That tingling sensation returned and the three were returned to the roof of Kirby’s precinct. The Avenger shivered visibly. Aurora felt it as well.
“Sorry. It’s a bit of an acquired taste,” M.A. said. “The feeling of Vanguard’s teleporter makes me nauseous from hair to toes.”
Vanguard nodded. “It’s due to the science involved. The method doesn’t agree with everyone, though it’s very safe.”
Aurora tilted her head and smiled. “How does it work? I didn’t feel nauseated… just a bit weird. Honestly, I’m really curious about those buildings back at your place. I don’t want to gush too much, but it truly was amazing to see.”
Vanguard chuckled. “It’s at least partially operating on the magic of the Greek’s Gods. I wrested that away from one of Zeus’ sons and it exists out-of-phase with this plane of existence. Now, I say partially because there are mechanical parts that were manufactured by Hephasteus, designed to make the base mystic power more efficient. It probably doesn’t disturb you as much due to your quasi-mystical power’s origin. Where M.A. is concerned, his suit has a few enchantments in it that help to keep his body in tune and stave off the worst side-effects.”
“Sure. Just give away all my secrets,” the Avenger said with a smile in his voice.
“At any rate,” Vanguard said, “We’ll show you the inside next time. Your aunt probably won’t be affected by it at all.” He offered a smile. Aurora wondered what he meant by that. Mistral had said that she suspected that there were latent mystical abilities in Aurora’s bloodline, but how could he guess that? “Let’s get to the Clubhouse-to-be so we can further discuss matters.”
Aurora nodded and looked at the Midnight Avenger. “Mind if I give you a lift?”
He nodded in assent.
Aurora placed a hand on him and wrapped her gravity-nullifying aura around him and after attaching a halo tether to him, she lifted off and the three were off their way.
They quickly flew back to the quarter of San Isidro that was still in bad repair after Gravitas’ attack. Landing at the ruined storefront, the passage opened reacting to their cards and they strode along the passageway. They returned to a somewhat crowded house, since Dynamech had also returned. With the full complement of all the Sentinels in San Isidro present, they’d assembled the chairs and tables in the clubhouse-tobe together to accommodate everyone.
“Well, now. Welcome back.” Dynamech said. “One of these days, I’m going to find out exactly where you disappear to Vanguard. But today, I’ve got some bad news for Aurora.”
He looked at Aurora and gestured to the three unoccupied seats around the impromptu meeting table. Mocha looked down sadly from a corner she sat in.
Dynamech sighed. “Apparently your friend, Sarah, somehow shorted out her power dampeners. She went crazy and wrecked up the A.R.I.S.E. office and escaped with some of the robots that were impounded. If you want to watch the computer’s screen, I can put some footage up, or…”
He started pressing buttons on his arm, but Bombshell put a hand on that arm. “Leave it for now.” She looked sympathetically at Aurora. “Don’t worry, sweetie, we’ll figure this thing out with your friend once we have Mocha’s issue under wraps.”
“I’m sorry.” Mocha walked over from the corner to the table by Aurora’s side still wearing a sad face. “It seems that I’ve created another problem for you. I can look at redesigning the restraints that were used on her, but I’ll need access to those files if you’d like my help.”
“Absolutely, not.” Bombshell said. “We can’t just give you access to those files.”
Vanguard cleared his throat. “One crisis at a time, please. Dynamech, you scanned the young Ms. Hearnn, correct?”
Aurora gave Mocha a quiet hug.
“I did, and…” Dynamech looked at Mocha again, held by Aurora. “Do we want to do this in private?”
Mocha broke into the conversation, “It’s better if I know what you have to say.”
Aurora’s guts were twisting. They had been ever since he’d mentioned Sarah’s going crazy. The angel worried that someone would brainwash her, but she was somewhere with Mr. Mechanical’s robots, hopefully not one of his emulators.
Moistening her lips, Aurora looked into Mocha’s eyes to reassure her, “I’m proud of you for being so brave. What he says is going to be hard to hear. Please remember that it doesn’t change how I feel about you. You’re my dear friend.” Again she gave Mocha a tight hug.
Dynamech shrugged and sighed. “Right, then. Mocha, I’m afraid that the truth is that you’re in fact a robot, albeit a highly advanced one. However, my scanners also picked up an aura whose source could not be determined at first. It corresponds to the studies of the Krillin aura…”
“Kirilian Aura,” the Midnight Avenger said.
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Dynamech continued without missing a beat, “Sure, I don't think using the right term is as important as what it means. There is an aura that seems to be emitted from no known mechanical sources that corresponds with what psychics think to be a person’s soul. We can confirm this with Dragonmage, of course, but I think what this means is that I can provide some measure of proof that your friend here is at least as alive as Pinnoccio, assuming that story was true.”
