Chapter 112: 4.25.5 – The Last Lap


I'm announcing that I've written every chapter for SuperLuminal: Madness of Circuits!  *purrs* It feels good!  All that remains is editing.  I'll be focusing on remastering the existing chapters starting from 1.04 onwards and I'll edit 4.32 tomorrow.  Expect to see a lot of old goodies getting updated and made nicer! It's all been done through sprint writing like I've been doing during this arc, although half the time I could have spent writing I used for editing to make it extra nice! <3


Of course, part of what I'll be doing is taking a break, but do please spread the word and help SuperLuminal grow! <3 Even without updates, a story can be elevated to the top eight seats on the main page! *purring*


When we reach benchmarks, and when we start arc 5, Saucery, I'll give everyone a chapter per benchmark extra to start with guns blazing! <3 I can't tell you when that will start, but I hope you're looking forward to it!


Current benchmarks: (before the arc finishes, I will drop an extra chapter for a day to celebrate! <3)

150,000 views, 4,000 Favorites, 1000 Readers, 100 Ratings!

Benchmarks after the arc is over: (will contribute to chapters we start with when arc 5 launches, nya!)

150,000 views, 5,000 Favorites, 1000 Readers, 100 Ratings!


In other news, I intend to remaster arc three, An Ill Wind when I get to that point. It won't just be edits we'll be doing! =^.^=

I intend to actually break it down into more chapters because those were far longer than they needed to be.  <3 New chapters, chapter names, and refreshed for a cozier reading! <3


With all the announcements done, let's get to the goody spoiling! <3

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