We're #4 again! I didn't think it was possible, but you've made it happen! <3 Assu told me that yesterday and the day before (the period before the last one) I also had reached the spotlight, but I stopped looking so I didn't know. <3 Thanks for that too! I don't know what number it reached, but no matter what the spot was, I'm grateful and happy, nya!
That last chapter ended spectacularly, right? But you know with the hanging end, this story hasn't come to its end yet! <3 Nope, there far more story left, yet! *purrrrrrs*
Can I directly ask for a favor, even though you've made this story so popular! <3
I miss my comments! T.T *giggles* Answering them always made me smile, but there's less of them right now because my readers are quieter. *purrs*
Btw, thanks to those who have followed me recently! <3 These help make me smile, too!
I'd love to spoil you, but I don't have any other chapters prepared at the moment, and I need to edit them heavily sometimes to make them more readable. That'll slow my progress a bit, but I'll get some writing in tonight so I can upload the next one the day after tomorrow! <3
If you get lonely or bored waiting for me, please give my friend's story a read too, if you haven't already! <3
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