Chapter 161: Chapter 160 – Oh, That Had to Hurt

Jason looks up and frowns, “well, the real threat has joined the battle. Rosha you help Courtney and I will tank.” Then he sweeps low with a kick. This knocks over the ghoul in front of Rosha before it can stand up and allowing her to disengage.

The ghoul frowns, “You know we can hear you right?” And it scuttles back on all fours to give it some distance to stand up.

Jason ignores it and instead takes a step back and spins around with another low kick. This time knocking the blinded ghoul over. As he completes the spin he smirks at the now standing ghoul, “and that matters why?”

The ghoul hisses and charges over, though not alone. The ghoul lord has now made it to the fight and does not look pleased. “I have minions for a reason! How dare you three make me come over here.”

The lords attack though makes it clear why he doesn’t like fighting. He sucks at it. While his claws are longer and sharper than the rest of his crew, that doesn’t help when the swing goes wide. It looks more like a child trying to bat away someone.

Jason isn’t able to relax though. While the lord is bad at attacking the sound, its claws make slicing through the air is enough to tell Jason he does not want to be hit. Those knife like fingers can probably slice through him like he was butter. Plus despite their leaders horrible combat skills the ghouls aren’t half bad.

In fact, the one attacking him was putting pressure on him. Jason blocked its blows, but the ghoul knew about his bosses difficulties. Not going for damage anymore, the ghoul instead tries to knock Jason into the lords attacks.

Jason blocks high with a wrist guard and drops to the ground in a crouch. From there he kicks back like a mule right at the lord’s knee. A flower blooms and the knee shatters, though unlike the other undead the lords flesh holds up better to his war stomp.

However, while the lord might have bad aim, putting a leg right in front of it was tempting fate just a step too far. The ghoul lord starts to fall over from a shattered knee and its claw swings down, accidently slicing into Jason’s leg.


The claw cuts through the meat of Jason’s leg as if it wasn’t there, his wood-like skin barely even slows it. When it hits his bone, though it is blocked, Jason once again saved by his amber skeleton. The attacks momentum has to go somewhere though and it tosses him to the side like a rag doll. The one leg bleeding profusely.


The lord isn’t having a much better time itself. It howls in rage while it clutches its knee. “How dare you injure me! My mother wouldn’t even let the fighting instructors hit me. I just want to build a large army and take the kingdom. Serves them right for letting me die! Father said this was supposed to be an easy posting to get achievements. I’ll show them what a minor noble can do!”


He pauses a moment before opening his mouth to continue. Then with a solid thunk a dagger sprouts from his mouth. Off to the side Jason has thrown one of his daggers while still clutching his leg with his off-hand.


The ghoul about to attack him pauses for a moment to look over at the lord, “Thank the god of death you shut him up. The idiot can scream about the stupidest things for literal days.”


This pause gives Jason enough time to crawl towards the rest of the party but the ghoul doesn’t seem bothered by it. Instead, he turns to the blinded ghoul and shouts, “Hey Carl, the newb lord has a critical case of something long and hard choking him. Time for operation nobles first plan.”

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Carl laughs, “I always said something in his throat would be his death. Though I expected it to be more along the lines of a red smile. Good thing the idiot still hasn’t figured out giving order with telepathy despite having decades to do so. You start the operation and I will follow.”


The other ghoul starts to sing a raunchy soldier marching tune and runs off into the forest. Right behind him is the blinded ghoul follows the sound and only crashes into two trees before he is far enough away that the spell drops. Both now free of the fight, they drop down on all fours and book it in silence.


Back at the fight, the lord is trying to scream around the dagger. It sounds like orders to stop and fight, but the group can only guess this because of context.  In rage the lord forgets his knee and tries to stand up, probably to chase after them. This doesn’t work as he falls back over.


Rosha hops into action and uses her staff to decapitate the lord before he can try anything else. The lord doesn’t die to this though and his body flails around searching for his head. Jason doesn’t give it a chance though, as by this point he has crawled back over to the lord.


Laid out on the ground Jason positions himself and stomps down on the head as a flower blooms. This shreds the skin off of half the lord's face, but still he doesn’t die, and so Jason continues to stomp him until it does.


Rosha and Courtney slump as the stress leaves them. Then Rosha notices that Jason is still bleeding. It has clotted a good bit thanks to his skeletons ability which is likely the only reason he lived but the blood hasn’t stopped.


Her eyes go wide, “oh, oh my! Courtney, Courtney, heal now!”

Jason laughs, “that would be much appreciated. I only have like seven health left here.”


“Make that six.”