Chapter 44: Chapter 43: Allan

“Let’s wait for these questions and answers. You need to remain calm. Your body looked like it went through death itself.”
Sarey was left without a choice as the boy finally regained consciousness after so many days.

“What now?” She thought to herself.

Allan’s mind was left in shambles. The dark world was the only thing he could see at the moment. A sudden awakening left him in confusion as if something very important was missing. He couldn’t remember what he was experiencing from the moment he heard the deep voice.

“What... N-n-name...”

“My name is Sarey. What’s yours?”

“Allan...” He struggled to say.

“Alright, Allan. Rest for now. Try to regain some of your energy.” Sarey said seriously.

“We can talk later. You won’t run away anytime soon, I hope.”

Allan breathed heavily. He felt immense pressure on his chest. Fright and confusion were the main things he had on his mind right now. Darkness made him very depressed. He couldn’t see a light anywhere.

Sarey took a pillow and blanket and made his rest position a little better. She left him alone for the time being.

Allan tried to rest as best he could and find some way to calm his mind. He thought about that red light. His home and father, who was left alone in a sea of war. Tall and majestic-looking Skoll who saved his life, but in the end, did not know what happened to him. He also had to think about things that he was good at, like forging and weapon making in a try to ease his mind.

His mind slowly calmed down. Slowly remembering things which happened to him, like the bloody sight of that maniac who hunted him for no good reason, harsh and overbearing voice who he couldn’t understand at all, as well as, destruction, fear... nor courage was left within him.

Night slowly moved on. Allan was even able to fall asleep for a few hours before being awoken by the chattering sound of birds and sweet voice of some girl.

“Heeey! Allan. Are you alive?”

He heard it rather closely as the remembrance of her embrace, when he regained his mind amidst the pain, recalled where he was. He tried to move up, but he was unable to get his torso upwards. His hands were bandaged and still kept tightly immobile.

“Don’t move too much yet.” Sarey pushed his body to lie down once more.”

“For you to be able to live like that. How is your pain and feeling of your body?”

“It’s dark. I mean, I can feel everything a hundredfold more. Like a carving knife through my body.”

“You talk quite well now and your voice is... nice.” Sarey took her hands off of him and took a seat right beside him.
She was surprised by his mental condition. He took it considerably calm. Apart from the last night, what could have all meant a nightmare.

“Uh... Sarey, I am thankful for your help. Tremendously grateful. I...” His face twisted in sadness. Tears have flown beneath the bandage around his eyes. “ sorry... Thank you... Thank you so much...” Allan was unable to keep himself from it. He felt his mind to be so weak... His helplessness and grief over his weakness left him in this state. He knew nothing but experienced so much in the past days.
He began to cry uncontrollably.

Sarey was left stunned. Her initial impression of him was shattered in an instant.

“He is just a kid?” She thought to herself. Not like she was any different, but she did not know what he went through.

“C-c-calm down... At least, you can cry just fine.” She muttered.

Around a corner, Zigmund was watching them in a stealth manner. She told him about her last night. The sleeping boy was finally awake, but it went in a way he did not expect, either.

“Was he a victim of some plot? Betrayed or used as a pawn? This will complicate things for sure.” Zigmund helplessly speculated.

He left them alone, after he took the first glance of the being that could drastically change the life of himself and his daughter.

Sarey was trying to comfort him, but she didn’t know how. Unbeknown to her, she grabbed his hand. Allan was crying for a good while before he had no tears left.

“I am sorry to make such a scene.” He said while he still sounded like he had a bag in his throat.

“No worries. I don’t mind.”

“You... You talked about some questions earlier. Can I ask as well?”

“Yeah. Go for it.”

“What is my body like? I can’t tell.”

“Sarey told him about the summary of his injuries. Allan was left in a deep shock. He should not have been alive for that much longer.”

“Deep crevice on my chest? How is it now? Is my heart even there?”

“I think so. Worry about it once you will be able to move freely.”

“And.. Ugh...” Allan struggled to ask.

“Your eyes are destroyed.” Sarey said bluntly. It was better to be honest when it comes to these things.

“I see... Well, I don’t... I am just... I don’t know...”

“Are you angry at the ones who did it to you? I am also curious about you. Not just yourself.” Sarey honestly said.

“I don’t know. It was all too strange and sudden. There was a bright deep crimson light and after that, I can’t remember much at all.”
“You don’t need to care about it for the time being. You are my responsibility, so I will try to help you. If you remember something or anything, you can tell me.”

“No problem. Can I ask about some things too?” Allan was very glad that he was no longer helplessly alone. Sarey’s voice helped him to calm down greatly.


“Where am I?”

“Where? Where do you want to be? Region of Tricloud is the name of the surrounding region and place I found you with my father.”

“Uhm... Is there something that was with me when you found me?” Allan asked, while his voice jumped up a notch. Sudden nervousness enveloped him.

“Yes. What are you looking for?”

“Leather bag, some books were inside.”

“I think there was something like that. I will ask my father about it later.”

