Chapter 361: The Safeguard

Translator: Kris_Liu  Editor: Vermillion

Bellak was taken aback when he saw the monster squatting next to Lucien. The monster had beautiful and crystal-like scales.

“Dragon?” Bellak immediately recognized the monster and recalled that the Lord of Storm did have a dragon student, so he calmed down.

Alferris lifted its chin and hummed in an arrogant way. It did not want to talk to Bellak.

Seeing the arrogant look on Alferris’ face, Lucien was amused. He turned to Bellak and asked, “Any findings, Bellak?”

“According to our first round of investigation, the sorcerers who brought you the cursed items did not know what the items really were. They all bought the gifts from Lorban’s Shop and since the shop sold these items, it never reopened again. We have no idea whether the owner, Lorban, is still alive or not. However, we can say for sure that the fact should be way more complicated than just some random careless people making the items using the special material by mistake.”

Although a senior-rank mage was not able to invade someone’s brain to read and rewrite one’s memory, he or she could still use some illusion spells to get what they wanted to know from the middle and junior-rank mages.

“No idea whether Lorban is alive or not…” Lucien repeated, murmuring. He wondered whether Lorban had been killed after being utilized as a tool or he had run away as the chief plotter… Lucien believed that the latter was more likely to be the case, as the former would require too much luck and involve a lot of uncertainty to carry out the vicious plan.

Bellak turned the page and said, which confirmed what Lucien was thinking, “So far we believe that Lorban was involved in this whole thing and he knew what he was doing. According to the several sorcerers, they were encouraged by Lorban when they went there buying some common-used potions that they should build a good relationship with you so in the future they could possibly work in the institution. The several sorcerers were regular customers of that shop, and it was Lorban who recommended them to buy those cursed items.”

“I see…” Lucien rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Any further information about this person?”

Alferris seemed to be rather bored. It bent over to the ground and soon fell asleep.

Bellak turned his page again and said, “Lorban, born in Rentato, Holm. His family has been living here since his grandfather’s generation. His magic talent was discovered at the age of twelve and thus he was sent to Allyn magic school. With a relatively good score, he graduated four years later and became a sorcerer, specializing in Light and Darkness, Astrology, Element and Alchemy. Soon after becoming a middle-rank, his soul was severely damaged and became broken in one of his adventure outside of Allyn, and he could not improve his rank any further. He was also not good at studying arcana. Therefore, he started to run the alchemy shop in Allyn. Lorban is single. He’s got no children, and his parents have passed away. He didn’t talk much, and neither did he really have any friends. However, in the last five years, he had become more calm and mild and started to get along with people. He went missing about two days ago and we currently have no clue. We have informed the senior-rank sorcerers specializing in astrology in Punishment Department to see if we can get to know where he is right now. I guess that he has joined the Night Watch.”

“Do we have other methods to approach the case?” Lucien slightly frowned. It seemed that this thing would soon come to an end since Lorban had gone missing.

Bellak was still wearing the same serious look, “We’re still trying to figure out where Lorban got the special materials. Maybe we can catch more spies in this way. Affair Committee is very concerned about your safety, Mr. Evans, so I will be your guard for the following three months since this time period is most likely to be dangerous to you. In Allyn, you can just feel free to walk around and do your own things—don’t mind me. I’ll check around and examine the items that you use. If you’re going to leave Allyn, Mr. Evans, please inform me in advance so I can report to the committee to protect you outside of Allyn.”

“Thank you.” Lucien slightly nodded. At least Affair Committee had shown their proper attitude.

When Bellak was checking the other items in the office, Alferris suddenly stood up and stared at Lucien with his amber-colored, big eyes, “I can do a better job than him! I can be your guard! If you can give me a beautiful Holm Crown ring, you will have me protect you for ten years! I have fulfilled my last compact, so don’t worry, boss!”

“I remember… You once said that a Holm Crown ring could buy you as a guard for a hundred years.” Lucien grinned.

Alferris was a bit surprised and its eyes turn round, “Did I?… I wasn’t really thinking at that time… Boss, you’re getting more Holm Crown rings very soon, and also Immortal Throne amulet, Ice & Snow Medal, Silver Moon Medal…” When Alferris was saying that, its mouth started drooling again, “You just give me one ring, and then you can have a dragon! A dragon that can fight, cook, you can play with, and do experiments on! It’s worth it!”

