Chapter 3: Chapter 3

“How are you doing down there, James?” Faye asked. She was several feet above me as I tried to walk up the hill. A bright gold light pulsed from her body. 


There was sweat streaming down my face. I had never been out in the woods or a forest in my life. Even the parks that I would go to with Joseph did not require so much strenuous exercise. This was the first time that I had ever hiked in my life and it was not by choice. The forest had changed from being flat to hilly over the course of hours since we had set off. I had had to stop several times to catch my breath and to drink from the river that winded near their path. 


“How do you think I’m doing?!” I mumbled over gritted teeth. I had started to feel irritated with Faye whenever she asked me that which had been about twice an hour. It must be nice to fly! I thought with anger building in me. I knew that I was being an asshole because Faye had been patient with me the entire way and her kind personality never wavered.


I got up the hill and panted. My shirt was drenched in sweat and clung to me. Faye buzzed before me as she looked at me.


“How much longer?” I panted. 


“I think if we continue at this pace it’ll be about five more hours,” Faye said.


“Five more hours?!” I said with a groan. There was no fucking way I could continue to climb these hills for that long. I already felt like I was going to pass out.


Faye nodded. “Yes, but the good thing is that we have one more big hill to get over and the rest of the way is flat land.”


“Great. Another big hill,” I complained. “I sure wish I could fly like you. Hey, here’s an idea, how about you pick me up and fly me the rest of the way?!”


Faye laughed. “I can’t pick you up silly! You are too heavy!”


I wanted to say “no shit, Sherlock” but Faye’s cute smile and laugh brought a smile to my own lips. I couldn’t be angry with her even if I tried. She was too adorable. Plus, those tits of hers seemed to be getting bigger every time we stopped to rest. I swear they had gone up a cup size since I last saw them. Her nipples were still straining against her top. My cock moved around a lot in my pants as desire began to take over my exhausted brain.


Faye noticed the hungry look that I was giving her and her smile grew. “Maybe we could rest here for a while. I can help to alleviate some of your stress and make you feel very good.”


I stared at Faye in surprise. Was this little fairy saying what I think she was saying?! Did she want to fuck on this hill?! How would fucking a fairy even work? My cock was bigger than her entire body! Plus, was my first time going to be with a fairy?!

My face started to blush as I looked away from Faye’s eager eyes. I had to confess to her that I was a virgin. When she had previously asked me how many girls I had brought pleasure to, I didn’t say anything because I was still dazed from being in this new world. Now, I was more like myself and I couldn’t have this fairy thinking that I had been to bed or ground or wherever people typically fucked in this world, with many women. I had never had my cock touched by any girl before. Only my hand had brought me pleasure over the years since I first learned to jerk off. Matter of fact, no girl had ever seen my cock before.


“Um…Faye…I got something to tell you. I-” I didn’t have a chance to finish what I was saying when a loud shriek occurred. I looked up in the sky as that horrible sound had come from above.


“She’s here! We have to hide!” Faye shouted. 


“What? Who?!” I said in fear. There was no way that that loud shriek had come from a woman especially one that flew!


“Go over there and get down!” Faye said quickly. I followed her direction and got down behind a big boulder. Faye flew beside me and landed on the boulder. She peeked her head over the top of it.


“What the hell was that?” I asked her.


“Cyrena, the Black Witch,” Faye whispered. “She is an evil witch that haunts parts of the Merlock Forest for years. I prayed that we would be able to get through here without stumbling into her.”


“You knew about this witch and you didn’t tell me?!” I said.


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“I didn’t think we would come across her as she usually comes out at night!”


There was another loud shriek from above that made me clamp my hands over my ears. It was a frightening sound that sent chills up and down my body. My hands were trembling against my ears. I looked up into the sky and could not see anything. 


“Why is she making that sound?” I asked Faye.


“She has spotted something she likes,” Faye said. Her head was moving constantly as she scanned the sky for this evil witch.


Another sinking feeling entered the pit of my stomach as I asked my next question. “You don’t think… it's us?” I asked her slowly.


Faye looked at me and nodded. “She may have seen or smelt us. Moreso you than me as a male’s scent is very fragrant to any female’s nose.”


“What will she do to us…me?” 


“She will probably eat me but she will have sex with you to get your semen,” Faye said. “That will not be a good thing. Cyrena uses the dark arts and black magic and your semen will enhance her power!”


Oh god! Not this semen thing again! I thought with fear. Images of witches from movies popped into my head. The first one was the Wicked Witch from the West from the Wizard of the Oz and my body shuddered. The next image was Baba Yaga and I almost pissed my pants. There was no way I was going to allow my semen to get into the hands or mouth or vagina of an evil witch! We needed to get the fuck away from this shrieking monster now!


“We gotta get out of here, Faye!” I whispered to her.


“Yes, but she may spot us! We can’t rush out into the open,” Faye said in fear.


I noticed that the forest had gotten terribly quiet. The sounds of birds, crickets, frogs, and even other noises that we had heard while moving through the forest had ceased. Even the gentle rustle of the leaves on the trees had stopped. There was nothing but total silence. 


“We should just run! I don’t think we should stay here,” I whispered.


Faye looked up at the sky again and then at me. I could see that she was just as scared as I was. She did not want to be a witch’s dinner. “Ok. On the count of three, you run as fast as you can behind me. Do not stop no matter what.”


I nodded. Sweat was running down my cheeks as I was so scared. I hadn’t felt this kind of fear in years. 


“Ok. 1...2…3!”


As soon as I rose up to run, I felt something grab my shoulder and hold me down. I heard Faye make a sound and then she fell on top of the bolder and was unconscious. My head snapped around and I stared in surprise into the blue eyes of a beautiful woman. Long black hair seemed to fly out from behind her head as if a hard wind was blowing. Her skin was pale and she was dressed in a black gown that showed off her incredible cleavage. My eyes looked at it for a moment before it went back up those piercing blue eyes! There was no way that this beautiful woman was an evil witch! 


Her succulent pink lips formed a smile. “Well, what do we have here?! A human male!”


“I…” I started to say.


“Shh! Go to sleep, my dear!” The woman said. My eyes immediately closed and everything went black.