Chapter 51: 2.23.2 – Sanctum


2.0 - Edited by: , - 11/28/2020


“All right, I have a link here in my on-site quarters,” Mistral said, walking to the door. She waited for Leona as it slid open. Aurora followed along and they moved onwards to an elevator. They took it up to the residential guest area. Mistral led the angel further into a room, the door automatically sliding open to admit them. 


It was a large, but modestly decorated room. Taking a wild guess it looked like the room was at least as large as the Ramses’ living room. The bed, however, was blandly decorated as well as the desk and chairs furnishing it. The room was decorated in Mistral’s colors, indicating that she had her very own space. She walked over to an end table, pulling out a small sphere the size of a marble.


“This is a link to my sanctum,” she said. “I can open a path with this, but it’s a single use spell. Basically, a shortcut for when I’m tired.” She threw it to the ground and when it shattered, the room filled with a multitude of snowflakes that started whipping around. 


Mistral took Aurora’s hands and as it grew colder. The chill receded while they held hands. The storm intensified and the weather shaman took a deep breath, turning her head against the incoming pressure and started to blow. The storm started to falter and then, as it did, Mistral’s sanctum appeared around them, fading into existence.


“And we’re back,” she said as the storm dissipated. “It’s still not very comfortable but feel free to sit by the fire and warm yourself.” She stretched and did just so herself.


Aurora chuckled, wide-eyed, watching as the snowflakes melted and disappeared. She looked around and danced to the remaining motion as it all slowly stilled. “So amazing! Your teleportation magic is really something else!” She settled down quickly near the fire, spreading her wings to catch more of the warmth. After a short time of relaxation, she looked at Mistral. 


“Um…” Aurora smiled as she considered what she’d seen. “You told me that you’re not considered to be a member of the main team of the Society of Sentinels.  How come you have a room and all?”


Mistral chuckled and sighed as she soaked in the warmth of the firepit in the center of her lodge.  “I’m not, like I said.  You don’t have to be Vanguard or Midnight Avenger in order to get rooms. You just have to be recognized and gain a bit of respect and reputation with them. My quarters there I barely use and they’re not on the same level as that of the heavy hitters.  But there isn’t much of a difference in the resources or space given.”


The Angel nodded and squatted. “That answers one of the biggest questions I had.” She wanted to ask why Mistral wasn’t on the main team after many years of service with them, but there was something Mistral wanted to say to her privately, so she asked, “Well anyhow, what did you want to talk with me about?”


Mistral hesitated, her lips wrinkling at the corners, “I have to admit something to you, Aurora. You may have seen some fanfics on the net about Black Angel and me that went viral on the internet,” she began.


There had indeed been rumors of something odd between them despite their being arch-enemies. Leona had read a good amount of the fan theories and even a good chunk of the spin-off fictions, though they could be pretty cringey experiences. Aurora looked up at the starlit and seeming transparent ceiling of Mistral’s sanctum. As amazing as the sight was, with how she was able to clearly see the milky way galaxy painted across the sky, her eyes narrowed as she considered Mistral’s words.  What could she be referring to?  Was it actually…? Nah...


“Everything you’ve read has a basis in truth, I’m afraid,” Mistral said flatly.


Aurora’s jaw dropped. All these erotic comics and books written by people across the world were true? Had her mentor actually a fling with a supervillain? This girl couldn’t help blushing as she saw the Mistral was very serious about what she was suggesting. It was beyond her as to why the stern and moral heroine would want to have anything at all to do with a woman who had killed many people; Black Angel.


“I read the rumors, but I didn’t believe them and went so far as to deny it everywhere I found it. I said to you… They said some really unflattering things that made me angry. I got into so many fights on the community message boards debating about your virtues. And I told them you were a victim… hurt and captured.”


Mistral didn’t say anything in response, instead simply looking deeply into the fire, seemingly for the answers to the questions Aurora asked.


“I… I see…” The angel heaved a heavy sigh. “I didn’t think what people were saying… that it could possibly be true… I admit that I’ve seen more of her than most people… except maybe you… but the only side of her aside from her naked body is just… a scheming opportunist…” Did Mistral love Black Angel at some point? At all? 


Aurora smiled wryly, looking down and away too. “An-anyhow... you said it isn’t exactly the real her that I’m seeing… that’s part of me now. That’s it, right? The ‘her’ I’ve been seeing it's just a figment of my mind… some dark side of myself it was somehow able to glue itself to and strengthen, even though I don’t feel differently about what’s right and wrong.”


