Chapter 152: 5.26.5 – Important News

I've been encouraged to established a Patreon for one purpose: to improve SuperLuminal in the near future!

The goals are to have covers made for every arc (book), including book five, which will begin production in a few days! *purrs*

What you can get from becoming a Patron is my deepest thanks, nya! But it only starts there.  On the second tier, you can have up to a week's worth of forward reads as long as you're a Patron when chapters are written. These may be first draft, but I try to keep up with the editing to make sure the upcoming week's chapters have had a pass-through.

For the highest tier, those Patrons can download the high quality artwork for the covers we create! <3

I'm very excited for the cover of the next arc (book).  I hope it will be intriguing for all the fans when you get to see it! <3  For those who become highest tier, if requested, I'll show rough drafts of the upcoming covers.  Those will be entitled to see how it's going and even have a bit of a voice as to whether the poses/scenes are well represented. <3

Another goal in the long term is to seek more professional editor's services that can lead to publishing for SuperLuminal! <3

Thanks for your attention, everyone! *purrs*

Now for those who continued to read, here's the spoils for what's coming on Monday! <3

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