Chapter 124: 5.01 – From a frying pan into the fire



“That was pretty intense,” the Midnight Avenger commented dryly as the team debarked from the Sentinel’s Omnijet while their robotic crew sprayed down its hull to cool it while another automated system assessed the damage.


“No fucking kidding,” Dynamech replied as he walked down to close with the Midnight Avenger and firmly clap him on his back with a rattling of his powered armor’s gauntlet. “I wasn’t sure we were going to get out of that one in one piece.”


“You boys did well,” Vanguard said with his trademark rallying tone as he walked a bit behind a peculiarly sullen Bombshell. The reason for her gloom was apparent.  Her arms were in makeshift casts of his design, a thing he’d do on the field, something he’d worked out by twisting metal scraps on site to support the broken limbs of his more vulnerable teammates when they were injured.


“And women.” Vanguard smiled supportively as he gingerly patted Bombshell’s shoulder. “Everyone did their part and that’s why the Earth is safe for yet another day.” Bombshell grumbled around her discomfort. “Bombshell, are you sure that you don’t need me to carry you to your room?”


“I’m fine,” Bombshell’s lips pursed as her eyes narrowed. “It’s just a little pain. I can work through it if you’ll leave me alone.”


In a blue-and-red blur, the Sentinel of Speed, Redline Racer exploded onto the scene. She took in their situation in the blink of a moment and blurred past into their medical bay to rush a wheelchair over.  In her typical manner, she spoke almost as quickly as her feet could take her, “WhynottakealoadoffBombie?”


Bombshell facepalmed and seethed at how people were doting over her as though she was some kind of an invalid.  Were they going to retire her over a few broken bones?  Redline shifted from her current position to Bombshell’s side and put an arm around her shoulders. “C’monrelaxabit. Manitsnicetobebackeh?”


The fiery blonde snapped and screamed loudly, “I don’t need any help! Just please fucking back off!” Her frustration was more than apparent and everyone around her took a step away except for Redline who just smiled more though she wore a concerned expression.


Bombshell sighed and limped down the ramp, waving her hand dismissively for Redline Racer’s sympathy.  She got a few feet forward before her pain set her nerves aflame and sent her down the ramp face first.


The ever-vigilant Vanguard didn’t let her strike the metal grating. In a blink he gently scooped her up and deposited her in the chair Redline Racer offered.  Despite his gentleness, his eyes focused on Bombshell showed disapproval. “Young lady, your wounds aren't a sign of weakness, but a badge of honor for your selfless defense of the Earth and all of us.  Take this seat in the spirit it was offered and let us help you in return for that service.  Please.”


“Hmph,” the Avenger mumbled as he raised a finger up to his ear.


“No truer words spoken,” Dynamech interjected, “It’s nothing short of a miracle that my armor’s still functional. I’ve got to get one of my backup suits out from storage before this one locks up. See ya’ll in a bit.” He waved a metal-clad arm that smoked. The telltale humming of his EM field sounded before sparks played across the surface of his armor in an unusually intense display.


As the rest of the Sentinels walked off from the jet and Vanguard wheeled the sullen Bombshell out from the hangar, the Midnight Avenger spoke quietly to a voice only he was able to hear.


Finally he lowered his hand from his ear and looked around to see who was still there to observe his actions. Seeing no one was left to question, he walked to the hangar’s door with purpose.


Like a flash, Midnight Avenger had company when he thought he was alone to shoot another of her barrage of questions at him, “What’stakingsolongdourdude? Checkingemail?”


Unsurprised by her sudden apeparance, the Midnight Avenger raised a hand to forestall further questions as Redline virtually dialed numbers on an imaginary phone in the air.  He spoke, but not to her, “Hey Aurora, I got your messages from earlier... “


Redline Racer scowled at being ignored, not that she wasn’t used to this from him.  After a short conversation with Aurora, he turned his gaze on Redline Racer who was pacing at super speed.  He finally addressed her, “How are you, Speedy?”


