Chapter 54: 2.25.5 – Celebration!

I hope you've enjoyed today and the extra chapter I uploaded because of the huge landmark we achieved!
Thank you, everyone! I appreciate all your favorites, comments, views, reads, ratings!
It all contributes to the success of this story! <3 <3 <3
We trended #1 again, thanks to everyone! 

<3 *purrs* <3

All this wouldn't be possible without you all! That's a no-brainer, nya! =^.^=

I'm really excited about where we're going! Because of you all, it's a wonderful and fun journey!

This story has always meant a lot to me. If you called it wish fulfillment, you would be right.  It is.  <3  I'd love to be a
superhero even with the implicit thorns of being one!  *purrs*  Particularly an angelic one with beautiful wings!

When we reach the end of the journey in the future, I'll tell everyone something very special about this story!

You are reading story SuperLuminal at

       Now, onward to the teasers:

               2.26: Sometimes we do things we regret... superheroes don't always make the right call.
                2.27: Leona has to determine if her career is already in danger of ending.
                 2.28: Some of you are looking forward to this... but which thing? Hmmm... =^.^=
                  2.29: ???? :blobaww:
                   2.30: The first super team-up! But who's the lucky hero? Nya!

In conclusion, once again, thank you! I love you all! <3 <3 <3

I'm such a happy kitty!   =T.T=   This is so wonderful!


Everyone, dance!
Rellawing <3

You can find story with these keywords: SuperLuminal, Read SuperLuminal, SuperLuminal novel, SuperLuminal book, SuperLuminal story, SuperLuminal full, SuperLuminal Latest Chapter