Chapter 168: 5.40.5 – Status Update!

Hiya everyone! <3

It's time I gave everyone an update on some things. Please forgive the lack of nyaness. There's a reason for it.

Some time ago my Grandfather died. Normally this wouldn't affect people too much beyond a general sadness, a grudging recognition of the inevitability of it happening sooner or late.

I lived with him for the last couple of years.  He helped me find some stability that I desperately needed when everything in my life went upside down.  His passing has me feeling lonely even though I didn't sit beside him every day. I did cook for us a nourishing and hot meal every day and I think that's how we finally connected. 

When I could hear, what I heard was the little criticisms and snarky things he said and inevitably I came to resent those things.  He didn't have a good filter.  So my condition actually brought us together. He didn't have to change.  Eventually we came to appreciate each other.

Now that he's gone, I've been left with a quiet home and I miss the thumbs up he'd flash at me when he liked his dinner.  In the vacuum left , I'm working on finding a new rhythm.  This is indeed affecting my drive to write, though I want to assure you all of something very important! <3

While I will be slower while I put things together, I have absolutely no intention of stopping the writing of SuperLuminal.

I very much need to finish this story.  It's another emotional need, stronger than most any other: to complete the opus that Suchan and I wrote together years ago.  When I rewrote it into a book format, I never expected it to gain any traction or support.  I'm very grateful and happy that so many people look forward to each of these arcs (books).  Thank you, everyone! Particularly my patrons who are helping me to chase my dreams, ours!

Now to reaffirm my commitment to completing this story to the very end after the ninth story is completed in the future, I'll share with you the purry book cover of the sixth: Elodie Elegy! <3

Artist: Felicia Namikaze

You are reading story SuperLuminal at

Typography: Mediamasterstudios

What's been written on it is still but a wireframe, but nonetheless it's a firm direction and template for the next book from the first chapter to the end!  <3  I will let everyone know when I get started with the next book project.

So let's talk about a timeframe lastly.  I don't have anything solid for you yet. I want to focus on editing the previous books as well as commissioning covers for each of the preceding books in the series, all in the name of planning for an eventual release on Amazon when the story becomes worthy of that endeavor.  <3  Even though there's no solid timeframe, what I know is the game I play (and I have been playing it to blow off steam and keep my eye-coordination skills as sharp as possible) will receive an update this fall. Inevitably I will run out of things to do and my focus will return to SuperLuminal and my website project.  Even if QuillHeaven was ignored, I'd still develop it in the time I have in between primarily for myself.  <3

