Nya! I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but just in case people weren't clear about what's going on, I'll say it in this announcement! <3 So here we go!
I'm not just resting between arcs! <3 I'm remastering the chapters starting from arc one, with the service of AlliterativeArts (sounds like a company, amirite?) who does amazing work! <3 In addition, we have the help of one of the oldest readers we have and prolific commenter, Raleon! He contributes valuable changes that AA misses! In addition to this, I'm also reading every line to smooth things out so it's up to the standards of what I've done in arc four! But this goes beyond what I can do alone. They bring a bit more order to the work so hopefully that means it will make for a better read! <3
If you want to be notified when a chapter is updated, all you need do is follow me. Whenever I make an update, I put up a note on my author's page, to let everyone know! <3
Before I work on Saucery, I'd love to present everyone a mastered version of everything that's come before! <3
It's a bit slow work, mostly because I'm juggling a few things, like coding my site now and again, and spending quality time with good friends!
In the meantime, keep in touch! It'll be great if when I write and submit Saucery we'll be able to get going with a big explosion! <3 *purring*
Thank you for everything you've all contributed to this project! Reads, clicking that reading option, faving, rating, reviewing, commenting... it all makes you a part of the experience! *purring*
Lastly, if we reach these benchmarks while we're editing, we'll start Saucery with a few releases on the first day! <3
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That means that I'll have to prepare five chapters to open with, just in case! That's a lot of spoiling, I know. *purrs* I'm not sure at what rate I'll drop the consecutive chapters after that. Probably what gains the story the most of a spotlight as possible! *purring* And also, this upcoming arc will be just as long as Second Flight and Madness of Circuits, which means another 32 chapters, if things go as expected! <3
~Rellawing <3 <3 <3
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