Speedy smiled, showing her pleasure that he’d paid her a bit of attention. She quickly fired of a high-speed response, “Wellhungrybutbetterthanmostyaknow? MoreimportantlywhatsgoingonandIdon’tmeanaboutwhathappenedtoBombie!”


M.A. scratched his chin, now that she’d reminded him of the team's status. “I need to get Vanguard and… hmm…” He paused and fastened his eyes onto Redline. “Do me a favor, would you? Check on Dynamech. See if he’s up for a quick jaunt… he’s probably going to be a good choice for this.”


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“Rogerroger!” Redline Racer rapid-fired her response and was already gone.


Moments afterward, outside the Sentinel’s Infirmary, Vanguard was leaning against a wall as he listened to what the Midnight Avenger had to say. After the Last Bell (another nickname for the Midnight Avenger) finished, he nodded. “It seems to be a very delicate situation… what’s your take on it?”


“I’m personally inclined to trust her judgement,” the Midnight Avenger said, “She’s been nothing but earnest about literally everything and frankly… if she’s right, this is a chance to help a very confused girl. We should probably talk to you-know-who, however.”


Vanguard smiled and put his hand on the Avenger’s shoulder. “He’s already briefed me on what he knows, but I wanted your opinion because you’re the one wearing the clock now.” He finished with a chuckle.


“He already talked with you? Urgh! He didn’t contact me yet!”


Vanguard shook his head as he crossed his arms. “Don’t take this personally. No offense, but you’ve never fought Mechanical. We have.”


“It would still be nice if you gave someone a heads-up… wait…” The Midnight Avenger waved a hand. “What does he know?”


Vanguard’s lips pursed as he responded, “Mechanical was always a fairly big deal and he knew it.  The old man actually suited up to try and find out what was going on on the West Coast.  He told me he wanted to let her solve it herself, but this development is a little more than unusual.  I’ll go on ahead.  Do you have a team in mind to put on this?”


Midnight Avenger nodded. “Dynamech is still good to go given that suit takes most of the damage. All he needs to do is get his spare suit… Frankly, I wouldn't trust Privateer with this, since she’s too green. Bombshell needs to rest as do most of the rest. Bastion should probably look into repairs, and with the rest of us gone, Dragonmage should stay on monitor duty just to prevent Bombshell from flying off half-cocked. I have to go personally, no matter.”


Vanguard nodded. “Good assessment. Have Dragonmage use his powers to transport the three of you soon as you’re ready. I’ll see you over there.”


“I was thinking we should take the jet over. It’s not so damaged that it can’t fly out to San Isidro.”


“I don’t want to wait on this,” Vanguard said, shaking his head as he walked towards one of the exits.  The Midnight Avenger followed him and Vanguard looked over his shoulder over his billowing cape trailing him. “We can summon the jet if we need it, but unless I carry you, there’s no way the three of you can get there in time for this.”


“Why don’t you then? Racer and Dyna are both fast.”


“I want you to brief them both so they know what we’re walking into,” Vanguard said firmly.


The Avenger responded dourly, “I don’t know that much.”


Having said that, Vanguard stopped and turned a firm eye on the Avenger. “You’re the chosen successor to a great name. You’ve a quick mind and were the person she reached out to first in this crisis. I know it’s frightening sometimes, but we all trust you. As far as anyone’s concerned, you are the Midnight Avenger. Don’t doubt your abilities, my friend. You’ve proven yourself on every occasion. I need you to back me up. Will you?”


“Of course.” The Midnight Avenger nodded sharply.


“Hah!” Vanguard chuckled. “Your mentor wouldn’t always be so agreeable.” He clapped the Avenger on his shoulder before taking off at high speed.


Midnight Avenger wondered if he was too deferential towards Vanguard compared with his mentor, but his mind dismissed the question and turned to Aurora as he focused on the issue on hand and started to call for those who he’d selected for this mission.
