One existing so long ago, desires transcending through time. A heart yearning to be free, a soul shackling down to the land. One eternally fighting, an enemy to those all around and much further. Even if it is but a somber morrow, that will to resist what is reasoning forever taking hold. Agony evermore deep inside, hatred at the core. To be able to return to a time of most pleasure, to simply put down one's arms. Those desires deep inside of the maiden, mixture of emotions continuously rising to the surface. Those two companions taking a short rest, the young woman remembering the words of the Prince.
Desperation to save someone so close to him, one trying to do as much as he can. In the end, the night victimizing those desires. Memories may not be present inside of the angel, but those experiences has been with her many times before. No matter the morrow, no matter the sorrow, that will to continue on forever making itself into reality. Standing there within the forest, taking in the gentle breeze. Even if the night itself is unsafe, at least the wind can be refreshing. This much is remaining true in the least, positioning her arms in a thinking posture, Cyra turning from the vampire.
"Tell me, who is this Anya?" she questions.
"Anya was the fiancée of the Prince. Amongst the chaos, she had gone missing." He explains, placing his hands inside of his pockets.
"I see...I suppose finding her is the least I can do for him..." The maiden looking to her hand deeply in conflict.
Questioning the numerous times of doing this, taking the life of another, too much in all actuality. Then there is the whole other side inside of her memories, those many battles residing within the past. No matter what one may do, none truly wins in war. There is always loss, even to the victor. A heart evermore soft, a soul forever resilient. Even if she is the enemy, then that is fine. Those desires far inside of her, to see it through to the end. An old resolve rising from the depths of the abyss, that wish so long ago. Memories may no longer be there, but the feeling eternally branding itself upon her soul.
"Power has the ability to take lives...both good and bad alike. Though, I suppose good and bad is a matter of perspective, all that is really mattering is staying true to oneself..." She distantly thinks.
Many seeking power over the endless years, some using it reprehensibly, others not so much. In the end, the reasoning being in dictation towards their cause. An enemy constantly believing their belief is of the correct path, likewise for the other side. No matter so, all that is really of importance is one staying true to themselves. The demon looking at her, clearly feeling the exertion of her energy. This being of no surprise towards him, that heart of hers constantly being there. That young woman never really being cutout for the harsh reality of war, yet constantly being within its path. In battle, one must not hold sympathy for their enemies, yet this has always been a defining trait of hers. Those emotions guiding her to do even the most unspeakable of actions, despite it all, those feelings creating a possibility for a brighter morrow. It is never easy, to be on the battlefield, this always being excruciatingly painful for her.
"You alright?" the vampire questions in some concern.
"Nothing, let us go." She walks ahead deeper into the unforgiving night.
The vampire following behind, his gaze evermore distant. Even now she is remaining the same, keeping those emotions inside of her. Those days of sorrow within the past, her words echoing through him. That person eternally branding her image inside the souls of countless, her desires shaking the resolve of so many. One embracing their imperfections and selfish desires, holding onto that soft heart. Despair ever so deep inside of her, pain extending to the current day. Making their way through the forest, an all too familiar feeling coming over the maiden. Cyra glancing around the area, the terrain coming to her recognition. Standing in front of the Shrine of the King, a massive statue of the late King extending high, and a pathway leading inside. Cyra looking upon it, remembering some pleasant emotions.
Her action catching his attention, such coming as no surprise. The young woman visiting many places, those memories remaining inside of her. Despite the unfortunate times, there has also been many pleasurable experiences. Those feelings she will never forget, a time where the night has never been, events in where even her fake smile has some sort of honesty to it. That old friend going so far, always trying to find a way to bring some joy into her life. Painful it is, reflecting on those times. The young woman well in awareness that it is her fault that he is not with her at the moment, actions in which she must make right. Even if it is painful, those times can become a reality once again.
"What stops your movement?" the vampire folding his arms.
"He...brought me here...sometime ago. While we were ignoring our duties to explore..." She distantly looks upon the shrine.
"I see, he took you everywhere huh. I'm sure one day those older times can become a reality once more." He faintly smiles.
