sometimes… it’s really fun!” Quinn grinned.


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“What? A cafe? With lots of Goonie’s good food? Yay!” Leo grinned eagerly, wanting already to see this new magical place Quinn spoke glowingly of.


“It’s ‘Au Naturale’,” Goonie corrected her daughter gently.


Quinn replied with a big grin, “Yeah I know! It’s some kinda French!” She turned her eyes on Leo to explain more, “It’s the Au! Like awwwww! Au jus! Bonjour! Merci, mama!”


“Have mercy on me, Quinn. Ahahaha…!” Goonie laughed affectionately petting her head. Quinn was an oddball sometimes, but her mother more or less got the idea.


“Let’s go and you’ll see.” She took her children’s hands and led them with a merry wink.


“Can I be a waitress again?” Quinn asked with a grin.


Leo thought it over and jumped up and down. “I want to be a waitress too!”


“And the dress too, right? If you get one for me, can I wear shorts underneath?” Quinn asked.


“I suppose so, but maybe you should give it a little more time,” Laguna said, “I want you two to enjoy your childhood while you have it., but maybe I’ll buy you a uniform In another year or so.”


“I need more than just an allowance,” Quinn pouted.  “There’s a million things I want to try!”


Leo interjected, dancing, “ME me me me me me! I want a dress too! I’ve got enough shorts. They’re boring and ugly.” Quinn looked at Leo with a knowing gaze and Goonie smiled.


“Of course, sweetheart. Yes, you can have a dress.” Goonie squeezed his hand tightly.

Quinn gaped and then laughed, grinning broadly. “I KNEW IT! You’re a girl, Leo!” She beamed at Leo, a child who had a sparkling rainbow-filled smile.


“Welcome to Au Naturale!” Goonie threw her arms out when they entered the door of her cafe. It was decorated like a classic diner, but filled with tie dyed curtains and crystalline lamps. There were electronic candles, but the lighting was still a bit low. The chairs and seats were plush and comfy-looking, matching well with the colorful carpeting underneath the tables. Several of the patrons wore clothes that matched well with the decor, but there were other more normal-looking people too. 


Leo danced and squealed, charging into the place, running around.


Goonie laughed and put a hand to her cheek. “Oh my. She’s coming along nicely, “ she commented to Quinn who nodded knowingly. They both knew how energetic Leo could be when he cut loose.


“Take her to a table, please. It’s your job to look after her. You can’t wait yet, so…”


“Where’s my dress?!” Leo exclaimed bouncing.


“Um…” Goonie laughed. “Please sit down and enjoy some food first. Take in the ambience and soon you’ll understand what I do. I want you to understand my dream. You can certainly help later, if you want, but for now we’ll give it some time. I’ll let you work a little here when you turn fifteen. I don’t approve of child labor, so don’t think you’ll be doing it too frequently for a while! No one will accuse me of trafficking in child labor.”


Leo tilted his head, looking disappointed. “Trafficking?” He thought about the street lights and wondered what Goonie meant. She clearly didn’t direct traffic for a living.


“C’mon squirt. This way…” 


Quinn took Leo’s hand while Goonie laughed. “Have fun you two, but don’t bother the customers.”


“Goonie!” A man exclaimed as he came over with wide open arms to Goonie, who grinned and greeted the man with a tight hug.


Quinn rolled her eyes and giggled. “Seems Mama’s still a bit of a hippie. She loves giving hugs.” Leo looked at her and grinned.


“HUGS! THEY’RE THE BEST!” Leo exclaimed. The two made their way to a table and seated together on the same side in a corner facing the rest of the restaurant to watch Goonie at work. She was friendly and wonderful, a queen holding court in her Au Naturale cafe.


“Leo…” After a while, Quinn started talking. “I know you want to be a girl… that’s right, isn’t it?” Leo looked at her and his smile glowed like the sun. The more time passed the more his cheeks stained pink. His reaction was a clear sign that she and her mother knew Leo better than anyone in the whole world.


He would be her sister soon. She always wanted a brother, but a little sis wouldn’t be too bad either.