“No need. Thank you for telling me that. I doubt it will be useful to me any longer.”

“You don’t have to be so pessimistic, Allan. I am sure there is some way to solve your eye injury.”

You are reading story Mortal’s fate at

“Thanks, I appreciate your optimism. I fear I am too far from it.”

“Just wait and see. Oh.. sorry.”

“Can I talk to your father as well? I must thank him too.”

“No need, Allan. He is not someone worthy of gratitude.”

“Who keeps a stranger like me, injured and near death, in their home?”

“He was against it heavily. Maybe someday, once you get better.”

“You are very generous. I hope you will not regret helping me.”

“Why should I regret it? Or should I?” Sarey changed her tone to a more serious one.

“I don’t know... Taking care of a cripple.”

“Shut up about it already. Deal with it like a man.” She lightly patted his shoulder in a try to sound convincing.
“How old are you anyway, Allan?”

“14 I suppose?”

“Uh? That is younger than I thought.”

“You sound young, too. Not much different from me, either.”

“Well, you are right. We will end this discussion for now. Are you hungry? Thirsty? What about your legs and arms?”

“I would eat something, sure. I can feel my limbs just fine. Even to move them is possible.”

“That is good. I will get you some meal first.”

Sarey left out some things that were on her mind for the time being. She will find another chance to ask him about it later.

“Thank you, Sarey, for saving my life.” Allan said with a stern voice as she got up and left around a corner.

“No problem.” Glancing at the helpless boy, she could only reply normally.

“Uh.” She bumped into Zigmund around a corner. He was leaning against a wall with crossed arms, not so stealthy now.

“F-f-father? What is it? DO you have something to say?”

“No. I had some doubts myself, so I returned. Help as much as you want, but if it’s gonna be too much, I can do something for him as well.”

“Hmph! So generous, father. I hope you will be proud of that.” Sarey stomped angrily to the floor and went around him.

Zigmund sighed and thought about his stance on this matter. He looked out for them just for safety, but he should have probably left them alone and not gone back here again. Once he found out about Allan’s attitude, there was no need to be so serious. He is a victim of the bigger picture. At least he thought that much.

“Fine. fine. I guess I will still go by the advice of my elder brother, but not so much now. I doubt he has anything to do with that treasure.”

Allan was left laying on his back. He was left in the darkness. The only thing he could do was to hear his surroundings. But he felt unnaturally calm. His initial confusion was long gone. He was in a state where he thought about his options like he used to do all the time. It was a habit he had throughout his time with Clayton and his shop.

Soon, Sarey came back with a plate of food.

“I don’t know what you like, Allan. I got some meat and stew from the last days.”

She came to him and fed him some stuff with a spoon.

Allan ate up everything without stopping. His appetite was stronger than ever.
After finishing everything, he wanted even more. Sarey had to use quite a lot of what was prepared for herself and her father.

“Thank you, that was good.” Allan said after eating his fill. He felt like he hadn’t eaten in forever.

“As expected. My father has a restaurant. Our food should be the best you ever tasted.” Sarey said rather proudly.

“Best? Heh. I guess so.” Allan found it on a par with Berg’s cooking, but it wasn’t an everyday meal, so it did not count.

“How is it? Do you feel good?” She asked.

“Can you remove the things around my limbs? I can’t move.”

“Already? It has been just a bit since I made it for you. Your bones should still be healing.”


“Fine. You don't have to tell me twice. They take plenty of space here. Sarey agreed and carefully moved away the wooden support around his limbs, His bandages, and everything. His body was now wrapped in a blanket.

“Ugh. My body feels so heavy, but look? I can still move my fingers.” He lifted his hand and shoved it up and down.

“You healed nicely. And abnormal fast, for mortal…”

“Mortal? You know about the legends of immortals?” He asked in surprise. The world, mortal, is not so commonly used. It is mostly used to distinguish the different attitudes of people who think they are better than others. Although, it has different meanings when the immortals are taken into consideration, as they are quite special beings, with strange stories about them. At least, in the opinion of Allan.

“Yes, I know a thing or two. Although they are basically the same thing as legends. My father thought you would be someone like that. A dangerous fella who fell from beyond this planet. Can you believe it?”

“Huh? Fell?”

“Yes, you looked like you fell from the skies. Nothing weird to think that, right? I hope you won’t hide anything from me, Allan. I like honesty the most.”

“You are really straightforward. I have nothing to hide. Not like I have a home anymore or anything, really...”

“What happened to your home before you fell asleep?”

“War. Bloody and terrifying war. Useless beyond the common senses. I don’t understand it at all. This constant state of greediness and pain.”

“It seems like you experienced a lot. It’s the same way everywhere. People are like this, you know?”

There was a sudden silence. Both of them were unable to find a topic to say. Talk about war is depressing and Sarey knew it. Mild stories that Zigmund told her since young left some impression and eagerness to learn about them, as well as some caution, which was quite useless. She was, after all, learning the world from the person who could be the closest to the immortals she knew.