No doubt this has been to his speculation, she may not be much for expressing herself. Even so, these smaller moments holding a special place inside of her heart. Even if the venture is nowhere amazing, so long as it has been with her old friend, it has been well worth it. That childish one always being able to smile, a handful he has been. No matter so, an irreplaceable companion. That one always going up and beyond, the familiarity of it perhaps extending much further into the past. This much she is very much believing at this point, that those memories are also involving of him. Even if the challenge ahead is but a difficult one, those two always facing it together. However, now she has to proceed on her own.
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"...I suppose all that I can do is head on...why are we here?" she glances back to him.
"We must verify that the urn in here has not been disturbed. If it is still here, then we can wait right here and end Richter." He explains.
"I see, that would make sense. Richter plans to use the urn for the ancient alchemy. Though, he will need to bring it to the Royal Crypts." She positions her arms in a thinking posture.
Cleverness of the vampire, thinking further, intercepting the enemy of safety net. Knowledgeable about these part, assistance of value. Cutting down on their work, a possibility in completely halting the Dark Lord. Enemies becoming stronger the longer the night, carefulness of errors. Essentialness of grasping any chance, slightness of it, an edge no less. To be able to see this night through to its end, to put an end to Hades. A conflict still remaining with Rose, a lot on the mind. Even so, taking out the conflict in ranking of severity will be of the better path.
"Precisely, we can save time if we're right. Even if we are wrong, we can still intercept and recover the body." The vampire confidently explaining.
"I see."
There is much to gain, and not really anything to lose. A most worthy risk to take, even if the urn is gone, it does not matter. Whether the former knight is there or not will determine his location, a situation with no repercussion. The maiden stepping into the shrine, taking in the view all around her. Those pleasureful memories returning to her, remembering her arrival here so long ago. A more pleasant time it has been, a time in which she is wishing to experience once again, away from the pointless war. Those emotions deep inside of her, that angel wishing to permanently put down her arms. To simply live away from the conflict, where her soft heart can no longer suffer.
Five years prior, days of joy it has been. Wind gently blowing, birds surrounding the shrine. The grassy area shining with health, cleanness of the air. A pleasant afternoon it is. Maria looking towards the creatures appearing at ease, her eyes gently resting upon them, smaller animals to larger ones surrounding her. A gentle hand resting upon the head of a deer, rabbits jumping up and into her arms. Despite the darkness far inside of her, those animals feeling that soft heart within her. Strangeness of it, possibly doing this numerous times before, memories not with her.
"It's nice right? If anything, humans certainly have some fascinating designs." Valor propping his arms behind his head.
"I must agree. Though, are you certain you should be ignoring your duties? I myself should not be doing such a thing." She turns in his direction.
Two old friends finding themselves on yet another adventure, small it may be, but most blissful. That smile upon her face may not be sincere, but it is certainly grateful. The young woman constantly wondering of the gap inside of her, those emotions clawing away at her. That old friend continuously at her side, always extending a hand. Childish he may be, but that is certainly part of his charm to say. One that will never give in, but always remaining innocent to what is around him. Perhaps envious she is of him, but also a bit protective to say, knowing well that others might try and take advantage of him.
"Blah! Don't worry, I have you covered, and I have myself covered." He smiles at her.
"Sigh, you do realize I am always the one saving your hide from those gods." She holds the side of her head a bit in frustration.
"Meh, and I'll be relying on you to get me out of this." Valor brightly smiling at her.
A pleasureful one he is to be around, always looking on the brighter side. Unlike herself, who is always drowning in sorrow. Those feelings deep inside of her, indescribable sentiments clawing its way to the surface. No matter so, that angel trying to meet that kindness. Both laughing, knowing all too well of the hell to come once returning home. A simpler time, enjoying experiences, adventure around every corner.
The endless night all around, that blood moon shining down upon the shrine. The grassy area slowly deteriorating, but still struggling to survive. Sorrowful it may be, but also joyful in a sense. Fondly smiling back on that day, the maiden holding her hand to her chest. Those earlier days in which she so cherishes, there may be many more inside of her past, much of which she is wishing to know. Even so, the young woman being certain that there has never been a dull moment with her old friend. Those many more surprises she is looking forward towards, togetherness of them, this of the only importance.