“Assume,” Mocha muttered.
“But, hey,” Redline said with a smile, “this means that you have free will and the Krillian aura.”
“Ki-ril-i-an,” the Avenger corrected again.
“Sure, Kirilian,” Redline corrected herself, “which I guess means that you have a soul for sure, which also means that you should probably visit a church at some point.”
“Okay, so how does that help us?” Bombshell asked, her mouth crinkling. “Bulwark was declared a living being based on completely different evidence… can this be proven in a court?”
Vanguard shook his head. “Bulwark means there’s precedence for mechanical life forms, but this is completely different.” He sighed. “I think we’re probably out of the woods, though, where we can consider whether she’s alive. Mocha,” He turned to her and Aurora broke the hug. “Despite what you’ve done, or rather even because of it, I’m willing to testify that you are a person, as alive as any of us. With evidence and our testimony, and I’m certain that Aurora will speak for you. This portion of your case shouldn’t be a problem.”
He clapped his hands together. “Now, the remaining problem will be the fact that you came out from one of those boxes bought by Extensive Enterprises. They may be able to argue that because you are artificial life, that if they have a process by which they can examine you and remove data from your systems, that they have a right to such data. I’ll go ahead and see about blocking this. However, some of you are going to have to at this time return to the Sentinel’s HQ. We’re already short-staffed in case of an emergency with us all here.”
“I’ll head back. I wasn’t assigned to this case,” Bombshell said. “Since Aurora healed my arms, I can cover for just about anyone, right?”
Vanguard walked over to Bombshell to put a hand on her shoulder to give her a nod and a warm smile. “I’m pleased to know that you’re back in action, but just you and Dragonmage is a bit too light. We need Dynamech here, but Redline and the Avenger can return to HQ.”
Redline Racer sighed. “Well, that’s fine, I guess. I can be back if you need me in a blink.” She smiled at Aurora and Mocha. “I’m pretty quick, after all.” She offered a wink.
The Avenger looked at Aurora and took a breath. “Aurora, you should choose. Who do you want to stay? Vanguard and Bulwark will need to work out the defense at HQ, though at the moment Bulwark is getting repaired. We’ll need at least three heroes at the tower to be covered in the case of emergecy and while Vanguard and Bulwark will be there, we’d rather have one more hand than fewer just in case.”
Aurora nodded. “Knowing what I know, I think Dynamech’s going back is fine, though he did a great job in finding what he did.” Aurora gave him a smile of thanks, though she was shrieking inside the whole time while she thought about where Sarah was and what she could be doing.
Would she start tearing up San Isidro out of a misplaced desire for vengeance?
“Legal expertise would be necessary here when it comes to a hearing to win Mocha’s liberty. But Mocha trusts Redline most out of everyone aside from me, so I wouldn’t mind if she wanted to stay and support us here. The Midnight Avenger’s reputation is as good as Vanguard’s with law enforcement, not to mention his investigative skills. Sending Bombshell back now wouldn’t be a bad idea since she’s healed and she’ll be able to further recuperate. When it comes time to find Sarah Namias, I have a feeling that Dynamech would be the most helpful. If it was my choice, I think the ideal team to handle things here would be M.A., Redline, and Dynamech.”
The Midnight Avenger nodded. “You agree?” He turned to look at Vanguard.
“Since I’ll be heading back to speak with our lawyers and Bulwark, I think that’ll be fine.” Vanguard nodded. “Bombshell, I’ll fly ahead, but hurry back, alright?”
Bombshell shrugged and half-grinned. “Left out of the loop again. Ah well.” She looked at Mocha and walked across to reach to touch her face, but she jerked away from the gesture. “Keep your nose clean, or I’ll be back.” She instead smirked down at Mocha.
Bombshell turned to look into Aurora’s face. “Thanks for the healing, girlfriend. See you back at the HQ, sometime.”
“She’s agreed to the beach day, already.” Redline grinned and gave a big thumbs up.
“All right.” Bombshell laughed softly. “We’ll rule the beach together.” She winked.
Aurora grinned back at Bombshell. “I know that everyone here would be great to have and honestly I’d love to have you all, but there is a big world out there to protect.”
She turned her eyes to Mocha. “Bombshell’s trying to make friends with you, so behave.” Aurora waggled a finger at her with a sigh and ran fingers through the stubborn girl’s hair. “We’ll all have fun together on the beach. I’m sure of it.”
“But I wasn’t invited.” Mocha shrugged.