“These are my honors… I can’t use my honors to pay you…” said Lucien in a pretended serious way. “Also, these magic items are enchanted with senior-rank spells. I should wear them to protect myself.”

“I’m more useful than your items! I know how to cast many senior-rank spells, and I can also fight physically!” Alferris was trying hard to sell itself, “I’m really good at spiritual and mind-affecting magic, and also the ones that work on one’s soul!”

“I don’t think so. Maybe when I become an archmage or a legendary sorcerer, and when these items become my collection, I can consider lending you the rings, amulets and medals for a couple hundred of years.” Lucien was trying to lure Alferris while promising the little dragon nothing really solid.

“A few hundred years?” Alferris’s eyes lit up. For a little dragon like Alferris who was still young, the fact that it could keep the precious items to itself for one or two hundred years was already very tempting. Also, Lucien did not say that it could borrow the items for only once.

Alferris made a cough, and it said in a pretended serious way, “Even if you can become an archmage, I have to wait for many years. Your promise means nothing. I’m not a stupid dragon.”

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The tone of Alferris really resembled that of Fernando.

“I’m not just promising you a fake hope. I’ll pay you every month,” said Lucien. He was saying so because right now he was already relatively rich. The cost of buying the experiment materials was covered by the fund for the institution, and Lucien’s monthly share of profit from Holm Mineral and Harvest was already close to three thousand.

At the same time, after becoming a senior-rank arcanist, Lucien was getting three hundred and eighty arcana points from the Congress. Lucien was also getting three hundred from the Will of Elements. Plus the one thousand and five hundred arcana points that Lucien was getting from Arcana Review Board, his income was no less than that of most senior-rank mages.

Lucien was going to receive a few highest honors, so there was no need for him to make any magic items recently, and thus the cost was saved. So even if he was going to hire a dragon, Lucien would still have enough money for his future senior-rank rites and the construction of his own magic tower.

“I’m expensive,” Alferris emphasized. Then it stuck out its red tongue and licked at Lucien’s hand using moderate strength, “Boss, how much do you want to pay me?”

“Two thousand Thales every month. When I am not out of Allyn and when I don’t need you to be my experiment subject, you’re totally free. So you can earn some more shiny gold coins from other people if you want.” Lucien’s tone was very tempting.

“Really? And I can also borrow your rings, amulets, and medals when you become an archmage?!” Alferris’ big eyes were shining, and it fiercely pulled out a piece of parchment from beneath its belly and said, “Boss, let’s sign a hundred-year compact!”

Lucien was very happy. It was really worth the money he spent to have a dragon whose illusion level was very likely to be the seventh circle as his guard!

“If you are okay with it… Can I pay you in arcana points?” asked Lucien. He guessed that Alferris would prefer to receive shining coins and pieces of jewelry.

“Arcana points? No problem! I can use the points to buy the gems and crystals I like!” Like doing magic, Alferris pulled out a magic badge on which there were seven circles, and, at the same time, it looked at Lucien confusedly, “You don’t like using arcana points? It’s so convenient!”

Lucien felt that he was quite out of date.

After signing the compact, Alferris licked the piece of parchment and folded it carefully. Using the childish voice, it said, “Boss, I need to finish my last compact now.”

“But you said…” Lucien was a bit speechless.

“Almost, almost! Up to five days!” Alferris blinked and waved his claw. In a second, Alferris had already run out of Lucien’s office.

Lucien was just standing there, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Three days later.

Lucien received the notice from the Will of Elements that he was invited to attend the meeting held in the Holm Royal Magic Tower to discuss the Holm Crown prize, and they had also informed him how to get to the magic tower using Hathaway’s demiplane.

“Mr. Evans, for your safety, I have to follow you,” said Bellak.

Lucien nodded. He and Bellak arrived at the top floor of the Will of Elements’ magic tower in Allyn and then turned on the magic circle. The dim light shone.

After feeling a great dizziness, Lucien and Bellak arrived at the land which was seemingly surrounded by the starry sky. The stars were dyed with all the colors, just like the different elements. Up and down, the land had colors of green, yellow, red, gold and more.

Not far away from them, there was a very high tower directly extending to the starry sky. It was the magic tower of Hathaway, the Lord of Elements.

Lucien and Bellak did not have the time to appreciate the breath-taking view in the demiplane. They walked to the other side of the magic tower and activated the magic circle there.

When the light disappeared and when they could see everything in front of them again, they were already on the top floor of the Holm Royal Magic Tower.