“It was not consensual,” Mistral said flatly. “I was captured, exactly as you believe. Black Angel at that time experimenting with corruption rather than wholesale destruction, and I was her guinea pig when my luck ran out. What I mean is, she turned from a killing monster to a scheming and manipulative creature whose goal was to win people over to her side, making them thralls or staunch allies. While I was imprisoned, she tried to seduce me… She worked a spell on me, literally. She used that method on a lot of her captives.” 


Aurora thought back to her own meeting with Black Angel. She wondered then and even now why the villainess appeared before her completely nude. She hadn’t come onto her strongly, but there was something tinged about appearing to someone completely nude. She’d even made Leona’s representation in the mindspace naked too. 


Likely that was done to make her feel weak and vulnerable, but maybe she had something else in mind… but exploring this line of thought would make the ‘figment’ far more than what Mistral thought she was.


Mistral continued after a short breather, “Most of her victims were temporarily swayed, but some ended up permanently becoming her thralls. Obviously, it was temporary in my case. I wasn’t broken like so many were.  I tricked her by allowing her to believe that she’d successfully ensorcelled me and then when she was open, I defeated her. Pride was always one of her more fatal weaknesses. Her ego always blinded her to a subtle and well-hidden trap. Now, that might sound like all’s well that ends well, but afterwards I was quite sensitive to her tactics. That’s one of the reasons I stormed into your room so stridently. I was frightened for the world, and for your sake as well. I suspected you were an innocent child… a woman… who had been taken over by her essence.” She sighed.


“When I first saw you transformed the first time… I…” she hesitated. “For weeks after the fact, I had thoughts about her… after I fought free. After a good deal of introspection, I cannot deny that on some level she appealed to me and was undeniably attractive. It wasn’t the power or the temptation of doing evil. It was a more elemental animal attraction.”


She took a deep breath and looked at Aurora. “I feel the same thing when I look at you, Aurora. That same attraction. Being able to compare her with you I know it had nothing to do with the color of her skin nor her wings, the sneer nor the ego. It’s probably Empyreans specifically. I-I want to be your friend, but it wouldn’t be fair not to tell you all this… that when I look at you, I think… improper things. No matter your age. I’m six years your senior, perhaps it’s not much but that’s enough. The…” She fell silent.


Aurora looked at Mistral, blushing. Her mentor, her hero… was she saying she was attracted to her? Or was it that she was just attracted to Angel-types? That kind of fetishization couldn’t be healthy. And yet, just thinking that Mistral liked her, how she looked, maybe how she acted… 


And then there Leona was, always having a huge crush on her.


“I-is… so it’s not… my personality?” Aurora asked softly, fidgeting.


Mistral smiled softly. “I didn’t love… I’m not in lust with Angels, if that’s what you’re asking. I mean… the resonation might have been that at first, but it wasn’t how you look that softened me towards you. It was you… who you are. You’re a rare person. You don’t hold anything back. Right from the start, you trusted me with everything you are. Your very family.”


“T-this… It means… you… like me too?” Leona asked, her heart beating quickly. “I-I’ve always…” She looked into Mistral’s eyes. “You can take me seriously? Knowing that underneath everything I’m just a fifteen-year-old transgender girl from San Isidro?” She started to squirm.


Mistral silently siddled closer to Aurora and put a hand on hers, leaning over until their lips nearly touched. “You’re Aurora, not Black Angel. It’s obvious that you like me. And on my side, I think it’s obvious that you make me smile. I haven’t smiled like this in a good long while… not even when I chat with Bombshell or the other Sentinels. Despite being blessed in so many ways, in my twenty-one years I haven’t had a lot to smile about ever since…”


Aurora’s heart thudded in her chest and her cheeks became even more flushed. When Mistral’s lips neared to hers, she tingled. She wished she’d finish it and lean just a little more over. 

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“I--I’m glad…” Aurora blushed, looking down. “I never thought…” She smiled gently. “Someone like me… that you would. It’s funny…” She laughed nervously. “I dressed up like you last year at the convention. I did the best I could with it, even though the costume wasn’t as good as other people’s, and… so… sooo…” She put her hands to her flaming cheeks.


“So I guess you enjoyed getting into my costume?” Mistral softly asked in a teasing voice.


“Eh?” Aurora quickly looked up, only to see the semi-smug expression on Mistral’s face. It was amused but warm and her eyes were latched onto hers. This was kinda…


While Aurora’s brain was trying to process the current situation, Mistral gestured and spoke in an unknown language. A breeze wafted through the Sanctum and in that moment her costume fell away, looking like Autumn leaves drifting away. 


And there she sat, entirely naked. Her hair was still that platinum blonde, even the little tuft peeking out between her plump thighs. 


Aurora swallowed hard, sweating as she took in the sight before her with wide open eyes. But drinking in this vision of superherodom could wait. She wanted her lips to touch Mistral’s now. This was beyond anything she could ever have imagined could be so she quickly leaned forward and initiated the kiss. 


In that moment her own clothes flew off her like fireflies that rose into the night. Her wings glowed in the dancing firelight. She wrapped them around Mistral and they kissed. Mistral joined the kiss lovingly even from the start, and yet there was far more beneath it. 


Mistral broke the kiss after a long moment and spoke, taking a deep breath. “Do you really want this, Aurora? Me?” She asked softly. Her steamy breath caressed Aurora’s face. Mistral touched her damp cheek and leaned to gently kiss her ear.


Aurora sighed and blushed, nodding. “I do… I want you.” She nuzzled at Mistral while her ear was kissed and made soggy.


“You’re so beautiful… your soul, your mind, this wonderful body.” Mistral whispered as she kissed several more times. “I’ve been fighting this… these feelings all night… this warmth… the feel of your soft skin…” She trailed her fingers over Aurora’s lower back.


“Shall I kiss you this time?” she asked breathilly.


Aurora squirmed and nearly purred at the thought of being kissed by her mentor this time. “Yes…” she waited, her heart beating so rapidly she felt like it’d explode.


Mistral’s lips pressed against hers to her pleasant surprise, this time a real adult’s kiss. 


This felt far more experienced than her own innocent little kiss. An invading tongue explored her mouth and she loved it. It was more intense than she’d have imagined. And it was her hero kissing her like an adult.


“Mmmmnnn…” Aurora lost herself in the kiss. It came to an end all too soon, leaving Aurora a messy little sweaty angel-girl. 


“I’m sorry if… if… I didn’t kiss well…” Aurora stammered, breathless.


Mistral giggled softly and stroked her dampened hair. “I’ll guide you…” 


Beginning the instruction right away, Mistral kissed her again. 


After this kiss she pulled Aurora’s face up against her more than wonderful breasts. 


Aurora couldn’t help nuzzling between them, deliriously happy. Mistral breasts! 


She nuzzled and cuddled and rubbed with a blushing giggle. “Mmmm… they’re so soft and pretty…” She peeked up at her from between them with a little red face. “I like you…” She giggled. “I want to see so much more…”


Mistral laughed softly and stood, her platinum blonde hair rippling as she started to take a dramatic pose before performing a playful pirouette, turning and letting her see everything. She was firm in all the right, soft and curvy in all the right places; her body was like a model’s. One couldn’t handcraft a figure with better prerequisites for being a sexy superhero.


Aurora blushed and watched, giggling. When Mistral finished her little display, she leaned down and kissed Aurora’s forehead. “Seen enough of the merchandise?” She winked.


“Never!” Aurora drooled a little. Mistral laughed and wrapped her arm around Aurora to kiss her even more intensely. They were well and truly beyond the point of no return, not that either wanted that.


“Nhhh.. w-wow…” Aurora panted around her words, unable to do anything but breathing hard. Finally, when she started to calm down and the blissful haze started to fade, she looked at Mistral, blushing.


 “I-I never even touched myself ever… it would have just felt weird, mentally… so I didn’t…” Aurora said. “Nnnn… I think… it was… amazing…” she stammered. She had a hot shy smile on her face.


Mistral lay beside Aurora, softly stroking her hair, now sodden. “You gave me more than I could have ever dreamed of, Aurora,” she said gently. “Are you… well, you just said so…” She laughed. “I’m glad you’re feeling happy like me. You don’t have to go home tonight if you don’t want to,” she said, draping an arm over Aurora’s eighteen-year old super-powered body.


“I do want to stay…” Aurora snuggled more against Mistral like a cuddly little kitten. “A-are we involved now? I mean…” She blushed and struggled to put it into the right words. “G----Girlfriends?” she giggled, drawing it out, trying out the word.


“Long-distance, but yes,” Mistral said softly. “I’d like that.”


They held each other’s hands and she squeezed Aurora’s lightly. “You can stay in my apartment if you want, that way you won’t have to sleep on the ground here.”
